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7 minutes ago, Perkin Flump said:

Guilty as charged Mixu, I have never disputed that. I have looked into the recent economic travails of Venezuela from both angles & it is an utter basket case even before this crisis. Thankfully this will have little impact on them due to the reduced traffic in & out of the Country. The impact of what is happening on our Country is will be felt for Generations, I know my taxes will be rising & I am ok with that because we all need to help to get us out of the shit, I will not be happy if the Personal Allowance starts to drop because that is penalising the prople who can least afford it. With regards to Venezuela I have been watching that disaster unfold for several years, it is not about the current crisis it is Albania, Cambodia, The USSR et al all over again, just like Germany, Spain, Italy, Trumps USA. I do not like extremists as their Doctrines do not work. I a apolitical in the sense that I don't trust any of them, if that makes me sensible & stupid at the same time then I'm happy with that.

Here's a tip mate. 

Look into the history of Venezuela, Cambodia, Russia, Albania BEFORE the leftists came to power.

Pol Pot obviously not a leftist but he was brought to power by imperialism and insane levels of American bombing. 

Edited by Detournement
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2 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

I despair when people compare those on the left with those on the right.

Diane abbot is a bit thick, and has probably risen higher than she should in terms of actual ability. But her heart is in the right place most of the time and she's hounded constantly. She's also never really harmed people in any great way.

These fuckers are much more dangerous. Their world view fucks over poor people, and they believe in a certain hierarchy of things. They're willing to use racism or xenophobia to win votes, and to hell with the wider consequences.

Having your heart in the right place is not a KPI for holding High Office, neither, in the interests of fairness, is being a hypocritical arsehole who drinks on a train when it is illegal. What Diane Abbott has done however pales into insigificance compared to what we are witnessing right now & I concede that point. I still hold that she would have fucked this up badly in other ways though, can we all just agree that I don't fucking like Politicians, have zero interest in the subject, assume that I will be fucked over no matter who is in charge and leave it there. I'm tired & I am still on bloody alarm call out when we shut today.

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12 hours ago, Gaz said:

Boris Johnston lied to the queen, shut down parliament, conspired to have a journalist assaulted, has more kids than even he knows, and the Right in this country still fucking love him because he's going to get rid of brown people.

I would love to have your optimism. I don't share it.

How dae ye ken? Did ye ask the woman?

9 minutes ago, Perkin Flump said:

Guilty as charged Mixu, I have never disputed that. I have looked into the recent economic travails of Venezuela from both angles & it is an utter basket case even before this crisis. Thankfully this will have little impact on them due to the reduced traffic in & out of the Country. The impact of what is happening on our Country is will be felt for Generations, I know my taxes will be rising & I am ok with that because we all need to help to get us out of the shit, I will not be happy if the Personal Allowance starts to drop because that is penalising the prople who can least afford it. With regards to Venezuela I have been watching that disaster unfold for several years, it is not about the current crisis it is Albania, Cambodia, The USSR et al all over again, just like Germany, Spain, Italy, Trumps USA. I do not like extremists as their Doctrines do not work. I a apolitical in the sense that I don't trust any of them, if that makes me sensible & stupid at the same time then I'm happy with that.

Good for you. You're happy to pay more tax so I presume you're happy to pay for Trident and HS2?

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4 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Here's a tip mate. 

Look into the history of Venezuela, Cambodia, Russia, Albania BEFORE the leftists came to power.

Pol Pot obviously not a leftist but he was brought to power by imperialism and insane levels of American bombing. 

I have because I like to read books in the hope I can find the answer to a quiz question or just to satisfy my own curiosity, they didn't really improve things much after the initial euphoria & they killed as much, if not more than the other evil fuckers they desposed. You might want to read up on Pol Pot m9.

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20 minutes ago, Perkin Flump said:

Guilty as charged Mixu, I have never disputed that. I have looked into the recent economic travails of Venezuela from both angles & it is an utter basket case even before this crisis. Thankfully this will have little impact on them due to the reduced traffic in & out of the Country. The impact of what is happening on our Country is will be felt for Generations, I know my taxes will be rising & I am ok with that because we all need to help to get us out of the shit, I will not be happy if the Personal Allowance starts to drop because that is penalising the prople who can least afford it. With regards to Venezuela I have been watching that disaster unfold for several years, it is not about the current crisis it is Albania, Cambodia, The USSR et al all over again, just like Germany, Spain, Italy, Trumps USA. I do not like extremists as their Doctrines do not work. I a apolitical in the sense that I don't trust any of them, if that makes me sensible & stupid at the same time then I'm happy with that.

Nothing sensible about falling for the lie that Corbyn was in any way an extremist. It says a lot about the depth of tory framing that wanting public assets owned publicly can be seen as extreme. 

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7 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

How dae ye ken? Did ye ask the woman?

Good for you. You're happy to pay more tax so I presume you're happy to pay for Trident and HS2?

Like f**k I am, HS2 is utterly irrelevant now that Video Conferencing is the new normal (gads). As long as the US, Russia & China have nukes, we matter not a jot,get rid and spend the savings elsewhere  but keep some aside to rejuvanate the economy around Faslane.

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

^^^never had a can on the way to a match?

I have never entered a Football match under the influence of alcohol, it expressly forbids it under the terms & conditions of entry.

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1 hour ago, HTG said:

I'm not sure how consistent reporting standards are across countries. I think the mortality comparison to "normal" years may be a better measure. There are some places where you can't trust the infrastructure and others (not a million miles away) where you can't trust the reporting. 

Brexitland has made a rip-roaring c**t of it compared to just about every other country in Europe and with Greece it's not even close. No amount of whataboutery over reporting standards changes that. 

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I do genuinely wonder if we will see an anti-democratic movement emerge in the UK in the next few years.  You see sentiments like those expressed by Marshmallo a lot.  Education has become more of a factor in the difference in voting patterns in recent history as well.   It might seem outlandish but qualifications for participation in some civic duties were only abolished in the 1970s in Britain (property qualifications for jury service specifically).  I doubt it would take a vocally anti-democratic position but perhaps would emerge as part of another movement.

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3 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Stop pontificating about it using tired cliches then.

I'm usually posting with my tongue in cheek but I mean this sincerely - it's complete fucking idiots like you that have landed the UK in the state it's in, with an incompetent brainless government who don't have ti be accountable. You freely admit you have no knowledge on the subject but you have strong opinions and will quite happily post a lot of shite and argue with those who have actually done some research. When people try to ask you questions or challenge your uneducated bollocks you refuse to take anything on board, double down and then post some drivel about being tired to try and shut down the conversation.

Democracy is a good thing but it frustrates me that you get as many votes as someone with more than 16 brain cells.

Marshy, I voted for Labour the last time out & will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, can you just bugger off and annoy people like oaksoft & Malky. I have absolutely zero strong opinions other than both extremes are wrong & we need to find the balance in the middle, if this was a right wing site I would be arguing against the polar opposites there. It's probably for the best if I just bugger off because I am doing no good here 

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1 hour ago, Marshmallo said:

Yeah that's right, you're the hero in all this and anyone who says otherwise is as bad as a racist.

The sooner that he has his next blubbering meltdown and resigns from the forum the better. Hopefully the mods will set up an IP block on his tragic account as well. 

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