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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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I do have a lot of sympathy for the government. We're dealing with something unprecedented in our lifetimes and the speed the situation changes at is terrifying.


The guidance they released (at almost midnight last night) about which children should still be coming into school on Monday is f*cking mental and completely contradictory. We're going to end up with hundreds of kids turning up as normal, completely defeating the point. No wonder our head was sending emails at 3am.


Edited by Carl Cort's Hamstring
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GP reckons my partner has it, although that was diagnosed over the phone as no face to face appointments, and they also won’t be testing her for it.

Had breathing difficulties at the weekend (she couldn’t lie down for two days), they went away but she got cold like symptoms the past few days. Pains from the weekend now back (but not as bad). 

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2 minutes ago, The Holiday Song said:

GP reckons my partner has it, although that was diagnosed over the phone as no face to face appointments, and they also won’t be testing her for it.

Had breathing difficulties at the weekend (she couldn’t lie down for two days), they went away but she got cold like symptoms the past few days. Pains from the weekend now back (but not as bad). 

She needs to get a contract with a professional sports team.. she'd be tested no worries 

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Really unsure how folk still aren't getting this.

It's not about you catching the virus and being ok after a week or so. It's about loads of folk getting it at the same time, and the exponential spread of it.

When we have loads of folk out of commission with the virus, even if they get better (and the vast majority will), the effects of that are wide ranging and lead on to more problems. It's a domino effect.

This is about not overwhelming the NHS. They don't have the resources to cope with huge numbers getting it at the same time. This will lead to an unmanageable strain on resources. Front line staff will be fucked. Patients will die because they are not enough staff and resources to go round when huge numbers are taken ill at the same time, and for a sustained period. There will be people dying from preventable causes simply because there are not enough doctors, equipment, drugs and other resources. They won't be prioritised. This has already happened in Italy.

This is about the economy. I'm not one for preserving the shit version where the folk at the top take the vast majority for themselves and f**k the rest. I'm on about the economy at all levels. Local economies will have to lose business, but the quicker we can stop the spread of the virus the less they suffer. Think of your favourite local shop, butcher, baker, pub etc.

This is about jobs. People are already losing them and more pay offs or outright termination of employment will happen. But again, the quicker we can reduce the spread of the virus the better chance some businesses have of staying open or the better chance they have of not losing as much of their business or not having to downscale etc. That means less people will lose their jobs and potentially could mean more companies being in a position to hire people sooner. This also means folk have more disposal income quicker.

This is about schools and education. Kids are in a tough position because of this and are having exams cancelled. It must be a really scary and uncertain time for them. The won't get the same level of education from online plans that they would in a class. Colleges and universities are the same. Then there's the issue of parents having to take time off to look after their kids. This will cost people their jobs, and they can't think of getting back in to employment until the situation is resolved. This will seriously f**k a lot of people up in a lot of ways, ranging from financial to mental, and that will hurt their kids too.

We need to be thinking longer term in how we act now. Think of the consequences of what you're doing. You might get the virus and be fine. But you're then spreading it (in the 5 or however many days you have it before you feel the symptoms). And you'll spread it to folk who spread it to folk etc etc. Is that worth it for a cup of coffee or a pint?

The government should be ordering a mass closure of things. If the fucking army need to be deployed in some areas (obviously select areas since they can't begin to cover even half of areas in the country) then so be it. Maybe they should be stationed at big supermarkets and told to shoot panic buyers and hoarders on sight.


Also stop with the bullshit rumours.

Stop posting bullshit rumours that you heard from someone who heard from someone you utter c***s.
You're not helping anyone you attention seeking p***ks. You're actively stirring up panic and fear. Have a fucking thought for other people for once you self centred tossers.
Here's one I can put to bed (before I myself go to bed): there will be new doctors coming in, i.e. Year 5 medical students will be graduating this year. I know this because of where I work and what I do as my job. No chance I'm expanding on that though.
Pleased to see you back brother.
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1 hour ago, Dee Man said:

@Tynierose and anyone else in the medical game, can you find out what the advice is on necking a couple of valiums and knocking yourself the f**k out during a bout of this or even just the regular flu?


1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

Nah, I'd give that a miss.

Seconded, drugs of that class can suppress the respiratory system; the last thing you need if you have the Corona virus or the flu of any kind.

Edited by Romeo
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To distract you from the fact that you're on lockdown,follow your partner and kids around the house describing everything they do in a Geordie accent,not forgetting to say what number day it is.

They'll find it hilarious...

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Oaksoft is a roaster of course, but I hope his sort of ranting and the generally stupidity on show from lots of people in this country finally puts paid to constant talk of "British blitz sprirt" and that sort of shite we always hear about.

Science is the way to go here, and people left to their own devices are simply fucking things up and worsening the situation with their selfishness, which will directly hasten the deaths of others.

British people are selfish panic merchants, not strong, not community driven, not rallying round etc. Wev heard too much of that shite in recent times. It's almost nice to see it so roundly discredited.

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1 hour ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

I do have a lot of sympathy for the government. We're dealing with something unprecedented in our lifetimes and the speed the situation changes at is terrifying.


The guidance they released (at almost midnight last night) about which children should still be coming into school on Monday is f*cking mental and completely contradictory. We're going to end up with hundreds of kids turning up as normal, completely defeating the point. No wonder our head was sending emails at 3am.


This is I think where the government here have really been at fault. They just haven’t given any leadership at all. They give out contradictory and confusing advice and this is just one example.

They need to choose a line of action and take it. What is the point of advice like ‘pubs and cafes etc can stay open but people shouldn’t use them?’ You end up with the worst of all worlds, the costs and overheads of opening without the custom to make it worthwhile. 

People need guidance, often many need told what they should be doing - they needed to be doing that long before now.

Edited by Jambomo
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4 minutes ago, Romeo said:


Seconded, drugs of that class can suppress the repository system; the last thing you need if you have the Corona virus or the flu of any kind.

Ta. I'd read up that it can interact with flu fighting drugs but couldn't find out if there would be any potential problems otherwise. I'll probably just swerve that idea then. 

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Tories starting finally to show their true colours. Definite change if tack yesterday with the "12 week " speech. No intention of enforcing any measures they "recommend " due to our free democracy and if we are not over the worst in 12 weeks it will all be the public's fault.

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Hopefully Britannia Hotels will be fucked after this


Hotel staff sacked and made homeless amid virus outbreak





Comments on their Facebook page are ... interesting.  https://www.facebook.com/BritanniaHotelsLtd/

Edited by NewBornBairn
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22 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:

To distract you from the fact that you're on lockdown,follow your partner and kids around the house describing everything they do in a Geordie accent,not forgetting to say what number day it is.

They'll find it hilarious...

Day 1, and Oaksoft is in the diary room, ranting about stoicism and life in the good old days

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