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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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16 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Sorry to hear you're not allowed to work.

A policy of pursuing an elimination policy is unworkable unless there is a closed border, no flights in or out of Scotland etc which just isn't going to happen.

With no viable safe vaccine on the horizon then you would have to effectively isolate the country indefinitely.

A large proportion of the population would not accept that and rightly so.


The terminology is confusing, elimination seems to mean just keeping transmission low and controlled rather than eradicating it entirely.


Disease eradication is the global reduction of infection to zero cases, whereas disease elimination is the absence of sustained endemic community transmission in a country or other geographical region.


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7 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

They definitely will. If there's a game on anywhere near me and I'm allowed to go to it then I'd definitely head along. I'm pretty sure plenty of folk would be in the same boat.


I haven't been to Broadwood in years but would happily head down to see Queens Park or even Thistle just for something to do. 

But then I would rather give my money to most teams apart from Clyde...

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9 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

They definitely will. If there's a game on anywhere near me and I'm allowed to go to it then I'd definitely head along. I'm pretty sure plenty of folk would be in the same boat.

I demand these on the terraces.


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11 minutes ago, virginton said:

I don't recall teachers and support staff signing up to work in a patently unsafe environment during a pandemic if the alternative might make your sprog a wee bit sad for a while. I don't see similar hand-wringing about the skyrocketing levels of depression and mental wellbeing concerns among the general population though: perhaps we should to lift all restrictions on the same grounds then and not just the ones that suit your schedule. 

It's not 'amazing' at all because it's in fact a perfectly straightforward solution and one that follows the rather more important task of combatting the virus rather than placating whingeing parents. 

Got it. So teachers shouldn't have accepted going back now, with the various mitigations offered by their employers, but they should accept a plan that involves a fairly drastic change to their terms and conditions?

And just to head off your sneering response re said mitigations, they are undoubtedly being assessed and put in place by people who know more about it than you do. This also goes for the assessment of requirement for schools to be open as it pertains to children's welfare and the impact on the economy of keeping them closed. 

There are also people better qualified than you to assess residual risk in opening schools against virus suppression. 

In short, like you enjoy to keep telling people who stray into your extremely narrow field of higher knowledge, you are not qualified to spout the shite you are spouting here. 

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Got it. So teachers shouldn't have accepted going back now, with the various mitigations offered by their employers, but they should accept a plan that involves a fairly drastic change to their terms and conditions?
And just to head off your sneering response re said mitigations, they are undoubtedly being assessed and put in place by people who know more about it than you do. This also goes for the assessment of requirement for schools to be open as it pertains to children's welfare and the impact on the economy of keeping them closed. 
There are also people better qualified than you to assess residual risk in opening schools against virus suppression. 
In short, like you enjoy to keep telling people who stray into your extremely narrow field of higher knowledge, you are not qualified to spout the shite you are spouting here. 
This will also be the same teachers he roundly castigated pre schools returning. Total trolling, as usual he's at it.
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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
13 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
Got it. So teachers shouldn't have accepted going back now, with the various mitigations offered by their employers, but they should accept a plan that involves a fairly drastic change to their terms and conditions?
And just to head off your sneering response re said mitigations, they are undoubtedly being assessed and put in place by people who know more about it than you do. This also goes for the assessment of requirement for schools to be open as it pertains to children's welfare and the impact on the economy of keeping them closed. 
There are also people better qualified than you to assess residual risk in opening schools against virus suppression. 
In short, like you enjoy to keep telling people who stray into your extremely narrow field of higher knowledge, you are not qualified to spout the shite you are spouting here. 

This will also be the same teachers he roundly castigated pre schools returning. Total trolling, as usual he's at it.

Yeah, it occured to me that it was the teachers getting it recently and now it's the parents. His wee crusades are basically the same as oaksofts. 

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11 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

3 deaths on the NRS weekly report this week (around 0.3% of total deaths), and deaths 8% below the 5 year average.

And people still think it's a public health crisis 🤣

Government strategy is working, SNP must be condemned.

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Cannot believe they aren't lifting restrictions in Aberdeen.

That's absolutely ridiculous.

I assume they will cancel Aberdeen's fixtures then, given the lockdown was given as the reason for canceling their previous games...

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19 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

3 deaths on the NRS weekly report this week (around 0.3% of total deaths), and deaths 8% below the 5 year average.

And people still think it's a public health crisis 🤣

Spot on, it's all about the number of cases now to keep the fear up.  We just need to get on with it, be brave and accept that this disease is here to stay.  it will kill a few people along the way, just like most diseases.

Edited by FFCinthearea
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Listening to NS just now, I get the impression that this won't be over until there are zero cases.  It seems likely that just a single case in anything resembling normality will rather quickly see a return to the current figures. 

Without a vaccine, which could realistically be years away, I honestly can't see a way out of considerable restrictions this year.  Fitba's fooked. :(

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Scottish GDP fell 19.7% in Q2 as a result of lockdown. This compares relatively favourably with the UK as a whole, which dropped 21%, but still as you’d expect compares pretty dreadfully internationally.


It really can’t be stressed enough how badly the UK has done in this, by any measure you’d like to name.

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Cannot believe they aren't lifting restrictions in Aberdeen.
That's absolutely ridiculous.
I assume they will cancel Aberdeen's fixtures then, given the lockdown was given as the reason for canceling their previous games...
You can travel for work not an issue and theirs and Celtic's games were postponed for a week due to player breaches not local lockdown but you know that, it just doesn't suit your ever deepening spiral into full flat earth Covid denier.

Sad to see but your not alone been a couple of very similar meltdowns over on BWA. Same pattern, start out reasonably balanced but just descend into an obsessive death spiral breakdown moaning at every single iota of news positive or negative.
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25 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Got it. So teachers shouldn't have accepted going back now, with the various mitigations offered by their employers, but they should accept a plan that involves a fairly drastic change to their terms and conditions?

They absolutely shouldn't have gone back and I've already stated that it is a disgrace that the EIS has proven more interested in strike action over not getting enough of a pay rise than ensuring that teachers as well as all the support staff - whodon't have their own middle-class union protecting them - are able to return to a safe working environment. 

The quid pro quo for the government binning that ridiculous policy would of course involve teaching more at a later date. And in any such scenario the teachers would negotiate a very favourable deal for themselves anyway. 



And just to head off your sneering response re said mitigations, they are undoubtedly being assessed and put in place by people who know more about it than you do.This also goes for the assessment of requirement for schools to be open as it pertains to children's welfare and the impact on the economy of keeping them closed. 

There are also people better qualified than you to assess residual risk in opening schools against virus suppression. 


Would these be the same geniuses who kept claiming until the final week of March that schools absolutely could not possibly close in the first place, while they were enabling community transmission and Scotland having one of the worst excess death rates in the whole of Europe? Before shutting them down for the rest of year anyway. Or perhaps clownshoes Leitch himself who advised that an Old Firm game could go ahead at full capacity the previous week until the SFA stepped in and put a stop to that nonsense?

The government has been very clear about its regulations in every other sector of the economy: it is simply ditching them in schools because it is politically convenient to do so and not on any credible risk assessment grounds. It is not logical to claim that 30 children can sit inside a school classroom all day with hundreds of colleagues in the same building with no credible social distancing or face coverings while at the same time having a meltdown if more than three households meet in a restaurant. 


In short, like you enjoy to keep telling people who stray into your extremely narrow field of higher knowledge, you are not qualified to spout the shite you are spouting here. 

I don't need to be 'qualified' to state my view on a football forum that the government's current strategy is a massive crock of shite, in the same way that I stated that it was a crock of shite in March and have been vindicated at every single turn since. Thanks for playing anyway. 



15 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

This will also be the same teachers he roundly castigated pre schools returning. Total trolling, as usual he's at it.

If you're a complete fucking idiot who thinks that criticising teachers means that you also want them to die of Covid, sure.  

Edited by vikingTON
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2 weeks since cases started rising to 40-50odds each day yet hospital admisions and icu patient numbers have went down!, as well as zero deaths.  The same numbers have been reported all across Europe.  You wonder if this just hit hard amongst the oldest and sickest in society who were hanging on by their fingernails in march or april?

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1 minute ago, Billy Jean King said:

You can travel for work not an issue and theirs and Celtic's games were postponed for a week due to player breaches not local lockdown but you know that, it just doesn't suit your ever deepening spiral into full flat earth Covid denier.

Sad to see but your not alone been a couple of very similar meltdowns over on BWA. Same pattern, start out reasonably balanced but just descend into an obsessive death spiral breakdown moaning at every single iota of news positive or negative.

Unfortunately for you, the Scottish Football Coronavirus Joint Response Group clearly said:

These matches have been postponed in light of ongoing restrictions in Aberdeen...


So tell me again how I "know" that they were not postponed due to local lockdown...

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8 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

The sad thing is, you genuinely believe that the restrictions are the thing that is driving deaths down.

Have you found another Italian quack claiming the virus has mutated to something harmless?

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