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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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Wonder if any of the Tories on the committee have had a whisper from Sunak about some potential vacancies on the Cabinet? You usually have some supine questioning on these committes, the closest was Charles Walker who gave him a get out right at the end by listing all the people who said "no probs gov".

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46 minutes ago, KirkieRR said:

'Yeh, so Boris broke the rules a bit but bleedin so did lots of people and he got us froo Covid and got us free of bleedin Brustles and fings ave bin rubbish since he left. They should leave him alone. At least he cares about us ordinary people...'

You forgot "He got Brexit done"

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58 minutes ago, KirkieRR said:

'Yeh, so Boris broke the rules a bit but bleedin so did lots of people and he got us froo Covid and got us free of bleedin Brustles and fings ave bin rubbish since he left. They should leave him alone. At least he cares about us ordinary people...'

Did he not also single-handedly take on Putin and the entire Russian army when they invaded Ukraine. 

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It's truly amazing the levels to which the Tory party have sunk. Even by their own standards.

People like Thatcher, Major, Hesseltine....christ even the likes of Cameron were all despised and deeply, deeply unpopular but they were at least fucking politicians. I watched a 90 year old Michael Hesseltine on a twitter clip from GB News a couple of weeks ago, pick holes in every single person in the studio and more or be accused of being a senile old man for having the audacity to absolutely run rings around the fucking gammony idiots.

This mob are just a never-ending conveyor belt of talentless hacks hiding behind slogans and in many cases hate speech to keep their faces in the trough and money coming in for as long as possible. There is absolutely no dignity, no principles, no acceptance of responsibility, no moral compass (however misguided) whatsoever.

I sometimes think back to that leadership race that Boris Johnson won in 2019 and wonder how differently things would have panned out if Rory Stewart had won the leadership race. Certainly in every televised debate, he was the best speaker, gave the clearest answers, held himself with at least a shade of respectability - at one point he was taking to the streets to actually speak to constituents along the political spectrum and actually welcoming debate and differing points of view rather than mud-slinging. Says a lot that he at least stuck by his principles and decided that trying to block a no-deal brexit was worth losing his job over.

I think living under Tory rule the majority of all of our lives, you've learnt to eat shit and like it in a way. You can disagree with them on a fundamental basis but at least accept that however much you don't agree with their policies, they have almost always been competent politicians at least. This mob are now through the bottom of the barrel and the talent pool they are picking from is directly out of the dirt beneath.

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2 hours ago, djchapsticks said:

It's truly amazing the levels to which the Tory party have sunk. Even by their own standards.

People like Thatcher, Major, Hesseltine....christ even the likes of Cameron were all despised and deeply, deeply unpopular but they were at least fucking politicians. I watched a 90 year old Michael Hesseltine on a twitter clip from GB News a couple of weeks ago, pick holes in every single person in the studio and more or be accused of being a senile old man for having the audacity to absolutely run rings around the fucking gammony idiots.

This mob are just a never-ending conveyor belt of talentless hacks hiding behind slogans and in many cases hate speech to keep their faces in the trough and money coming in for as long as possible. There is absolutely no dignity, no principles, no acceptance of responsibility, no moral compass (however misguided) whatsoever.

I sometimes think back to that leadership race that Boris Johnson won in 2019 and wonder how differently things would have panned out if Rory Stewart had won the leadership race. Certainly in every televised debate, he was the best speaker, gave the clearest answers, held himself with at least a shade of respectability - at one point he was taking to the streets to actually speak to constituents along the political spectrum and actually welcoming debate and differing points of view rather than mud-slinging. Says a lot that he at least stuck by his principles and decided that trying to block a no-deal brexit was worth losing his job over.

I think living under Tory rule the majority of all of our lives, you've learnt to eat shit and like it in a way. You can disagree with them on a fundamental basis but at least accept that however much you don't agree with their policies, they have almost always been competent politicians at least. This mob are now through the bottom of the barrel and the talent pool they are picking from is directly out of the dirt beneath.

The current crop of Tories are indistinguishable from an early stages audition of entitled p***ks trying to get on The Apprentice. 

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38 minutes ago, Marlo Stanfield said:

It's all a bit Westminster bubble, showtrial stuff really isn't it ? What's the worst that could happen ? He loses his seat ?

Pretty much. He would need to be suspended from the Commons for more than 10 days (think that’s right, someone will correct me if not), and then over 10% of the electorate in his constituency need to sign a petition to bring forward a by-election. He could then of course win the by-election. 

I’m guessing but I think the bigger concern for him is how much money he can charge on the after dinner circuit following his reputation being trashed even further. He tried to lead a rebellion against Sunak’s NI Bill today and only managed to convince 21 Tories. Basically his influence in their parliamentary party is pretty much gone at this point. 

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6 hours ago, Sugar_Army said:

The guy is a grade a chunt. 

I was asked to redeploy at the start of lockdown to a care home for residents with dementia. 

I will be honest, it was not something I had really fancied doing as had no experience in that field but I did it as wanted to do my bit.  Adding to that, my previous experience of nursing my brother through cancer, watching him waste away and collapse and die in my arms eventually took its toll and I ended up with alopecia areata (basically I lost all my hair, both head and body and it has never returned). 

In all the time I worked in that care home, i was humbled by the dedication and sacrifices of staff.  I went to a shop 3 times in 3 months, once for my partner's 40th birthday card (it was also a bit of a thank you for everything she did so I did not put residents at risk), once to pick up beer for a resident who was allowed 2 cans a day, and once to buy backing paper so I could frame and hang wedding photos of a resident and his late wife on his bedroom wall instead of them lying in a box in the bottom of his wardrobe. All after asking for permission from the care home first.

So many people made sacrifices (and suffered hardships and losses), so many people played a major supporting role to front line staff, whether interested workplace or when they cane home after work. So many people struggled with their mental health or saw their business/place of work go down the tube.

Yet this sack of sh!t still cannot admit he did anything wrong. 



He's a complete scumbag. The absolute pinnacle of upper class "Do as I say, not as I do" arseholery. Anyone watching that knows he was absolutely lying through his. Equally anyone watching that knows he will face virtually no punishment with any serious consequence whatsoever. 

This is a largely pointless charade. 

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6 minutes ago, Benjamin_Nevis said:

He's a complete scumbag. The absolute pinnacle of upper class "Do as I say, not as I do" arseholery. Anyone watching that knows he was absolutely lying through his. Equally anyone watching that knows he will face virtually no punishment with any serious consequence whatsoever. 

This is a largely pointless charade. 

Going by the looks and nods from all sides of the committe it is clear that they will find him guilty of misleading Parliament.

The real argument will be over the punishment - I suspect it will fall short of the 10 day plus suspension that is needed to trigger the possibility of a recall by-election.

Part of me hopes it doesn't happen so he stands at the next election and is turfed out on his arse by the voters.

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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15 minutes ago, Benjamin_Nevis said:

This is a largely pointless charade. 

Even if he is deemed to have deliberately/recklessly misled parliament, any sanction suggested is then voted for in the Commons, rendering the panel largely benign and toothless.

As you say, a pointelss cherade.

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What’s the threshold of evidence required here? Are we talking balance of probabilities or beyond reasonable doubt? 

Unfortunately as much as it’s obvious to everyone that it’s complete bullshit, it’s not the easiest to prove. 

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35 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

What’s the threshold of evidence required here? Are we talking balance of probabilities or beyond reasonable doubt? 

Unfortunately as much as it’s obvious to everyone that it’s complete bullshit, it’s not the easiest to prove. 

Cabinet Secretary Simon Case denied telling BJ Covid rules were always followed yesterday.


I was gobsmacked at the intensity of the questions from 3 of the Tory members on the committee, likely on Sunak's approval. I still don't think BJ'll get the 10 day suspension with the potential to trigger a by-election but I reckon he'll get some sorta reprimand and he'll bow out as gracelessly as possible in order to concentrate on the after-dinner circuit, especially after yesterday's Brexit vote. Much as I would love to see our modern day Cincinnattus being turfed out publicly at the next GE I don't think it'll happen now.

Edited by btb
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34 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

What’s the threshold of evidence required here? Are we talking balance of probabilities or beyond reasonable doubt? 

Unfortunately as much as it’s obvious to everyone that it’s complete bullshit, it’s not the easiest to prove. 

Balance of probability I think. There was some guy who was saying he was a barrister (although who knows these days?) who was spouting pish about the committee being biased, having prejudged it, ignoring Lord Pannick, not letting Boris speak, etc. and he was put right by several people who were quoting the rules and procedures back at him. Seemed to suggest it was just their opinion and nothing more than that. I saw a few journalists last night tweeting that it looks certain they'll say he was reckless since he didn't ask for legal advice but instead asked his media advisors but either way Rees-Smug thinks that Boris won the court of popular opinion, so that's all that matters...

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1 minute ago, btb said:

Cabinet Secretary Simon Case denied telling BJ Covid rules were always followed yesterday.


I was gobsmacked at the intensity of question from 3 of the Tory members on the committee, likely on Sunak's approval. I still don't think he'll get the 10 day suspension with the potential to trigger a by-election but I reckon he'll get some sorta reprimand and he bow out as gracelessly as possible in order to concentrate on the after-dinner circuit, especially after yesterday's Brexit vote. Much as I would love to see our modern day Cincinnattus being turfed out publicly at the next GE I don't think it'll happen now.

True. There's no shortage of out of touch, right wing Spectator type morons willing to stump up cash to listen to his bullshit whilst they're half pissed after a huge meal. Johnson has no shame and will happily fleece these idiots and go back to being an overpaid hack who led the second most disastrous government in UK history (take a bow Liz Truss for the top spot there).

But what galls me was our following of the rules and attendance at masked up, sparsely attended,  socially distanced funerals whilst him and his useless "chums" got pissed, snorted lines,  vomited and shagged their way round Downing St.

I hope he never holds office again but I fear I'm wrong on that.

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10 hours ago, Marlo Stanfield said:

It's all a bit Westminster bubble, showtrial stuff really isn't it ? What's the worst that could happen ? He loses his seat ?


Not in the same way Mussolini was suspended, unfortunately. 😉

Edited by Suspect Device
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