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The normalisation of the far-right continues

Guest Bob Mahelp

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43 minutes ago, WhiteLight said:

Who the f**k or what are the far right?!

Another overused term that the woke cancel culture mob wet themselves over.

Are they the ones who don’t want history revised, or kids taught the flawed and divisive critical race theory, or those who dont want the kids corrupted and poisoned with LGBTQ+++++ shite at primary school.

I’m a socialist, but I’ll gladly be in the far right box if thats wtf the far right stand for.

The planet had gone full moron with no mark sad sacks trying their utmost to be relevant.

You are correct about these descriptions which are banded about and bear no resemblance to reality.

Everyone to the right is classed a fascist or nazi. People to the left are called progressive which means very little.

Unlike yourself I am a Conservative Unionist and agree with all your socially conservative policies as outlined above.

Funnily enough I come from a working class, Council house background and my parents and neighbours would have agreed with you 100%.

I think the reason that so many Labour seats in English working class areas have gone Conservative is due to Labour embracing all those crazy science defying policies which you so eloquently describe. 
I would guess you believe in science based sex and gender?

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Who the f**k or what are the far right?!
Another overused term that the woke cancel culture mob wet themselves over.
Are they the ones who don’t want history revised, or kids taught the flawed and divisive critical race theory, or those who dont want the kids corrupted and poisoned with LGBTQ+++++ shite at primary school.
I’m a socialist, but I’ll gladly be in the far right box if thats wtf the far right stand for.
The planet had gone full moron with no mark sad sacks trying their utmost to be relevant.
Remarkably similar throw-shite-at-the-wall style to BlueBear there.
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Who the f**k or what are the far right?!
Another overused term that the woke cancel culture mob wet themselves over.
Are they the ones who don’t want history revised, or kids taught the flawed and divisive critical race theory, or those who dont want the kids corrupted and poisoned with LGBTQ+++++ shite at primary school.
I’m a socialist, but I’ll gladly be in the far right box if thats wtf the far right stand for.
The planet had gone full moron with no mark sad sacks trying their utmost to be relevant.

History is always being revised it’s literally the point of the discipline
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Hang on, WTF is George Galloway doing on P&B?

Mon the socially liberal democratic socialist centrists! Just got to find a tune to get people fired up.

Edited by welshbairn
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3 hours ago, WhiteLight said:

The planet had gone full moron with no mark sad sacks trying their utmost to be relevant.

Not a hint of irony.

Join your other troll accounts on the ignore list.

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Just waiting for the "actually, Poland invaded Germany first, so it was really their fault" bit. Has Detournement created another account since he promoted displacement theory?

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2 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:


Unlike yourself I am a Conservative Unionist and agree with all your socially conservative policies as outlined above.

Funnily enough I come from a working class, Council house background and my parents and neighbours would have agreed with you 100%.


Do you know what Dawson- fair play to you here. 

Most working class Tories are ashamed of backing that party to the extent that you get the old "I don't really follow politics" line thrown out more often than not. I don't agree with a lot of your views but I respect them and you'll argue the toss.

I've got more than a few acquaintances that moan like f**k about the usual stuff (Nippy/BLM/"let's get on with it"*) but when you delve deeper they trot out the "don't follow politics" schtick. Embarrassed to call themselves a Conservative. 

I have the utmost respect for those who can explain why they support whomever they support and I wish people would be more open about things. 

*delete as applicable 



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