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Outstanding film, Phoenix was absolutely phenomenal.

The music was excellent, the cinematography was excellent but most of all Joaquin Phoenix was excellent. His performance will obviously be compared to Ledgers and in my opinion, was better.

Last 20 minutes of the film was perfect.

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10 hours ago, SweeperDee said:

I don’t particularly think Phoenix wants to do the role again. Nothing to really base it off, just a gut feeling.

I'm kinda hoping he doesn 't. It would be good to leave it as it is without booting the arse out of it.

I read that DC are planning a series of dark, alternative movies based upon their various characters so I'd be interested to see what else they've got up their sleeve. I read a graphic novel called Red Son a few years ago. An alternative version of Superman where he grows up in the USSR and becomes a Stalinist agent. I believe there's an animated movie of that in the pipeline.

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The entire movie rests on Phoenix selling the downfall. And by god, he does it. It's a soul destroying performance at times, and I couldn't watch it at times. This NEEDS to be considered at least for Actor by the Academy.

Kudos to De Niro for nailing his small role. It wasn't much but it was SO vital.

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It's pretty decent IMO - I can definitely see why folk love it.

Phoenix is fantastic, the score's good and there are some stunning shots. It's a testament to JP, TP and the other writer that you manage to feel just about every possible emotion towards Arthur.

My main, maybe only (but it is quite a big one to me), issue is that there were a lot of examples of not trusting the audience and just going too far with explanations of feelings, themes etc. I would've preferred more restraint, but hey, that wasn't their intention.

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21 hours ago, Andrew Wells said:

The entire movie rests on Phoenix selling the downfall. And by god, he does it. It's a soul destroying performance at times, and I couldn't watch it at times. This NEEDS to be considered at least for Actor by the Academy.

Kudos to De Niro for nailing his small role. It wasn't much but it was SO vital.

Heartily agree with the De Niro bit.


Right near the end, there were a few little things I thought I noticed with Murray; i) that in the dressing room beforehand he was genuinely cordial with Joker and indulged his request to be announced by the name, and ii) the switch in tone and how he talked to him after Joker claimed responsibility for the subway killings. Thought he played the switch from showman to concerned citizen (if that's what you'd call it, idk) really well.

Joker made the point earlier in the film that he wasn't being listened to with the psychiatrist, and by the time Murray was genuinely talking through Joker's concerns, listening to everything he was saying and asking the right questions, it was too late.


Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Excellent film and I really hope that Martin Scorsese has watched it, especially after his recent comments regarding the genre, as the whole thing is basically a homage to him!!!

and I still stand by my earlier comment, this thing is going to win Oscars!!!

And that laugh, when he’s walking from his boss’s office, that was hair standing on the back of the neck stuff!!!




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Excellent film and I really hope that Martin Scorsese has watched it, especially after his recent comments regarding the genre, as the whole thing is basically a homage to him!!!
and I still stand by my earlier comment, this thing is going to win Oscars!!!
And that laugh, when he’s walking from his boss’s office, that was hair standing on the back of the neck stuff!!!
Really? I really don't see where the outrage is coming from in regards to the violence. There is one scene that was pretty brutal (big guy and wee guy in his room) but apart from that it was quite tame. A guy getting a kickin' isn't anything new. The scene near the end is a bit mental but it's been done before and far from brutally. I wouldn't even have it in the top 3 De Niro films for violence. Some folk need to relax a bit.

As for the film I really enjoyed it. The score added massively to the drama. There was an early scene where he was walking up stairs and a combination of Phoenix's acting and the music made me feel like I was struggling up the stairs. Phoenix steals it though. Any doubters he had he'll have shut them up. He played it superbly. To watch a man spiral into madness is hard viewing and he does it so well. It was good to see a Superhero film from that point of view. We think Batman is the good guy and Joker the bad one and that's that. But I found myself sympathising with him in huge spells.

I said it before and I stick by it: you can't compare Phoenix with Ledger's portrayal of the character. They are two entirely different people. Phoenix has showed us superbly, Joker delving in to madness and Ledger played a cracked man. Both were excellent.

I've already commented on the violence but I find it strange these morons have brought up a nothing issue with the violence rather than credit the film for it's look in to mental health. It's more relevant now than it's ever been and I was watching thinking you can't truly know a person's breaking point nor will you always know what's going on in their personal life. Maybe delve more into that rather than focussing on trying to link films to violence.
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Can only echo what’s been said here except for that fucking music score.  Might have been the shitty vue cinema but I found the sound mix to be terrible.  The music drowned out dialogue at some points.  And it ain’t a patch on Zimmers Joker theme.  

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Can only echo what’s been said here except for that fucking music score.  Might have been the shitty vue cinema but I found the sound mix to be terrible.  The music drowned out dialogue at some points.  And it ain’t a patch on Zimmers Joker theme.  
Nah it wasn't as good as Zimmer but it was very good. Definitely added to the mood being expressed by Arthur.

On the sequel topic I really hope they leave it as it is. The whole point for me was seeing Joker's spiral. The next step is him building his criminal empire, which has been done already.
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Never had that feeling that others have described leaving the cinema but I've been thinking back on the film throughout today weirdly enough.

Phoenix must have lost a shitload of weight and there was a scene near the end where he came down the stairs where his movements were very similar to Nicholson's in the art museum scene. Duno if it was intentional but I did enjoy that part.

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Went this afternoon, loved it. Quite a few times I caught myself sitting wide mouth just completely engrossed in it. As has been said numerous times, Phoenix is phenomenal in his role. 

The dialogue on the talk show was brilliant. 

One of, if not my favourite film of the last few years. 

I might go back and watch it again. 

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