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The Official Airdrieonians Thread - 2019/20 and beyond

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14 minutes ago, ShineOnYouCrazyDiamonds said:

I personally don’t like them and I’m obviously not alone in that as an Airdrie fan, but it’s a bit of an awkward one because there’s obviously nothing actually wrong with the flags. There are others that like them and like having it as part of the club’s identity, and others that don’t really care and aren’t bothered much about it either way. It probably works out that those that like that aspect are the loudest section of the support, and they’re brilliant for loudly getting behind the team as they did last night - of course them being the loudest means our fanbase gets the reputation of all being that way. The majority of fans are either like myself, don’t like them but accept them as it’s an unchangeable aspect of our support, or just aren’t bothered about them at all.

There’s a lot of fans that support the SNP and independence (including an SNP MP) that are just a less vocal section of the crowd. I’m not an SNP supporter personally and not particularly passionate about independence but I’m a socialist that’s very wary of British nationalism.

Hopefully that clears it up a bit. I’d say it’s very much a mixed fanbase but that one side of it is more vocal which means they play a bigger role in shaping the reputation of the club with others.

word for word. 

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Some great performances yesterday but wanted to comment on Charlie Telfer - I thought he was really good at getting the ball down and making us play. Slotted in to the starting line up after a bit of an absence with no issues.


McGregor too - best performance from him in an airdrie shirt and just goes to show how a slightly different appraoch can pay dividends....Tumilty looked solid and gave Smith all he could handle, but crumpled against McG.

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3 minutes ago, Moon said:

Some great performances yesterday but wanted to comment on Charlie Telfer - I thought he was really good at getting the ball down and making us play. Slotted in to the starting line up after a bit of an absence with no issues.


McGregor too - best performance from him in an airdrie shirt and just goes to show how a slightly different appraoch can pay dividends....Tumilty looked solid and gave Smith all he could handle, but crumpled against McG.

First 20 or so minutes when we were on top before their goal Telfer was outstanding I thought, then later on Devenny replaced him and also done very well. McGregor’s a great option from the bench to use his pace against tired legs, and yesterday he was brilliant.

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9 hours ago, Glenmavis Diamond said:

Many fans were unsure about the appointment of McCabe at the start of the season. Some have even slated it and him during the season. Today he proved it was the right move. He's done for our club in one season what several managers have failed to do for a long time. He deserves the plaudits as he's masterminded promotion. He has built a team made of skill and steel. They did it today. They deserve our respect. And next season, with improved knowledge and ability, who knows what we can achieve. ♦️

I think it was only right some doubted the appointment. A 29 year old player manager was an incredibly bold shout (and in that sense, not sure why he then got the stick he got during the season - it was always going to be a steep learning curve for him). Especially when you pair him with his 30 year old(?) cousin as assistant! However, as you rightly say, the appointment has been completely vindicated (I think it already had been going into the play offs to be honest). 

Thought Fordyce has been absolutely immense the last few games especially btw. And McCabe has obviously showed his leadership on and off the park - stepping up and taking responsibility when it mattered. We’re in good hands. 

But that yesterday will take a few days to sink it. 91 minutes!!! It was that close. The goal saved the season, got us out this league after 10 years, and finally won us a play off at the 10th attempt. Amazing, and sums the character of that team up.  

Edited by Airdrie76
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3 hours ago, KD1711 said:

I thought that McGregor was amazing when he came on.

Still can’t believe we managed to turn it round yesterday. 

Hopefully we get the likes of Killie and Dundee United down as that will be great crowds wise.

Dundee United won't bring a great crowd, anytime we have played them in the past, the travelling support has been poor.

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31 minutes ago, ShineOnYouCrazyDiamonds said:

I personally don’t like them and I’m obviously not alone in that as an Airdrie fan, but it’s a bit of an awkward one because there’s obviously nothing actually wrong with the flags. There are others that like them and like having it as part of the club’s identity, and others that don’t really care and aren’t bothered much about it either way. It probably works out that those that like that aspect are the loudest section of the support, and they’re brilliant for loudly getting behind the team as they did last night - of course them being the loudest means our fanbase gets the reputation of all being that way. The majority of fans are either like myself, don’t like them but accept them as it’s an unchangeable aspect of our support, or just aren’t bothered about them at all.

There’s a lot of fans that support the SNP and independence (including an SNP MP) that are just a less vocal section of the crowd. I’m not an SNP supporter personally and not particularly passionate about independence but I’m a socialist that’s very wary of British nationalism.

Hopefully that clears it up a bit. I’d say it’s very much a mixed fanbase but that one side of it is more vocal which means they play a bigger role in shaping the reputation of the club with others.

Yeah I would concur with this sentiment completely. As an agnostic, independence supporter from a largely Catholic family background I probably don't fit the stereotype that a lot of fans have of Airdrie, but the reality is there are hundreds exactly like me every week at games. As SOYCD sums up, I don't like it but accept it's part and parcel of supporting the club.

Edited by cb_diamond
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24 minutes ago, ShineOnYouCrazyDiamonds said:

I personally don’t like them and I’m obviously not alone in that as an Airdrie fan, but it’s a bit of an awkward one because there’s obviously nothing actually wrong with the flags. There are others that like them and like having it as part of the club’s identity, and others that don’t really care and aren’t bothered much about it either way. It probably works out that those that like that aspect are the loudest section of the support, and they’re brilliant for loudly getting behind the team as they did last night - of course them being the loudest means our fanbase gets the reputation of all being that way. The majority of fans are either like myself, don’t like them but accept them as it’s an unchangeable aspect of our support, or just aren’t bothered about them at all.

There’s a lot of fans that support the SNP and independence (including an SNP MP) that are just a less vocal section of the crowd. I’m not an SNP supporter personally and not particularly passionate about independence but I’m a socialist that’s very wary of British nationalism.

Hopefully that clears it up a bit. I’d say it’s very much a mixed fanbase but that one side of it is more vocal which means they play a bigger role in shaping the reputation of the club with others.

Obviously the union flags do stand out a bit however I'd say yesterday and at many other games they were outnumbered by other flags. There were three traditional union flags that I saw and the rest were either red/white saltire style, one or 2 of a union flag style but in red and white and the remainder were ones with the club badge and those of other associated clubs or other logo and slogans.


Personally I fucking hate the union flag but it's a game of fitba and if folks want to cheer the team behind one of them then so be it, it's creating atmosphere which is what we want so long as there are no far right antics going with it. I will say that these things are indicative of the individuals concerned and not of the majority of the support.

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1 hour ago, Monkey Tennis said:


An exciting side this season, who gave us all a great comedy highlight, with that 1st leg, 1st half against Falkirk.  You've done a lot of languishing in what is now our established home, so it must feel great.

I don't want to strike a sour note, and it's no doubt been done to death, but seriously, why so many Union Flags?  Obviously, I know of (but don't understand) the association, but I'd genuinely thought that was a bit of a dated stick to beat you guys with.  Last night, however, would suggest that kind of sentiment has a foothold. 

Do lots of you cringe round that stuff, or is it an identity you're at ease with?

I genuinely do come in peace here, even if it doesn't sound like it.  I just found it as striking a sight on telly, as I did, a puzzling one. 

Airdrie banners are all that is needed ,been a supporter for many years don't understand it myself ,

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On another note, how nice is it to go into the close season without the customary fear that all the decent players will automatically disappear as we didn't get promoted again. Would be great to hold on to the spine of the team, Rae, Ballantyne, Friz, Smith, Gabby, Gall. Obviously Rhys and Dycey will still be playing. Who else would folk like us to keep/bring in?

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Away from the subject of flags and onto the game/season, I'd say that over the piece we've done very well and probably better than could have been anticipated at the start of the season under our rookie management team. Especially so when it became clear that there wasn't anyone else coming in to provide experience/assistance to them. That may well have been the decision of McCabe and Fordyce though.


McCabe has clearly been on a steep learning curve throughout the season and there have been times when the support has questioned the wisdom of him being on the pitch while trying to manage, especially when things weren't going as well. The hammering at home to Edinburgh and his post match statement of not wanting to change style despite being down to 10 men for the majority of the match caused some consternation as it seemed unnecessarily headstrong and showing lack of willingness to make necessary changes. I think we saw during the 1st leg v Falkirk that he was capable of considering alternative strategy when again down to 10 men.


He has a favoured style of football which is pleasing on the eye and is one which fans are willing to get behind and hopefully we can make necessary additions to the squad to allow him to continue to play this way in the championship while getting results.


Yesterday we got the end result we needed however at the time I was questioning the decision not to make changes earlier. Telfer  had a very good first 45 but seemed to tire quickly in the second and I'd have liked that change sooner and possibly Stanway on earlier too. 


At the end of the day we got the result we needed though so that's all that matters and now we await the list of who stays and who goes.

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4 hours ago, KD1711 said:

I thought that McGregor was amazing when he came on.


He really changed the tempo of the game and terrified Accies. Tumulity (can’t be arsed to look it up properly) had looked good against Smith, but couldn’t cope with McGregor.

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Following Airdrie home and away for the last 10 years, there’s been absolutely countless lows from losing 3-0 to Brechin on a Tuesday night 9pm Ko, 7-1 to Arbroath and the amount of leads we blew in the last 5 mins of games, for that to happen yesterday It’s still not sunk in. I don’t think I’ll have a better day supporting Airdrie, hope everyone had a great night! 
Alexa, play pump it up♦️♦️

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40 minutes ago, Mybitchunderprotest said:

Obviously the union flags do stand out a bit however I'd say yesterday and at many other games they were outnumbered by other flags. There were three traditional union flags that I saw and the rest were either red/white saltire style, one or 2 of a union flag style but in red and white and the remainder were ones with the club badge and those of other associated clubs or other logo and slogans.


Personally I fucking hate the union flag but it's a game of fitba and if folks want to cheer the team behind one of them then so be it, it's creating atmosphere which is what we want so long as there are no far right antics going with it. I will say that these things are indicative of the individuals concerned and not of the majority of the support.

The old union Jack eh always riles supporters of all clubs,    is this not what modern society is all about though, differring views and cultures ,but all supporting the same cause,    


I think we all forget as well the old club tradition of flying the union jack above the old pavilion early on a match day,  to show the game was on,  how many of us were sent doin the hill to see if the game was on, in a cold winter morning as a child. +(pre internet, sky etc)

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1 hour ago, ShineOnYouCrazyDiamonds said:

I personally don’t like them and I’m obviously not alone in that as an Airdrie fan, but it’s a bit of an awkward one because there’s obviously nothing actually wrong with the flags. There are others that like them and like having it as part of the club’s identity, and others that don’t really care and aren’t bothered much about it either way. It probably works out that those that like that aspect are the loudest section of the support, and they’re brilliant for loudly getting behind the team as they did last night - of course them being the loudest means our fanbase gets the reputation of all being that way. The majority of fans are either like myself, don’t like them but accept them as it’s an unchangeable aspect of our support, or just aren’t bothered about them at all.

There’s a lot of fans that support the SNP and independence (including an SNP MP) that are just a less vocal section of the crowd. I’m not an SNP supporter personally and not particularly passionate about independence but I’m a socialist that’s very wary of British nationalism.

Hopefully that clears it up a bit. I’d say it’s very much a mixed fanbase but that one side of it is more vocal which means they play a bigger role in shaping the reputation of the club with others.

Thanks for this and the other response that treated my inquiry in good faith.

I'd imagine that if my local club had such associations for whatever reason, I'd find myself feeling similarly.


Out of interest, where do the associations come from in the first place?  The 'without a bus fare' thing gets thrown at various supports from time time, but I don't think the other Lanarkshire teams would have anything like those visuals in their crowds.  


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Been keeping quiet the last few weeks so not to jinx anything or tempt fate. I’m a superstitious old git. Anyway not sure if anyone else has said but I’m more confident in the board now than I was originally. The way they quietly go about the business (tell us eff all), at least they’re not dishing out the patronising claptrap that some do. They have thought out the box for the last two manager appointments. I for one favoured the cautious/ steady hand approach (Duffy) at the time but what do I know? We’ve seen how that panned out for Dumbarton and Clyde. Murray eventually provided a swashbuckling helter skelter of a team that galvanised and reenergised the fans. I also was surprised by the appointment of Rhys and Calum but Murrayball was replaced with energetic enthralling football that we haven’t seen since Archibalds Spanish Armada. I’m sure if Frizzell hadn’t been injured for the 6 weeks or so and we hadn’t had the bad spell after the Challenge Cup defeat the league title wouldn’t have been so clear cut for Dunfermline. That’s been part of the fun though. Strengthen the midfield (I think it’s a bit lightweight for the championship), a full back and centre half and we’re sorted for next season. 
Finally, that was brilliant yesterday. To see the joy on my daughters face when it finished makes the last ten years of misery worthwhile. 

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On the subject of flags I personally don't like the union flag and we take a Saltire along with club crest but I also have no issues with anyone who does it is there choice they are Airdrie fans same as me. 


Onto the game. That was intense but as last gasp goals go I don't think Airdrie will ever have a bigger one. So proud of my team and looking forward to enjoying this moment over the summer and what The Championship brings next season 🍾🙌♦️

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On the subject of flags, I couldn’t care less. Matters not a jot to me or anyone else in the grand scheme of things if there is a Union Jack at the game, why would it. And the day after we’ve been promoted, let’s not derail this thread by pandering to an opposition supporter!

Edited by Airdrie76
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