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One of my workmates didn't either. He had this "foolproof" method to win at the casino. Start putting £10 on a 50/50 shot like red or black. If it wins, pocket your tenner winnings and start again. If it loses, double your stake until you win. Great in theory, until one night he was trying to scrape £320 to stake after losing 5 on the spin.
It's not 50/50 because of the 0.
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5 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Bristol and Leeds councils have shut their parks this evening pre-empting Boris and “f**k the old folk” Cummings incompetent shit show of a government. 

Please accept my heartfelt apologies on this post.

I forgot to add #Torycunts

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1 hour ago, The Real Saints said:

I just walked past a woman in a Tesco aisle, whilst making sure I was as far away from her as I could possibly be (probably a metre or so),  and she shouted ''SOCIAL AWARENESS!'' at me. It was quite disconcerting. I don't know what exactly she expected to happen during her afternoon shopping trip in London. 

"Fcuk off you stupid boot", is what immediately sprang to my mind there. I can honestly see there being lots of "incidents" over the coming days and weeks as there's many people either reached or very close to breaking point.

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Sure, but in the real world exponential growth is impossible because you eventually run out of possibilities. This is why pyramid schemes all fail - at some point you just run out of susceptible people with whom there is a chain of contact.

Logistic growth is possibly a better model

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1 hour ago, cyderspaceman said:

This is literally pish.

If we start with 5,000 cases, the geometric progression after , say 70 days,  could be 100 million-ish depending on how many days is 'a few'.

So, we're all going to die? Twice?

I'm not greedy, you can have both my deaths, a 4 pack of toilet roll and a packet of penne. 

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BBC Scotland right now. Alex Salmond story. Salmond and four or five of his team and two cops walk out, side by side. A group of seven or more all a foot away from each other. Met outside and photographed by an absolute gaggle of photographers squashed together. Took Salmond himself to tell them what they’re doing isn’t safe, as the fat fud is standing side by side with his team, giving social distancing something approaching less of a flying fcuk himself. Now the footage shows him shaking hands with well-wishers outside. 

Earlier on the news, the Health Minister helping out, carrying boxes of NHS equipment alongside warehouse workers. Social distancing? Aye, sure. Physically brushing past each other, actual contact.

So many c***s, so many two-faced fcuks can simply go fcuk themselves.

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3 hours ago, pozbaird said:

Message received and disagreed with. Hardly saw another person all day, yeah, touched some surfaces, but I touched surfaces getting money out the cashline last week, by picking up a petrol pump yesterday, by having to open doors to toilets...

Any advice on how not to touch things would be greatly appreciated. 

I’m not planning to lock myself indoors completely and for exercise, walk around the living room in circles. If we go full lockdown, will get my exercise and vitamins from the sun by walking to and from the shops for essentials. It will likely result in me touching more surfaces than I did today.

Sorry if this upsets the ‘lock yourself indoors and do not come out at all’ brigade. 


You NEED to open the toilet door to do a shite. You do not NEED to go out and pick up the bunker rake while you're hacking round 9 holes.

Thankfully it looks like that decision will be taken out of your hands tonight. 

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1 hour ago, WATTOO said:

In fairness I've only managed to keep up due to my IT team being completely incompetent and locking me out of all my systems access. As a result the only thing I've been able to access is pie and bovril. Could be worse I suppose.

On the other hand, maybe they're dropping a hint. 

Naw, they're trolling us. 

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