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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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50 minutes ago, senorsoupe said:

I see Boris and the Tories are getting roasted by KFC


The Tories know they've fucked up by mega proportions, and the brilliant strategist who got them into it they think is the only one to get them out. So hopefully viral chicken memes. :1eye


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32 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, 55 1/4.


For me the worse bit is that he/they tried to black that girl swot part out when they realised that this document was needed as part of the legal case this week. 

Good to see that an Etonian with all the educational privileges money can buy can accept his 2:1 degree mark well though. 


31 minutes ago, Cerberus said:


Leave-supporting PM goes to the high street of some irrelevant West Yorkshire outpost during the working day and it still goes tits up for him.  :lol:

Edited by Hedgecutter
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21 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

For me the worse bit is that he/they tried to black that girl swot part out 

Not a huge story in itself but should be used to illustrate just how immature and unstatesmanlike Johnson is.

He is not fit for high office as his short stint as Foreign Secretary showed.


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I really think the worst thing that happened to Johnson was winning the EU referendum. He was supposed to be the gallant loser, much like the SNP in 2015. He could be the guy sweeping up the leave vote whilst "respecting democracy" but insisting a change was needed with him being the guy to deliver it, whilst not actually having to do anything difficult. If that had happened he'd be leading the Tories into a GE right now against Corbyn that they'd be almost certain to win.

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1 hour ago, SandyCromarty said:

A little known fact is that technically the Monarch has the power to legally fire all parliamentary members and call an election, it was last done in 1830. 

Maybe a younger queen would be more spritely about this.

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It looks like Johnson has boxed himself into a corner.


According to The Daily Telegraph, Mr Johnson wrote to party members on Friday evening, saying: "They just passed a law that would force me to beg Brussels for an extension to the Brexit deadline. This is something I will never do."

Hopefully he follows through and either resigns or, better still, puts himself on a collision course with the courts.



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Going to be interesting when he grudgingly asks for it after all manner of shite, only for the EU to say "we gave you an extension, told you very seriously not to waste it, which you did, so no". 

We'd then be in a stalemate situation whereby we legally can't leave without a deal but still can't get MP's support for the only other option that is the backstop deal. 

In this case, would revoking Article 50 be the only legal option forward able to get support, finally putting an end to this clusterfuck? 

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