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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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Just now, Day of the Lords said:

his cabinet of absolute cretins like Truss, Patel etc will be emptied by whoever replaces him.

I think you'll be disappointed there. Some may be punted for a few months but the same characters usually emerge.

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3 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Is there maybe a loophole with it being a vote of confidence rather than a no confidence vote?

Nope. It is a rule that can be altered - at the Theresa May one, so many were pissed off, they were going to ask for a new vote and to alter the timeframe to 6 months.............but as she named a leaving date they relented.

Basically, there are 160/170 MPs on payroll (ministers, junior ministers etc) so to get a majority is almost impossible anyway.

However, as you rightly point out, loads of sitting MPs having no confidence in the PM, and the likelihood of 2 by election thrashings to come, he will be a total lame duck.

As I said before, if he had any honour etc etc.

Big Q is - how big are the backbenchers balls?

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38 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Missed opportunity. They should have made this part of the #PlattyJoobs and had the vote it on the stage in front of the Royal Family. Cliff Richard could have compered, what an occasion it would’ve been.

CGI Paddington Bear and Basil Brush operated by Goves hand to draw each vote out one by one from a giant platinum jubilee tombola. 

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Sadly think the rebels have shot their load too early and he will probably survive then we will suffer another year of the clown.

I know people hate the Tory party but it's a dire situation for any country to have a laughing stock in charge, there are a few good competent Tories (no I've never voted for them) and much better to get them in the top job and Boris out to a humiliating pasture, going back to writing bullshit articles for the gullible.

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Whether it happens today, or in the future, at some point the 1922 Committee are going to take him round the back of Chequers and Old Yeller him before the next election.

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29 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Interesting timing. I find myself wondering what the difference in votes would have been if it took place after the by-elections.  We'll never know. 

The Tory loyal will gather round.  My prediction is that he will win the vote but is now damaged goods, the by-elections will hurt further and he'll be out by Christmas. (Health grounds, "more time with family", "new leadership needed for post-Ukraine world" caught shagging a secretary in a Downing Street cupboard or something like that.)

New leader in post to prepare for next election with a couple of budgets to steady the nerves... Bob's your uncle. 

Yes they have made a massive error on their part by having the vote before the by elections. Tories will be hammered in both seats.

I have a sneaking suspicion Johnson will be out, and the MPs pledging their support on Twitter right now will knife him in the back. 

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You would like to think there are some Tories out there who want to replace him and clean up their act a bit. Use his binning as a chance to kick some of the dog whistle pish like shipping folk to Rwanda etc, then you remember that these are Tories. Scum, to man/woman, and it is clearly party policy now to seek votes by playing up to racists.

It's probably for the best that Boris wins by a tiny margin, leaving almost half the party seething, and they continue to devour eachother, losing seats along the way.

Gammons will vote tory regardless for the reasons mentioned already, but anyone approaching a swing voter knows 100% that Boris Johnson is a liar who cannot be trusted, so he will absolutely lose them votes.

It's not going to be a difficult sell for the tories to spin a "new broom" type narrative witg their already compliant media.

The toxicity, the lies, the corruption... They all must continue and be seen to continue in order to properly burn these c***s.

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I think he will survive in similar terms to May. That said Tories will know what the likely outcomes of the By-elections will be so they aren't going in completely blind. I'm also not entirely sure the 2024 election can be fought on the ground that this government rolled out the vaccines and delivered Brexit. The second point isn't even entirely true but it doesn't look like Johnson has any great plans to convince the electorate.

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The Kippers that all went to the Tories seem to be the Bozo fanboys, think the blue rinse traditional vote only backed him because of the commie takeover and them getting sent to the Gulag they read about in the comics if Corbyn had got in. Now grey man same cheek Sir Starmer is the alternative its not so worrying and no doubt the older generations seeing more friends and relatives being affected by Covid while they got hammered and danced to ABBA sticks in the craw.

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I think they’ve gone too early and I think he’ll survive.

On a personal level, I quite like Boris. He’s colourful and likeable but as PM he’s hopeless.

Hes turned the Conservative party into a Blairite semi socialist party with far too many state handouts and interventions.

He should be reducing taxes not increasing them as a means to increase productivity and ultimately prosperity for all.

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8 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

I think they’ve gone too early and I think he’ll survive.

On a personal level, I quite like Boris. He’s colourful and likeable but as PM he’s hopeless.

Hes turned the Conservative party into a Blairite semi socialist party with far too many state handouts and interventions.

He should be reducing taxes not increasing them as a means to increase productivity and ultimately prosperity for all.

Frank Carson jokes

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If he survives it won’t be for long.

Other predictions: there will be anything from a trickle to a flood of junior minister and PPS resignations today.

When he goes Dafty Dorris will be away, Mogg will get relegated and Patel will be kept on but not as HS (on the basis of keep your friends close and your enemies closer).

Hunt or Truss will be next PM. If it’s Truss the official photographer will be sacked after asking asking her to say ‘cheese’ at the first official event.

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To be honest, I just want him gone, I don't think things can continue as they are, and it's only going to get worse. The idea of Boris in charge in winter when the energy crisis, a Brexit trade war, and the cost of living soaring doesn't bear thinking about. Honestly, right now I would take some slightly less mental Tories in charge over what we have just now. There is no governance, no plan, policy made up on the hoof depending on that mornings headlines.

Johnson is the worst Prime minister we have ever had, he needs to go. Not only is he the worst we've ever had, his cabinet are the worst we've ever had. I'd take anything over this lot right now.

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What human tragedy or global crisis is BoJo praying happens in the next 6 or 7 hours to deflect the news away from him and save his skin?

The Queen dying? use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine? Major terrorist attack? A new ultra deadly strain of Covid? Zombie apocalypse? alien invasion? All of them combined??

Convinced this Tory government were delighted when Russia invaded Ukraine, not only did it bury their almost daily scandal but it gave Johnson his opportunity to go full Churchill.

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54 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

I expect he will survive and I fully expect every Scottish Tory to support him 

Toady Jack has already declared his unwavering, simpering loyalty.

"He is showing tremendous leadership as we face major challenges at home and abroad," he adds. "I have no doubt that my colleagues in the parliamentary party will vote to show their confidence in the prime minister.”

Can only hope enough of their constituents are fucked off with the fat clown sufficiently to stop voting for these c***s next election.

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