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Runners and Riders.... Next PM.

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18 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Wind your necks in guys, this Rodger character is either a wind-up merchant or one of the sizeable number of Scots who haven't the wherewithal to look beyond their own narrow self-interest.
I don't mind if these folk don't much fancy independence but experience tells me that they are mostly quite comfortable with 1 in 4 kids here growing up in poverty, rocketing homelessness, etc , as long as it doesn't impinge on their situation. As such, he's a natural Tory.
I'd go for the latter.

If we can't have rational discussions with Tories who are contemplating ditching the party, and not full scale trolling for a change, then we'll be stuck with the 45%  again next time around.

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It’s being reported that the biggest applause at today’s Tory leadership hustings was for Andrea Loathsome.  When she was asked the biggest failing of the government she replied “Not getting rid of the Speaker”.

Just take a minute t think about that.

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Just now, John Lambies Doos said:
1 hour ago, welshbairn said:
Seems like she's scraped through.

No surprise McVeys two are men. Probably promised them she'd put her heels on and walk naked over them.

I googled Ben Bradley, he's a fucking liability, she must have been desperate.


In March 2016, Bradley said that he had made up a claim he posted online that Ashfield District Council had spent £17,000 on paying an Indian company to call local residents from a call centre in Mumbai. After a local newspaper contacted Bradley to ask him about the false claims, he responded: "I admit the post about using an Indian call centre was untrue and I took it down. I was just emphasising the point that the Council was wasting money."[21]

Whilst working for the Conservative MP Mark Spencer, both Bradley and Spencer were criticised in 2017 by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards for misusing taxpayers' resources, such as the MP's newsletter, to link to "overtly party-political content". Bradley was sent on a training course on how to appropriately use parliamentary resources.[22][23]

On 8 January 2018, during Theresa May's Cabinet reshuffle, Bradley was appointed as the Vice Chair for Youth at CCHQ.[24] He later submitted his letter of resignation from this position on 10 July 2018.[25]

Shortly after his appointment as a Conservative Party Vice Chair in January 2018, Bradley attracted criticism for a 2012 blog post,[26] in which he wrote of a "vast sea of unemployed wasters" who he suggested should have vasectomies in order to stop them having multiple children. He subsequently apologised for the remarks, saying that his "time in politics has allowed me to mature and I now realise that this language is not appropriate".[27] This apology attracted further criticism[by whom?] for addressing only the language used, rather than the sentiment that unemployed persons should be sterilised.[28]

He apologised after comments about police brutality were revealed by The Times newspaper, which uncovered his comment, apparently written on 9 August 2011: "We need to come down hard on these morons before somebody gets killed! If we have any sense as a nation, we’ll stay home tonight and make it easy for the police to find the ones hanging around town centres with their faces covered. For once, I think police brutality should be encouraged!" The comment was made three days after Mark Duggan was killed by the police, an event which led to the 2011 riots in London and other English cities.[29][30]

Bradley was further criticised in 2018 for a 2011 blog post titled "Public sector workers: they don't know they're born!", in which he suggested that public sector workers should find alternative employment if they are unhappy with pay or working conditions.[31][32]

In February 2018, Bradley falsely accused Jeremy Corbyn on Twitter of having "sold British secrets to communist spies" during the 1980s. Corbyn responded by instructing his solicitors to require Bradley to delete his tweet or face legal action on the grounds of libel.[33] Bradley deleted the tweet following this legal complaint from Corbyn.[34][35] He subsequently issued a full apology, agreed to make a substantial donation to a charity of Corbyn's choice and agreed to pay Corbyn's legal costs. A spokesman for Corbyn stated that the donation would be split between a homeless charity and a food bank, in Bradley’s constituency of Mansfield.[36][37] It was subsequently reported that two Conservative Party donors had paid the £15,000 donation to the charities on behalf of Bradley.[38] The apologetic post that Bradley made on Twitter became the most-shared tweet ever made by a Conservative MP.[38][39]

In June 2018, it was alleged that in 2016 Bradley had threatened a journalist from The Hucknall Dispatch, that his party would stop cooperating with the local newspaper if it ran a story concerning a local Conservative councillor, who had shared online posts mocking Muslims and disabled welfare benefit claimants in November 2016. Bradley defended the councillor, who was suspended in June 2018 following an investigation, and after a further news article was published.[40]

In October 2018, Bradley advertised for a "talented video editor" to make a "slick and engaging" promotional video for him. The role would be unpaid. When criticised for asking for skilled work for free, Bradley said: "It's not slavery, if you don't want to do it, don't do it. ... No doubt you'd equally be moaning if I claimed expenses for a promotional video."[41]


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51 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
2 hours ago, welshbairn said:
Seems like she's scraped through.

No surprise McVeys two are men. Probably promised them she'd put her heels on and walk naked over them.

Why don’t you keep the sexist pish to yourself.

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4 hours ago, Im_Rodger said:

It contributes to the overall picture of who wins the election.

This is because Scotland is smaller than the rest of the UK.

7 Million people don't get to decide the government of a country with a population of 66 Million. 

Not so, with all of the Scottish Islands included  Scotland is geographically larger.


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Did you see the brief Laura Kuenssberg interview with dodgy Rory Stewart tonight, he was giving it the big man pose sitting on an armchair with his legs wide open, honestly the dude is suspect as feck, plus I see he was born in Hong Kong and now I know why he wouldn't look out of place in a chinese takeaway.

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9 minutes ago, Colkitto said:


We have been no lube shafted by the Westminster government for decades over our oil revenues which solely benefit southern england.

Our grandchildren will in future ask why we allowed them to rob us.

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14 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

So Johnson’s big idea is to introduce a tax cut that would benefit less than 10% of the adult population.

If he ends up PM then no one can accuse him of hiding his true intentions.

Interestingly enough, MP's earn £79500.

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5 hours ago, Im_Rodger said:

Likely to increase taxes. 

Very high chance Scotland would elect a left wing party post independence and I believe it would become evident that the first 5-10 years would require a higher influx of cash to get the whole thing up and running. There will be a lot of new departments needing created post independence. 

After the transitional period Scotland will be fine, reason I don't want independence is because I don't fancy going through a transitional period at all. 

Tell the truth, its cause you're a raging British nationalist.  Its as simple as that, you're convoluted pish doesn't do a great job of masking the truth.

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5 hours ago, Im_Rodger said:

Scotland has not voted for a right wing or centrist party for 100+ years. 

A centrist party has been in power in Scotland for 12 years, winning 11 national elections in a row.  Absolutely shocked to find your views don't stand up to even the slightest scrutiny.

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1 hour ago, MixuFixit said:

Here's hoping it's Jeremy Hunt just because the number of folk accidentally calling him Jeremy c**t will go through the roof

But will be exceeded by the number of folk doing it deliberately.

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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

If we can't have rational discussions with Tories who are contemplating ditching the party, and not full scale trolling for a change, then we'll be stuck with the 45%  again next time around.

Bullshit, he's never going to vote yes, and his disgusting views are worthy only of ridicule.

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