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Tales of P&B Past


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5 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

When Kilt started posting on P&B he was in a responsible job in the civil service, married with a family - an all round respected member of society.

By the time he stopped posting, he was working on a checkout in Tesco, his wife had left him and his kids shunned him and he was reduced to messaging women half his age photographs of them he'd found on Bebo, trying to entice them with his bullshit pagan belief system.

A heads gone before the term had even been invented.

Worth pointing out, though, that he didn't give a tinker's cuss.

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6 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

I met Kilt briefly once at Central Station. Think we were on the way back from Motherwell, Kilmarnock or somewhere and we bumped into him, seemed alright if a bit strange. This was about 13 years ago maybe??? 

Like Swampy and virginton, when he started out on here he was absolutely fine and pretty normal (except for wearing a kilt absolutely everywhere). He was good company at the first couple of fives, but he regressed and I think him leaving the site was the best thing all round for him, he just didn't get the internet and it wasn't helping him. 

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1 minute ago, Rugster said:

If you count not having posted since 2012 as still posting, then yes, he still posts.

Aye I just checked 😂 I'm convinced I've seen him posting with a similar name.

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1 hour ago, Hank Scorpio said:

I think the best ever post I read on here was when someone said they’d shat themselves on a train but it was fine because they had a spare pair of jeans in their bag. Got to the toilet, threw their shitty boxers and jeans out of the window only to open the bag and reveal a denim jacket. 

Is that not a Ricky Gervais story?

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12 minutes ago, Rugster said:

Like Swampy and virginton, when he started out on here he was absolutely fine and pretty normal (except for wearing a kilt absolutely everywhere). He was good company at the first couple of fives, but he regressed and I think him leaving the site was the best thing all round for him, he just didn't get the internet and it wasn't helping him. 

This was my thought. I remember seeing him at Boghead (so 19+ years ago) with his wife,family and dog in tow. A bit eccentric but didnt associate him with the downright mental stuff attributed to him later and wondered if it was a different guy. 

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The various threats of legal action are always amusing. 
Since signatures don't show on the mobile version of this site, does [mention=30184]Adam[/mention] still have such a threat as his signature?

Yeah. That was class. Getting lawyers involved for a disagreement on a football forum.

You love to see it.
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7 minutes ago, Adam said:


Yeah. That was class. Getting lawyers involved for a disagreement on a football forum.

You love to see it.


Who was it who threatened the legal action? :lol: 

One of my favourite posts on here was actually in more recent times.....

On 20/03/2018 at 17:22, Inthenow said:

i really dislike this site I would ban it but I got my point across.thanks 

^^posted by a 'junior thicko'. I dunno why but it makes me laugh everytime. If I remember correctly he wanted P & B banned due to people posting things that weren't true...... welcome to the internet :lol: 


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6 minutes ago, philpy said:

What was the story of the argument between Frank booth and gaz?? IIRC, something to do with hand signals on a driving test??

Aye, good times.

So when I sat my driving test in 2002, my instructor's car had been in getting fixed the week before due to problems with the electrics (amongst which the indicators would conk out).

So fast forward a week and the car is back and I'm sitting my driving test. It's been going well, isn't too far from the end of the allocated time so we're just heading back to the test centre from a few miles away, and the indicators conk out again.

The examiner says that there's a chance we'll have to reschedule the test, and I asked if I could use hand signals, and he seemed impressed, so let me. I put the window down and used hand signals on the way back to the test centre. Got back, and I had passed.

I didn't think much of it until there was a thread on here about driving tests so I posted on it fairly innocuously and FB was absolutely SEETHING about it. He was (allegedly) a driving instructor and did not take it well. Sending me PMs, starting threads in my honour, threats, bringing it up at every opportunity. He just wouldn't believe it had happened. Bear in mind I have literally no reason to lie about it :lol:

This went on for ages and was brought up by him at every opportunity.

It then turned out that he'd had previous for something similar with previous poster HGG posting about the number of minors on her driving test and again he just wouldn't believe her, saying there's no way someone could achieve so many minors and pass, and became really vitriolic towards her as well. Then she posted up a picture of her pass certificate showing she'd been telling the truth all along :lol:

A bona-fide OFTW.

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9 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Just think, its only a few years until there will be posters on here that weren't even born when some of this shit went down.

I realised the other day that there's people born in 2002 at my University, it just felt wrong and made me feel fucking old.

(I was born '98 fwiw)


Also didn't Johnny Harvey pull a poster on here to give a bollocking to his players last season at Full Time after they got pumped by someone.

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