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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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8 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:


Russia won’t be immune, there will be people with it (I also assume Russian healthcare for those on middling/low income will be not the best, so no chance of testing), but their population is so sparsely distributed that the virus will take almost double/triple the amount of time to spread.

Your first two points I don’t think I can really address. The virus has to start somewhere? And Iran probably just had a perfect storm of societal, and healthcare issues that led to virus running rampant.


you do realise Russia has large cities and airports just like the rest of the developed world?thats how a disease like this spreads,global travel-its not the fourteenth century with  the black death slowly creeping across the map over a series of years.i suspect Russia will have their own issues with this but are just keeping it quiet

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24 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

Right, tinfoil hats back on chaps. 

I know Knightswood Bear already speculated the theory a couple of hundred pages back, but is anyone else wondering whether this isn’t actually a result of hoi sin bat  ((c) throbber) that was a couple of days past it’s sell by date but instead some biological warfare experiment gone wrong and escaped? 

Epiecentre is the middle of China that no-one in the Western world could’ve pinned on a map last year, Iran seems disproportionately badly affected while Russia seems almost immune. All coincidence? 

Wuhan a city of about 10 million people. Your own ignorance doesn't mean that the government is trying to kill us all.

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21 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

...Epiecentre is the middle of China that no-one in the Western world could’ve pinned on a map last year, Iran seems disproportionately badly affected while Russia seems almost immune. All coincidence? 

The countries that got it bad so far all had average temperatures at exactly the right sort of level for a Coronavirus epidemic. Not cold enough to be regularly subzero for prolonged periods and well below 20C which is the temperature level that tends to move things out of the flu season. Russia's turn will be April and May. The problem for Scotland is that we have areas in the north and west that often never really fully move out of flu season conditions.

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The UK government will have to follow everyone else in putting forward some kind of stimulus package to cope with the mass unemployment, particularly of service sector workers. 

No doubt they will try and do the least possible but I do wonder if some kind of Universal Basic Income would be an idea that's found it's time.

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you do realise Russia has large cities and airports just like the rest of the developed world?thats how a disease like this spreads,global travel-its not the fourteenth century with  the black death slowly creeping across the map over a series of years.i suspect Russia will have their own issues with this but are just keeping it quiet


Well yes, I do know that. You’re right in saying that they will be keeping cards close to their chest; I did say they will have cases, and they will probably be in the most densely populated and well connected cities in the country. Outside of those cities though, and into rural Russia, god only knows. I would wager the spread will be slower though, because of the population spread.

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32 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

Right, tinfoil hats back on chaps. 

I know Knightswood Bear already speculated the theory a couple of hundred pages back, but is anyone else wondering whether this isn’t actually a result of hoi sin bat  ((c) throbber) that was a couple of days past it’s sell by date but instead some biological warfare experiment gone wrong and escaped? 

Epiecentre is the middle of China that no-one in the Western world could’ve pinned on a map last year, Iran seems disproportionately badly affected while Russia seems almost immune. All coincidence? 

Somebody was posting about a post on China voice where the outbreak was closely proceeded by the closing of Fort Kendricks(sp) in the US.

This has led to comments even from Chinese government officials that the US was behind it 🤷‍♂️

Too tin-foily imo.

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19 minutes ago, The OP said:

Pretty sure I could pin the middle of China on a map.

^^^ highly valued member of the British government's Covid 19 taskforce.

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9 hours ago, whereismillar said:

Is it ? ..feck i have two hotels booked in calais and amiens in april ..looks like it's fecked then ...bollocks ..no refund on this too will i get refunded on the euro tunnel ? oh who cares St andrews for a weekend instead then ..

As far as I am aware, hotels are still operating but if you aren't allowed into the country then you're stuck. I ran some government info through google translate.

Looks like holiday travel is taboo.

On March 16, 2020, the President of the Republic decided to take measures to minimize contact and travel. A containment system is in place throughout the territory from Tuesday, March 17 at 12:00 p.m., for a minimum of fifteen days.

Travel is prohibited except in the following cases and only if you have a certificate for:

Move from home to work when telework is not possible;
Make essential purchases in authorized local shops;
Go to a health professional;
Travel for childcare or to help vulnerable people with the strict condition of respecting barrier gestures;
Exercise only on an individual basis, around the home and without any gathering.


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6 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Wuhan a city of about 10 million people. Your own ignorance doesn't mean that the government is trying to kill us all.

Listen mate, I know nuance can be difficult to detect in text but I think you’re taking me (and probably yourself) waaay too seriously.
Just shooting the breeze, throwing it out there for some bites. Tough times for many now and I expect many many more to come. ‘Twas but a ham fisted attempt at some levity...

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28 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

So in the space of a few days we have moved from 'mitigation' to 'supression'.  I am pretty sure supression was the policy that the World Health Organisation was promoting all along; that other countries have adopted; and that other countries are achieving through forcing closures in many areas rather than using advisory measures.

I am pretty sure Sturgeon does not want to turn this into a party political issue but maybe Scotland needs to be questioning the validity of the UK approach.


I don't think the Scottish government has a huge amount of choice in how they deal with this, given how interlinked so much of the UK is. It would pretty much be UDI if we took a different approach to them.

As for Zürich in rush hour - Barely a soul kicking about. For the most part last week you could barely move without bumping into someone, today there were a couple of dozen milling about at best when I went through just before 8:30,

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2 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

Listen mate, I know nuance can be difficult to detect in text but I think you’re taking me (and probably yourself) waaay too seriously.
Just shooting the breeze, throwing it out there for some bites. Tough times for many now and I expect many many more to come. ‘Twas but a ham fisted attempt at some levity...


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Just now, Ross. said:

I don't think the Scottish government has a huge amount of choice in how they deal with this, given how interlinked so much of the UK is. It would pretty much be UDI if we took a different approach to them.

As for Zürich in rush hour - Barely a soul kicking about. For the most part last week you could barely move without bumping into someone, today there were a couple of dozen milling about at best when I went through just before 8:30,

Get yourself down to Rapperswil and enjoy a beer by the water. 

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Thought working from home would be a great laugh but I'm only on day 2 and noticing the perils of being a 2-shits-a-day guy.

Never before have I really appreciated how much I rely on company bog roll. 

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4 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:


Doing naff all else the day son so I’ll lend you the benefit of a wee bit of education:

tin foil hats



hoi sin bat 


- do not equal facts.

You seem a p***kly wee character. Do try and lighten up, it’ll improve your overall forum experience  


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