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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Bet when they relax the rules and encourage vulnerable groups to continue to self isolate while the rest can go out normally again, some pubs will try using the BAME stats as a colour bar.

Surely rather than ban to “protect” the BAME community, the types of pubs you refer to would prefer to get black punters in, so that they *can* be infected?
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Some will try. Mind you they'd have to do the same on age which would probably make it unworkable for their average clientele in the kind of pubs I mean. Pandemics are ripe for racist blame and risk scapegoating throughout history. 

The only way this would ever happen is if prior to the relaxation phase the govt are given tangible evidence that the BAME community are for some reason more susceptible to the extent that they are then classed as vulnerable in the same way as old people and those with underlying conditions.


Edit to add, some folk will of course act like dicks.


Regarding the age thing, my thoughts are that the govt will hammer over 65s for months of different measures from the rest of us.


Social distancing and contact tracing will see yer healthy younger folk getting the country moving again.


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30 minutes ago, Herman Hessian said:

possibly cheeky - definitely stomach-churning...

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Oh my fucking Christ. I'll be amazed if you don't end up with a sore wrist for that, Herman.

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32 minutes ago, welshbairn said:



Tick tock. No Inverness pubs I can think of but plenty in England would be tempted use it as an excuse if they thought they could get away with it.

How would any business nowadays get away with being so blatant anyway? all it takes is one person to film it on their phone and its all over the internet, It's the reason you don't tend to see such in your face racism now as you would have many years ago, even the majority of foaming at the mouth  full on EDL supporters try to  watch what they say in public .   What is much much more common and mostly goes un noticed by the majority is that instead of being kicked out , refused or abused , Black and Asian people are very subtly but very clearly made to feel unwelcome or unwanted  by someone who holds prejudice views and in doing so can be plausibly denied if called out on.  

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11 hours ago, ayrmad said:

Can't say I've noticed a huge under reporting up here, the numbers certainly don't stack up down south but you've not been listening to the Scottish briefing properly if you think we're being played big style up here. 


I didn't say we've been played, not really sure what you're on about there?  I said we've been poor at tallying and reporting deaths in the uk and in Scotland.

The uk had its first death on March 5th, Scotland on 13th March.

This was months after we knew the virus was headed our way so could have set up appropriate reporting and monitoring mechanisms.  And yet, somehow, it's as if our authorities completely forgot about the most vulnerable and at risk members of our society, to the point that we only started hearing about deaths in care homes in the past week or so.

You completely missed the point; that if an advanced country like us have struggled to tally and report it accurately, then in poorer countries with less developed communication networks, the figures could well be miles away from what we're hearing.

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13 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Oh my fucking Christ. I'll be amazed if you don't end up with a sore wrist for that, Herman.

i'm ambidextrous so really need to find some hot pics of cheeky Ms May to a make a properly depraved weekend of it  😉

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2 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:


I didn't say we've been played, not really sure what you're on about there?  I said we've been poor at tallying and reporting deaths in the uk and in Scotland.

The uk had its first death on March 5th, Scotland on 13th March.

This was months after we knew the virus was headed our way so could have set up appropriate reporting and monitoring mechanisms.  And yet, somehow, it's as if our authorities completely forgot about the most vulnerable and at risk members of our society, to the point that we only started hearing about deaths in care homes in the past week or so.

You completely missed the point; that if an advanced country like us have struggled to tally and report it accurately, then in poorer countries with less developed communication networks, the figures could well be miles away from what we're hearing.

Not convinced there's ever been the will to report to us accurately, rUK had their 1st Covid death well before March 5th, the fact we didn't hear about it then had zilcho to do with systems or the lack thereof. 

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2 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

It was going round my head earlier that this could have been planned because the world leaders realised that there was a much more imminent threat from global warming. A test run if you will to see how it could be reversed.

The threat from global warming is not imminent.  Maybe that’s the problem.

By the time politicians are prepared to take drastic action it will already be too late.


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34 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:


I didn't say we've been played, not really sure what you're on about there?  I said we've been poor at tallying and reporting deaths in the uk and in Scotland.

The uk had its first death on March 5th, Scotland on 13th March.

This was months after we knew the virus was headed our way so could have set up appropriate reporting and monitoring mechanisms.  And yet, somehow, it's as if our authorities completely forgot about the most vulnerable and at risk members of our society, to the point that we only started hearing about deaths in care homes in the past week or so.

You completely missed the point; that if an advanced country like us have struggled to tally and report it accurately, then in poorer countries with less developed communication networks, the figures could well be miles away from what we're hearing.

It may be the first reported death in the UK was the 5th March but I believe it was way before that. The main man, Dr Hilary, said yesterday that coronavirus was first in the UK at the end of Jan, I refuse to believe it was 5 weeks from then until the first death 

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Fewer than 100 full planes yes.  I’m guessing (and it’s no more than a guess) that the capacity on individual flights will be well down at the moment.
I wouldn’t go on a plane at the moment for any reason.  I know some folk MUST but 105,000 a week cannot all be essential travel.
Will some of these not be those who had problems getting back from various countries due to flights being cancelled?
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3 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Reminds me of the old joke.

Billy McNeil goes to see how his new signing is doing at training. He sees a guy being carried round the track and goes to investigate. He has a look and says... Fucksake, I told them to sign Rocastle, no' Roy Castle.

It's not aged well, that's for sure...

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It may be the first reported death in the UK was the 5th March but I believe it was way before that. The main man, Dr Hilary, said yesterday that coronavirus was first in the UK at the end of Jan, I refuse to believe it was 5 weeks from then until the first death 
At the end of Jan start of Feb my uncle died of pneumonia. He was in a care home and was struggling with dementia and a hip problem. He also had copd.
Didnt think much of it but then at work four other people all lost their parents due to similar issues.
Probably just the flu season but it was the biggest amount of people off work at the same time through bereavement that I've ever seen.
There was an outbreak in Seattle as well but i think this was identified as normal flu.

You would think that there must be some way of tracing it but it's so widespread now. Wonder if you can tell if it's a euro version or Asian. I have no idea about this stuff.
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91% of deaths according to the ONS figures yesterday involved people who had one or more underlying health condition and IIRC nearly one quarter of deaths were in the 80-85 age category alone.  The death rate from heart disease and other chronic illnesses has also slumped accordingly. 
Fit and healthy people are highly unlikely to be affected badly -unless of course they’re having to cut masks from bin bags to use in a hospital or care setting due to this incompetent government.
70% were also clinically obese - and we are all aware of the increase in underlying health isdues Iin tgag group.

There will also be some on that group who might have an underlying health problem that just hasn't been diagnosed.
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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

The only way this would ever happen is if prior to the relaxation phase the govt are given tangible evidence that the BAME community are for some reason more susceptible to the extent that they are then classed as vulnerable in the same way as old people and those with underlying conditions.


Edit to add, some folk will of course act like dicks.


Regarding the age thing, my thoughts are that the govt will hammer over 65s for months of different measures from the rest of us.


Social distancing and contact tracing will see yer healthy younger folk getting the country moving again.


This could work (contact tracing) along with mass testing, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence at all that the government are preparing for this. (I don't count them saying it as evidence btw) 

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