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Maybe "doing it wrong" but I watched I'm Alan Partridge which was fantastic. I start Knowing Me Knowing you lastnight and didnt like episode 1 really. It was nowhere near subtle enough. Should I stick with it?

Absolutely. It’s pretty farcical but by 2nd/3rd episode you’ll love it. Curious as to what you don’t fancy about KMKY?
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11 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
13 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

Absolutely. It’s pretty farcical but by 2nd/3rd episode you’ll love it. Curious as to what you don’t fancy about KMKY?

Just thought it was a bit OTT compared to the others iv watched. A bit silly really.

I'd say watch it all the way through. I think it's the sheer silliness is what makes it for me, different strokes and all that though. 

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I'd say watch it all the way through. I think it's the sheer silliness is what makes it for me, different strokes and all that though. 
Dont get me wrong there were bits I laughed at but they were the bits where he says or does something off the cuff that's a bit.... Partridge. I will keep on going with it though.
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I've been doing a full rewatch of The Thick of It on Netflix and I have kind of concluded that it might be a little bit overrated. The first two seasons, mostly because of Hugh Abbot, are excellent, but that is six episodes (plus two specials). Whilst still having some very good moments, I think it loses direction in the third and fourth seasons and the quality of writing is notably poorer.

Jamie is also a better and funnier character than Malcolm, I think. 

Edited by DrewDon
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I've been doing a full rewatch of The Thick of It on Netflix and I have kind of concluded that it might be a little bit overrated. The first two seasons, mostly because of Hugh Abbot, are excellent, but that is six episodes (plus two specials). Whilst still having some very good moments, I think it loses direction in the third and fourth seasons and the quality of writing is notably poorer.
Jamie is also a better and funnier character than Malcolm, I think. 
I'd never seen it before but heard good things so watched a couple of episodes a month ago. I think the current political climate probably kills it.
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Anyone else spot Neymar in Money Heist? This crap of putting random celebs in TV shows has to stop.


Nearly at the end of season 3 just now. Not quite getting the transition of Raquel from the inspector to one of the criminals. It just doesn't seem right.



Edit: I see he is in another episode as well



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On 16/04/2020 at 16:26, glassnahalf said:

 Innocence Files. Watched up to part 3 and the catalogue of miscarriages of justice is jawdropping. 

I'm not even past ep. 1. Thank f**k for subtitles. 

That guy who put up the dentistry argument is a balloon. I really hope he's trying to act like Jim Ross from the WWE and isn't actually like that in his professional life. 

Edit : good to see him called out in ep. 2.

Edited by Dele
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Anyone else spot Neymar in Money Heist? This crap of putting random celebs in TV shows has to stop.

Nearly at the end of season 3 just now. Not quite getting the transition of Raquel from the inspector to one of the criminals. It just doesn't seem right.

Edit: I see he is in another episode as well

I was watching money heist late at night when I first noticed Neymar in it, did a double take :lol:

Have just finished s4 of it and can’t praise it enough. Can’t go into too much detail as not sure how to use spoilers on phone but it’s a show where you end up properly gutted at some of the deaths.
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Can’t go into too much detail as not sure how to use spoilers on phone but it’s a show where you end up properly gutted at some of the deaths.

Especially one in particular. Couldnt believe it :(

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23 hours ago, throbber said:

If you want to watch something too long try and watch Staircase.

Thought Tiger King was okay, was fairly happy when it finished though tbh. Americans being absolute screwballs is nothing new.

Finished Tiger King last night and felt much the same as you. A very good show which on the whole I enjoyed, but didn’t think it was as good as I expected given all the hype it’s had.

Carol Baskin is a definite wrong ‘un though.

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I was watching money heist late at night when I first noticed Neymar in it, did a double take default_laugh.png Have just finished s4 of it and can’t praise it enough. Can’t go into too much detail as not sure how to use spoilers on phone but it’s a show where you end up properly gutted at some of the deaths.  



7 episodes left. Unless I've missed it, still don't think they've mentioned how they'll escape. 

This is how to use spoilers on your phone btw. Delete the exclamation marks inside the brackets. 

[spoiler!!]Insert spoiler text here[/spoiler!!]










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On 17/04/2020 at 13:48, DrewDon said:

I've been doing a full rewatch of The Thick of It on Netflix and I have kind of concluded that it might be a little bit overrated. The first two seasons, mostly because of Hugh Abbot, are excellent, but that is six episodes (plus two specials). Whilst still having some very good moments, I think it loses direction in the third and fourth seasons and the quality of writing is notably poorer.

Jamie is also a better and funnier character than Malcolm, I think. 

I kind of get what you mean, the last 2 seasons are different but I dont think necassarily poorer. Hugh was an excellent character and absolutley hilarious but obv couldn't keep him when all the stuff about Chris Langham being a paedo came out. Nicola was alright, she was majorly incompetent but just not as funny to watch as Hugh, could blame that on the writing but also think it would've been strange if they'd replace him with someone who was exactly the same. 

The opposition/Tories introduced in the Specials/Season 3 were great though, Mannion was fucking hilarious, Stewart was great to watch and Fergus/Adam were good portayals of the Lib Dems. The final season story was a bit all over the place story wise and I think it is def the weakest of the 4 but also has some great moments, the whole of the Thought Camp episode and then the Inquiry were great (I'm just a lad from Leeds with a lust for life). So aye after saying all this it probably is poorer but I think a lot of that is down to things outside the show (Langham, the Coalition Government).

Also Jamie is class but he's not better than Malcolm imo, he's just in it less and that makes you remember his rants/outbursts more.

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1 minute ago, The Golden God said:

I kind of get what you mean, the last 2 seasons are different but I dont think necassarily poorer. Hugh was an excellent character and absolutley hilarious but obv couldn't keep him when all the stuff about Chris Langham being a paedo came out. Nicola was alright, she was majorly incompetent but just not as funny to watch as Hugh, could blame that on the writing but also think it would've been strange if they'd replace him with someone who was exactly the same. 

The opposition/Tories introduced in the Specials/Season 3 were great though, Mannion was fucking hilarious, Stewart was great to watch and Fergus/Adam were good portayals of the Lib Dems. The final season story was a bit all over the place story wise and I think it is def the weakest of the 4 but also has some great moments, the whole of the Thought Camp episode and then the Inquiry were great (I'm just a lad from Leeds with a lust for life). So aye after saying all this it probably is poorer but I think a lot of that is down to things outside the show (Langham, the Coalition Government).

Also Jamie is class but he's not better than Malcolm imo, he's just in it less and that makes you remember his rants/outbursts more.

They were definitely caught out by David Miliband not becoming Labour leader in 2010, so Dan Miller couldn't immediately step into the role he was supposed to fill for Series 4. Nicola was then a square peg in a round hole - she had never been portrayed as competent, popular or even ambitious at DoSAC, so it just didn't make sense from the start that she eventually ended up in the position she did. 

I'm maybe being a bit hyperbolic by saying that Jamie is a 'better' character than Malcolm. But I think there is an element of people thinking that an angry Scottish man swearing a lot is inherently funny, especially people who aren't Scottish themselves, and I think that contributes heavily to Malcolm's enduring popularity as a character. 

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Jamie is also an angry Scottish man swearing a lot?

FWIW I think Nicola Murray was a much better character than Dan Miller, not sure there was enough about him to pin a whole series around.

I agree that the first couple of series were better than the last couple, but it was all very good. The special episodes were its absolutely peak, I reckon. Some of the best television ever.

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