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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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30 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


That won't go through Parliament if the backstop remains in place.


I'm not convinced it wouldn't, you know. There are a baseline of about 200 Tory MPs who backed the May deal 3 times that would vote for it again. The remaining Tory MPs would prefer a no deal, but I reckon Labour/LD/SNP would back May's deal if it was truly the only option left to avoid no deal.

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I'm not convinced it wouldn't, you know. There are a baseline of about 200 Tory MPs who backed the May deal 3 times that would vote for it again. The remaining Tory MPs would prefer a no deal, but I reckon Labour/LD/SNP would back May's deal if it was truly the only option left to avoid no deal.

I’m not sure that they would all back May’s deal, pretty sure the SNP wouldn’t as it is, basically, a completely shit deal.
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56 minutes ago, GordonS said:
5 hours ago, Jambomo said:

I’m not sure that they would all back May’s deal, pretty sure the SNP wouldn’t as it is, basically, a completely shit deal.

Can I ask, honestly and sincerely, what you don't like about the deal?


The backstop?

The best deal we can get is the one we are in right now as EU members.

Anything else will almost certainly make us all worse off.

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The deal is fucking terrible, however if all avenues to block no deal were exhausted and it was a final choice May's deal or nothing, I'd take May's deal.


May's deal has two clear advantages over no deal for me.


The first is the 18 month transition period giving us time to negotiate a trade deal, avoiding the WTO trading rules.


The second is the backstop, ensuring no return of the Irish troubles. Also since the long term technological solution is 5-10 years away, it would likely mean the whole UK has access to the single market for the foreseeable future.


May's deal isn't a good deal, but it's a lot better than no deal if it was to ever become a binary choice.

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5 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I would be very angry if the snp backed any deal that gave Northern Ireland a distinct economic advantage over Scotland. Why should they get a better deal just because they are incompetent?

I cannot see any circumstance where the SNP would back anything approximating May’s deal.

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10 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:


The backstop?

The best deal we can get is the one we are in right now as EU members.

Anything else will almost certainly make us all worse off.

Short, simple and above all, correct. No-one, at any level, can give a single instance of how leaving - in any shape or form - will improve the country's prospects or their personal lives.

Except those who don't like paying tax or have a vested interest in selling off what little family silver the country has left. And they're keeping quiet about that, because LOOK! BMWs! IMMIGRANTS! BLUUUUEEEE PAAASSSPPOOOOOORTS!

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35 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

Boris' own polls say he'd do 'worse than Theresa May' in an election. Wow! That's some going you absolute bell-end.


The only worrying thing about this is the split to the other parties.  If it was 300 Tories + 30 Brexit + 10 or so DUP then I’d be worried.


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47 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

Boris' own polls say he'd do 'worse than Theresa May' in an election. Wow! That's some going you absolute bell-end.


Sneaky Tory ploy to split the opposition on calling an early election.

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Being married to a rabidly anti-Trump American, there have been many animated discussions at Pogen House over the last couple of years re. the damage that the Orange Sphincter (copyright Bill Maher) has done to the office of POTUS and to America in general, also many piss-taking comments from me ...........however, my wife is now firmly of the position that the Tories, from Cameron on, now culminating in the disaster that is the pathological lying coward Johnson, have inflicted more lasting economic damage and international derision towards the UK than any of Trump’s comparative nonsense has managed to achieve across the pond.

Demoralised and angry average punter.........[emoji35]

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