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3 minutes ago, buchan30 said:

Why has Glasgow and Lanarkshire been so badly effected by this? Have folk just not been following the guidelines or is it because its a densely populated area?

I think it will primarily be because it is a densely populated area. You also have a lot of kids getting public transport to school rather than walking or getting a lift in as well which can't be helping things.

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8 minutes ago, Paco said:


There’s no way to stop this unfortunately. Such is life under localised restrictions.

You just need to hope the vast majority follow, or we go back into national measures.


Compliance would be an easier thing to guarantee if the government were 1. Willing to actually stick to the tier system instead of salami slicing bits off because they are squeamish about committing to it and 2. Were transparent and published the criteria for how the tiers move.

Let people know where they stand and give them something to work towards.

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2 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Are you still allowed household bubbles in Tier 4?

I think so but maybe within reason. I live alone and my extended household is in Falkirk. If travel is banned between local authorities then it's not clear what would be permissible for me.

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8 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

I think it will primarily be because it is a densely populated area. You also have a lot of kids getting public transport to school rather than walking or getting a lift in as well which can't be helping things.

I've been getting the same train that roughly 50 school kids get on most mornings, I'd say about 5 of them wear a mask on the train. 

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8 minutes ago, Chairman Mao said:

Gyms closing would be an annoyance but luckily, my partner is a hairdresser.

I just ignore the household rules

Gyms closing even independent training, along with I'm assuming all non essential travel being banned would be murder.

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Compliance would be an easier thing to guarantee if the government were 1. Willing to actually stick to the tier system instead of salami slicing bits off because they are squeamish about committing to it and 2. Were transparent and published the criteria for how the tiers move. Let people know where they stand and give them something to work towards.



Well, quite. For the first time in some while, the Scottish Government are the followers and not the leaders when it comes to Covid measures.


The English system has been a disaster because a) there is no actual criteria for moving between tiers, b) areas with drastically different rates and trajectories are lumped in the same tiers and c) there is no consistency even between places in the same tier, with local leaders being given a menu on what they want to close and keep open.


On a) there’s time yet to publish clear criteria on how to move between tiers, but I haven’t seen it signalled. We debate the system tomorrow in parliament. Is there any chance at all the wonderful opposition parties raise this?


On b), the signs appear that we’re going to have East Lothian (89 cases per 100k) and Glasgow (352 per 100k) in the same tier. No comment needed there.


And on c), unfortunately we’re already looking at changing Tier 1 rules, removing at least some of the ‘rewards’ for getting there.


It isn’t looking good at all.


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33 minutes ago, Boostin' Kev said:

This is why East Lothian are getting it a bit tight being bracketed with Edinburgh.  The 2 areas are too closely connected, Musselburgh would be chaos with everyone travelling through Porty and half of Niddrie/Craigmillar descending upon it and the toffs east of the Pans certainly wouldn't be happy.with those travelling further afield.

We're in east lothian, and while it was annoying at first being bracketed in with Edinburgh, it's obviously been done to stop a "ripple effect" being created - pubs open east lothian would mean people coming into region from Edinburgh and Midlothian, there are more than enough ample transport links for this to happen. 

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11 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Putting aside who he works for, this is very good read and puts things in perspective. If only the masses agreed 


His generation saddled us with debt already. It's a political choice that right wingers like himself chose, the economic arguments don't stack up. Also you can't say Covid killed less people that the flu and lockdowns don't work, the points are contrary.

Who does he work for btw?

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8 minutes ago, philpy said:

We're in east lothian, and while it was annoying at first being bracketed in with Edinburgh, it's obviously been done to stop a "ripple effect" being created - pubs open east lothian would mean people coming into region from Edinburgh and Midlothian, there are more than enough ample transport links for this to happen. 

The front page pics of Musselburgh would make the summer beach party ones of Porty look small fry. 

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