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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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6 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Self is a smarmy condescending big cūnt, I like him.

Why are journalists asking these questions, do they just want to hear politicians express the obvious?

People in care homes are unlikely to get taken to hospital, far less ICU. They'll be made as comfortable as possible where they are. If you tried to move most of these old biddies they'd be dead before they reached the ambulance.

Counting them is a double edges sword, on one hand it keeps the numbers a bit lower, on the other it would give a better outlook on the age ratios.

My 97 year old Granny is in a care home. She already has a DNR and very little quality of life. They locked down about 5 weeks ago now and haven’t had any cases (highlands not as badly hit).

But if she did get it then tbh made comfortable is the sensible option all round. Yes be nice if family with her.

On a seperate point. A lot of helicopter activity out of airport tonight. 

Edited by RH33
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10 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

Just watching Trump’s presser on CNN........it’s like a fûcking chimp’s tea party.
The man is a delusional dangerous fool.
Batshit crazy doesn’t even come close..........

Is that the first time you've seen him?

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We (NZ) are at 9 deaths and an announcement is due tomorrow regarding coming out of level 4. I have to say I think Ardern has been excellent throughout the whole lockdown. She is open and honest at every press conference unlike a few other leaders I can think of.

Our 4 week lockdown is scheduled to end next Wednesday, so we will just have to wait and see. Going back to work will really get in the way of daytime drinking and playing FIFA though.

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Trump didn't act quickly enough and has largely been a hindrance but the states need to take part of the blame, especially NJ & NY who were faffing about now account for 50% of the national deaths.

California have less than 700 deaths and purchase 200 million masks per month despite the Trump administration.


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8 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

I’m with DA, the fact that a company actively wants to monitor and check up on people is a betrayal of trust and shows underlying issues with insecurity and power and control.

When you treat people this way they will soldier and clockwatch, if the work is done let people go home don’t make them sit around pretending to work. If there’s no work or it’s up and down then that’s the fault of the management, don’t make people sit around as if they are pawns in your game of control. If everyone worked from home there would be less politics, less pointless meetings and bullying and harassment wouldn’t exist because you would have to do it via email or on video. Production would go sky high without all of this crap. 

I do agree. I had this conversation with another manager at my work, who had said she wanted to introduce targets and the like “because you are supposed to know what people are doing”. 

Well do we ever? You’ll just end up spending time you can be doing more productive stuff, monitoring your team. I can see in the workload if stuff isn’t getting done and at that point, have a word. I am lucky that my team do all work hard (or at least put on a good impression of it!)

I personally have a chat with them on teams in the morning (and sometimes through the day) but that’s more to check in and see that they are doing alright and not dead on the floor or something. After that it’s just to have a bit of a laugh - people need interaction. I know they are all getting on with their work and tbh, I don’t care if they watch homes under the hammer whilst doing it.

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We (NZ) are at 9 deaths and an announcement is due tomorrow regarding coming out of level 4. I have to say I think Ardern has been excellent throughout the whole lockdown. She is open and honest at every press conference unlike a few other leaders I can think of.

Our 4 week lockdown is scheduled to end next Wednesday, so we will just have to wait and see. Going back to work will really get in the way of daytime drinking and playing FIFA though.

Those teeth frighten me to bits. We are now at the decision phase on when to get everybody back to work and deal with any outbreaks or piss off people by keeping them isolated for even longer while making it more difficult for businesses to survive.
I hope she gets everybody back to work.
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