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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Literally none of that post actually addresses anything I said. Even the bit at the start is you claiming to know what I "want". And to backup your argument, you used a post made by me in relation to the health risk associated with putting kids on school. Completely unrelated to, well anything really. I was not scared for the health of my kids then. I am not scared for their health now. 

And to further back up your mewling, you have completed fabricated an all powerful "nippy parents" lobby. Who are these parents influencing the government? And why is that that they have seemingly way more influence than actual, not made up in your toothless wee head, massive industries like travel, hospitality and even professional sports having their way with the government? You have somehow managed to build up a few Facebook maws into the malevolent unseen hand guiding the Scottish Government and to be quite honest, its pathetic. You cant actually offer anything to back up your constant mewling about schools going back and you havent addressed what I initially said. Schools are back because they are seen as being essential to a functioning society. 

So if you care to contend what I posted, that schools are back and football crowds arent because of the cost/benefit of one is vastly different to the other, feel free. If you want to talk about a made up parental bogeyman then by all means direct it elsewhere. 

Honestly, for someone who seemingly takes pride in being educated, your inability to look beyond the things that you personally want to see getting back to normal is quite amazing. 

Just re read your post there, and it seems you are suggesting that we can just replace workers who need to loom after their kids with newly available workers who dont have kids. Absolutely gone at that tbh. You are a fucking idiot. 

In fairness, mate, you could have edited that down to (the last) five words, and been no less correct.

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8 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I'm talking about your inability to understand a previous post of mine.

I frankly couldn't give a shiny shite what you and the sage of Inverclyde might be discussing.

You'll forgive me for giving not an ounce of a f**k about what you have to say either.

I did understand your previous post btw. It was a decent enough post, but bore no relevance to mine that you'd quoted.

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10 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

You cant actually offer anything to back up your constant mewling about  --INSERT ANY TOPIC HERE -- and you havent addressed what I initially said.

Generic VT post thread for this pish.

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1 hour ago, Marshmallo said:

That's a genuinely world class post from VT to the fence sitter. 

Bingo card at the ready for the reply

"Mrs B"

"Mum's basement"

"If you're not a parent you wouldn't understand"

Something about education being absolutely vital to development 

Hybrid twee swear word like "spunkpuffin"


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7 minutes ago, Donathan said:

What has the fat moron said now?

Claims that he booked a table for 4 for dinner and the first thing he was asked was "how many households does that involve" and, after saying 2 was told "no problem, we will put you at a round table normally meant for 6."

An absolute bullshit conversation that almost certainly did not happen.

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On 07/09/2020 at 12:40, Snafu said:

I've been taking Vitamin D capsules and eating vitamin D rich food since the start of January from advice from physio to help with my immune system. It is well known that in this country a lot of people don't get enough sunlight. I have more energy than last year and my general mood has improved as well. So when the pandemic hit I knew my immune system was as good as is could be to defend myself.

Is the reason Vitamin D is being ignored even by the W.H.O. could be down to that there is no money to be made out of it?

As Dr. John Campbell says its unethical that there has been no clinical trials on vitamin D.

Why is this?


I've been taking a vitamin D supplement for a couple of months now after reading reports of it making a marked difference on Covid sufferers in Hong Kong.  No idea if it'll help but it's a small price to pay, about 2p a tablet.


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I work in the events industry. I’ve had one shift since mid March, myself and thousands like me are worried about losing our jobs and there being no events industry to speak of for the foreseeable future. It saddens me that Im 35 and on the cusp of being on the job scrapheap. As ive touched on previously I have had depression for about a year now due to a long term relationship ending and then my Dad dying in Feb. Lockdown has been so tough for many people and a breeze for others. I think we’ve reached a point now with the JRS ending that we need to get all industries open again. If people don’t want to go to sports/concerts/shows etc through fear then that’s fair enough but at least allow people to make a choice. I honestly don’t see how 1200 fans outdoors at Somerset wearing a face covering is any more “dangerous” than sitting in a busy pub or restaurant sans mask. 

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6 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

What's the latest on vaccines? I read something about the US saying to be ready for one in November. Is that posturing by Trump?

I think Scotland is opting out of one.

You'd be forgiven for thinking that anyway.

Nothing on the horizon..........

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22 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Claims that he booked a table for 4 for dinner and the first thing he was asked was "how many households does that involve" and, after saying 2 was told "no problem, we will put you at a round table normally meant for 6."

An absolute bullshit conversation that almost certainly did not happen.

why do you not believe that happened - pretty much exactly that has happened to me.   Restaurants are asking these questions when you call to make a booking so why would he make this up? 

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When does Sunak announce the further year extension to the JRS thus enabling lockdown mk 2. You can sense it bubbling to the surface here.

If they extend it it’ll be restricted to certain industries (retail, hospitality, Travel.) especially after the news that £3.5billion May have been fraudulently claimed since March.
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1 minute ago, Snafu said:

Very sad news -

Three new deaths have been recorded in Scotland...

The cold, hard truth is that it is not a single bit more or less sad than simply announcing "150 new deaths have been recorded in Scotland" every day of every year.

It's time to stop singling out one specific cause of death as more sad than all others.

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