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2 minutes ago, stumigoo said:


I’d be delighted to go back in August to a full cohort and timetable. The only roadblock for me is the change of planning for August after these last few weeks of blended learning prep.

If we do indeed open at 100% capacity then a few things will need to happen over the summer but it won’t take forever to turn things around. Our non-Covid timetable had already been written and most departments had shared it with staff. It’s more the logistics of how to best tackle certain aspects of the school. I’m in Guidance so things like having a proper Primary 7 induction in place.


That won't wash. No excuse at all that.

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1 minute ago, stumigoo said:

I just want to go to the gym and go to the football. Think both of those things are still a bit of a pipe dream at the moment. The rest of the stuff doesn’t really bother me, I’m not desperate for going to pubs or out for meals or visiting shops. Just want a wee gym visit and to go to some football.

Ideally, Pub/Bookies/Tannadice/Pub please.

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I just want to go to the gym and go to the football. Think both of those things are still a bit of a pipe dream at the moment. The rest of the stuff doesn’t really bother me, I’m not desperate for going to pubs or out for meals or visiting shops. Just want a wee gym visit and to go to some football.

I think the school return is probably owing more to the public and political pressure in response to the blended plans. If Swinney hadn’t made those comments last week I don’t know how much things would have changed right now.
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On 22/06/2020 at 10:46, Wee Willie said:

Do the unions still have a political levy in favour of the Labour Party?

Way back in page 1913 I posted something for you which you never replied.

I've also posted it in the Politics forum - What is the point of Labour - page 221


I realise most of my posting in this forum are political instead of virus related but sometimes they interchange


On 22/06/2020 at 10:52, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Not as such. Some are affiliated to the Labour Party, others (mine included - POA) have a political fund which is spent in furthering the interests of the members.* This rarely, if ever, sees money go to the Tories, but in our case we have had dealings with the Greens, Plaid and others in the past.

I am, personally, a member of the Labour Party, but that's my choice.

*In our case, and I assume other Unions' this is by mandate of Conference.

But on P&B you always show support for the common man, the workers in this country.

Do you really think the Labour Party support the same aims as you?

22 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

It's an anger that the whole idea of the middle class is a construct which serves only to divide the workers, and prevents them focussing on the people who are the real millstone around the neck of progress. As I've said before to people who think they're middle class and vote accordingly, a Head Teacher on 100k+ has more in common with the single mother of his most "challenging" pupil than he will ever have with the people he votes for.

does that include the higher-ups in the Labour Party

22 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Ah, social mobility. I remember being told that was still a thing. The only way anyone from outside the financially-independent class can infiltrate it even temporarily is by fucking one of them.

Until the workers stop fighting each other, the wealth hoarders will continue to fúck us all - and they won't even use lube.

Does that include members of the Labour Party who are also in the House of Lords?

On 04/06/2020 at 13:05, Wee Willie said:
  On 04/06/2020 at 11:03, WhiteRoseKillie said:

The two main parties' disdain, and perceived disdain, for Scotland just reflects the casually racist attitude a majority of potential voters down here hold towards all the Celtic Nations.

It's no just the casual racism of potential English voters. It's also the same thing from the English political parties.

The Tory and the Labour party (& the LibDems) have all refused to acknowledge that Scotland can decide herself  (through a referendum) whether to stay or go .

Would you agree with me it is the Scottish electorate who will make the decisions and no BoJo or Starmer.


There's a lot of Labour members, MPs and yes, even a very recent leader, who want rid of all Nuclear weapons. It is an idea which has been pushed aside in the priority queue by Brexit, imho. Let's see where we go in future.

Rubbish! This is from 3 years ago


Labour supports the renewal of the Trident nuclear deterrent. As a nuclear-armed power, our country has a responsibility to fulfil our obligations under the Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty.

 and this is the Scottish Labour version. Weasel words  from a weasel party


Defence is a reserved issue and UK Labour continues to support the renewal of the Trident nuclear deterrent.


What exactly makes you think that Labour supports HS2 in the form promoted by the Tories? There was a party which had a manifesto pledge to continue the line into Scotland, which I assume you would be in favour of. Shame England wanted to Get Brexit Done...

I've no idea but I've yet to read anything from a UK/Scottish Labour party decrying the fact that Scotland has to pay a share of the HS2 costs as well as other expensive English projects. Also I'm no in favour of extending HS2 to Scotland. It would make far more sense to electrify the whole of main line Scottish Routes.


How much of a Royalist is Starmer? How important is his view on that issue to his position as leader? Again, I would say there is a large minority of the Party (YT included) who would kick the Windsors and all their extended family of parasites onto the streets and use their property portfolio as housing for the deserving, but that is something we'd be swimming against the tide with at the moment.

He is enough of a royalist to bend the knee and acknowledge Charlie Windsor as his better/superior. If he is the heid man of a socialist party then why does he no reject his title?


I do enjoy reading your posts, Willie, but at times you do come over a wee bit McGlashan-ey.

I always enjoy reading your posts and usually concur with the sentiments but how can you say that the Labour Party is non-controversial.

And what or who is McGlashan?

Last weekend there was an article on the BBC News website regarding greetin'-faced John Bercow moaning that he's no getting a knighthood.

Halfway down the article was this sentence.

Mr Bercow has been proposed for a peerage by the former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn,

A so-called socialist proposing some sod for the House of Lords - help ma boab!


Is this the same socialist party that you support?

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I just want to go to the gym and go to the football. Think both of those things are still a bit of a pipe dream at the moment. The rest of the stuff doesn’t really bother me, I’m not desperate for going to pubs or out for meals or visiting shops. Just want a wee gym visit and to go to some football.
I'm sure gyms were included in phase 3 so I'm hopeful that they could be reopened at some point next month.

In theory, gyms should be easier to manage than pubs. I'm sure most gyms could easily implement a system where you book an hours slot with, say, half an hour between slots for cleaning. It says a lot for us as a country that pubs seem to have taken priority over health and fitness.
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4 hours ago, Salvo Montalbano said:



Without straying even further from the topic, I'll just quickly reply to this and I'll spoiler tag it so people can skip it.





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It's fair to say Standard Grade needed refreshed (in the late 90s/early 2000s, SG Physics still had bits about how a black and white TV worked) but many teachers feel SG was a good qualification. Everyone found their level, Foundation, General or Credit and there was a decent structure in place. However there was the problem of pupils who got a Foundation or General finding their level in a subject capped as they couldn't cope with Highers. Intermediate 1 and 2 were partly brought in to try and offer people a progression in a subject (you could do Int 1 OR SG in a subject then do Int 2 before Higher as a "bridge" if you found the jump too high) but sadly there were loads of problems. The jump from Int 1 to Int 2 was far too high in some subjects, in some cases just as bad if not worse than the jump from SG to Higher. The qualification was also inequitable - Int 2 Physics was a lot harder than SG but in Maths it was the other way round, meaning the lower ability kids actually did Int 2 rather than SG and had to then make a huge leap if they wanted to do Higher Maths. It also led to some schools putting lots of Int 1 classes together of poorer ability or pupils with behaviour issues which meant they became a dumping ground. I think Intermediates were quite unpopular and the only benefit people saw was the introduction of Access level qualifications below that which meant that pupils who really struggled or were in Departments of Additional Support at least gained some qualifications. The Nationals are a bit of a hybrid but even in their short lifespan there have been changes in terms of internal assessment (which the government like as its cheaper than external assessment) and some course content. There has also been a shift towards National Progression Awards in some schools which means yet more course development and changing of timetable structures etc. In the Junior School, 5-14 was OK in theory but you're never going to get all Primary Schools covering all the experiences and outcomes especially in subject specific areas such as Science and Languages Languages which means a lot if S1 and S2 was covering work that should have been done in Primary. IMO, CfE has almost made this worse as a lot of Primary schools do more work on confidence and responsibility and the 4 "capactities" rather than the basics of Maths, English, Science and other core subjects. So the newer S1 and 2 pupils may be confident and know how to make a Power Point up and know about rights and so on (which are all good things, don't get me wrong) but can't count or read or write or are able to study or plan or work on their own or concentrate on one piece of work for more than about 10 minutes. On top of all the curricular things, behaviour management has totally changed to the idea of restorative practices (which doesn't work for a lot of pupils, but - I kid you not, when queried about one aspect of it at a meeting on my school, a depute said "Well, if you look at the study done in the Canadian Prison Service..." As you can imagine you could have heard the guffaws from down the corridor) and schools are almost forbidden from excluding pupils unless they do something so terrible they have no choice. So yeah, to answer your point, a lot of changes have been needed but they haven't always been managed in the best way and the pace of change has been very challenging with a new course to be written and assessed almost every year or 2 years for at least a decade.


The courses are still changing. We got the update to N5 Maths emailed earlier in the week. 

Agree about the difficulty of Int 2 etc. N5 is a hybrid of SG (Credit), Int 2 and a couple of bits of old Higher added in. With it being the only examinable option on the table for S4 pupils, it's little wonder that every year one third of sitting candidates fail it.

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I'm sure gyms were included in phase 3 so I'm hopeful that they could be reopened at some point next month.

In theory, gyms should be easier to manage than pubs. I'm sure most gyms could easily implement a system where you book an hours slot with, say, half an hour between slots for cleaning. It says a lot for us as a country that pubs seem to have taken priority over health and fitness.

It think that gyms could be very well managed if given the chance. I just worry that the government have always been a bit hesitant when talking about gyms so I hope they don’t drag it on. I had hoped that we would see them opening mid-July but I worry it might be August.
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It think that gyms could be very well managed if given the chance. I just worry that the government have always been a bit hesitant when talking about gyms so I hope they don’t drag it on. I had hoped that we would see them opening mid-July but I worry it might be August.

Did NS not say something last week about they were waiting on a report that would look at the impact of gyms and pubs due at the start of July?

Even when they do reopen, I’m not sure how busy the gyms will be. Nuffield in Chesser here I can’t see being overwhelmed when it reopens. It’s mostly older folk who seem to go there and it was totally dead in the two or three weeks before it closed. I can see gyms like pure gym that are more popular with younger folk being mobbed though.

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Did NS not say something last week about they were waiting on a report that would look at the impact of gyms and pubs due at the start of July?


Even when they do reopen, I’m not sure how busy the gyms will be. Nuffield in Chesser here I can’t see being overwhelmed when it reopens. It’s mostly older folk who seem to go there and it was totally dead in the two or three weeks before it closed. I can see gyms like pure gym that are more popular with younger folk being mobbed though.



Selfishly I hope that the gyms are much quieter for a bit after this. My gym is very well equipped for some kind of block/rota booking based system and has plenty of space to move things around so I think they would be able to open at short notice and without much fuss.

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Selfishly I hope that the gyms are much quieter for a bit after this. My gym is very well equipped for some kind of block/rota booking based system and has plenty of space to move things around so I think they would be able to open at short notice and without much fuss.



I’m not too fussed with the gyms in the short term. I’ve bought a lot of my own equipment and I have access to my rugby clubs equipment once we are allowed back at the grounds from Monday (so long as we train outside, which is easily done).


But you’re right, gyms are very easily controlled in terms of entry and usually have decent hygiene standards (certainly in most of the commercial gyms). The problem, we will be told, will be that it’s a humid environment when lots of people breathing heavily in close(ish) proximity.

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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:
1 hour ago, doulikefish said:
Interesting to hear that NS said she hadnt seen the scientific data Boris is using which also tallies with the welsh Fm saying nobody from westminster had contacted him in 3 weeks 

My understanding was that the 2 July study results into the 2m rule were UK wide which would tie in with what both Scotland and Wales are saying. If so England is either jumping the gun or have decided to go with some other advice.

You don't need a blue ribbon study to know that reducing social distancing to the same as it is in sane and well functioning countries is a sensible step on the way to punting it in the bin where it belongs. This is a case of certain governments wanting to hide behind the myth of The Science and precedent elsewhere because they don't want to make a decision yet.

47 minutes ago, Gaz said:

I can't see that we will. Been saying all along that as long as it's safe we want our staff and pupils to be in school.

If it's not safe, however, then we will (quite rightly) be speaking out against this.

Nothing's going to be 100% safe or 100% unsafe though: it is not some black or white status that a scientist can declare for you. The actual assessment should be whether returning to a school poses a reasonable risk to staff or pupils, based on both the prevalent infection rate as well as personal health circumstances. 

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48 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

I'm sure gyms were included in phase 3 so I'm hopeful that they could be reopened at some point next month.

In theory, gyms should be easier to manage than pubs. I'm sure most gyms could easily implement a system where you book an hours slot with, say, half an hour between slots for cleaning. It says a lot for us as a country that pubs seem to have taken priority over health and fitness.

Exercise outdoors has been unrestricted for fucking weeks m8. This sort of moralising pish is likely all too prevalent in the SG though, hence the 'we can't open beer gardens despite it being in our own plan cos folk breathe differently' drivel.

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On 14/06/2020 at 13:23, ICTChris said:

It’s highly possible that in August there will be zero deaths and zero transmissions. Are we really going to have kids in school one day a week with blended learning if that’s the case? Can’t see it holding.

Just call me the Oracle*


*all my other predictions that didn't come true were just me testing you.

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Youngest sons school schedule

Week 1,1 day

Week  2 days

Week 3 1 day

Week 4 2 days

Week 5 2 days

Week 6 1 day

Week 7 2 days

Week 8 2 days

October holidays

Oldest son has same days which is fine. Child care we are fine however I know a fair few in his class who are fucked 

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