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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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20 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

From the beginning I've tried to look at this from a European wide perspective rather than a UK or Scottish perspective as I knew that politics would likely get in the way of the facts and accusations would be made on any decisions made, as such I still believe that virtually all Governments are following the same advice whether flawed or not, so don't believe that anything being done here is politically motivated.

That being said, I'm not saying that the decisions are correct however I do believe they're being made in good faith as can't see what any Government has to gain by giving bad news to their electorate and telling people they can't do something or even meet up with their friends and family.

The facts as they stand would seem to point to the virus being dealt with far better if cases reach a serious state as our hospitals are now better equipped and our staff better trained / experienced in dealing with it, also it would seem that the majority still don't get any worse than a common cold / mild flu symptoms if indeed any symptoms at all. The latest info also seems to point to herd immunity being a sunk ship as it would seem there's no lasting immunity to this virus.

So, where does that leave us ?

Do we risk opening everything back up and more or less going back to normal and see if we can cope with the fallout or do we stick with these precautions indefinitely and hope a virus cure appears and that our economies aren't completely destroyed by this time ??

Honestly, I don't know the right answer and if people on here were honest I'd guess they'd say that they don't know either....

The virus was under control in the summer, even after the huge hospitality and retail sectors reopened. That was because they reopened safely with precautions in place. Masks, social distancing, etc.

Since education was reopened virtually without restriction, infections have sky rocketed.

Germany's cases have increased but not at the same rate as other European nations. Low and behold their regions decided to safeguard students, staff and the wider community by implementing mask wearing, social distancing and blended learning. It's not perfect but their situation in terms of the virus and restrictions is far better than what we have here.

In countries where their regions opened with individual restrictions, there is a marked difference between those that went with the business as usual UK approach compared to those who were cautious. 

It is incredible that people are quite content to put their children's health, their own health, as well as older relatives and the wider community at risk so they are not inconvenienced. It is shameful.

The government in this country have decided to go down the populist route and I look forward to heads rolling after the inevitable inquiry into the shambolic handling of this pandemic.

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9 minutes ago, gav-ffc said:

8 in my area one being my neighbour who’s now clear.

I’m beyond the Carron boundary so not sure if we’re lumped in with the 7 in that area or if we haven’t scored enough Covids to make the list...🤔

ETA: Wonder why South Broomage and Village seem significantly higher than all the other wards mentioned? Not sure whether “Village” means Kinnaird or a different bit. A lot of terraced houses/flats and blocks of flats in both areas though. 

Edited by 8MileBU
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That document on the tiers is staggering in its stupidity:

Inverclyde score: 1 2 2 3 1

Numberwang verdict: into tier 3 you go!


Stirling (worst of all): 2 0 2 0 0

Punted into tier 3 as well.


Dumfries and Galloway has literally twice as large a score by the government's own metric than Stirling but the latter has been put under the harshest restrictions in the country for no valid reason whatsoever. 

The only way that this nonsense should be tolerated is if the courts are given the power to actually enforce/bin measures based on the objective criteria that the SG publishes in the public domain. Letting Clownshoes Leitch make the call by triangulating his desire to save Christmas fur the weans and keeping snippy parents onside is not a credible strategy.


Edited by vikingTON
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6 minutes ago, virginton said:

That document on the tiers is staggering in its stupidity:

Inverclyde score: 1 2 2 3 1

Numberwang verdict: into tier 3 you go!


Stirling (worst of all): 2 0 2 0 0

Punted into tier 3 as well.


Dumfries and Galloway has literally twice as large a score by the government's own metrics system than Stirling but the latter has been put under the harshest restrictions in the country for no valid reason whatsoever. 

The only way that this nonsense should be tolerated is if the courts are given the power to actually enforce/bin measures based on the objective criteria that the SG publishes in the public domain. Letting Clownshoes Leitch make the call by triangulated his desire to save Christmas fur the weans and timing lockdowns to keep snippy parents onside is not a credible strategy.


It's almost as if they're making it up and don't actually have a clue what they're doing.    

Adult conversation oh where are you.

All that can he heard at decison making level is must keep schools open repeated 300 times.

Mental health nah,  hard working businesses nah, leisure industry nah, mixing with friends nah, must keep schools open...


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Those Stirling numbers are bonkers. With Inverclyde they could at least argue for tier 3 given a 'single point of failure' type argument for their one score of 3. 

The scariest thing is I bet you a majority of the population of Scotland would be in favour of this.

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42 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:


Fair enough. Fucked that up.

I ocassionly like to log off and have my tea and stuff.

Well sir, you aren’t taking this forum seriously enough then I’m afraid. 

38 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

A man who's never allowed a bandwagon to pass without jumping on it. Bit like @Bairnardo and his knee high fences. :whistle

Ouch, a dagger straight between the shoulder blades.

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Just now, Chairman Mao said:

The virus was “under control” in the summer because...

Lockdowns started out as being about flattening the curve so hospitals would not be overwhelmed. The mission creep that unfolded after opinion poll gazing politicians were handed the power to micromanage people's lives to that extent has led to this mess. 

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Whilst taking your point if it was decided today it's level 4. The point of hanging on til later in week is to give a chance to drop to 3
Call me a cynic but some of these "leaked" tiers may just be softening people up when they are lower than the "leaked" levels.

The "oh that's not as bad as they said" kicking in.
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It's almost as if they're making it up and don't actually have a clue what they're doing.    
Adult conversation oh where are you.
All that can he heard at decison making level is must keep schools open repeated 300 times.
Mental health nah,  hard working businesses nah, leisure industry nah, mixing with friends nah, must keep schools open...
For you personally, what would the adult conversation consist of? If you were to be in the room.

Because the only thing I want to to discuss is why cant we have it all. If theres any conversation that is hard, but necessary, it's that one
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30 minutes ago, Chairman Mao said:

Rather than a European wide view you should look at a worldwide view.

Argentina went into lockdown before the U.K., Sweden didn’t go into lockdown, neither did Japan.

Deaths followed seasonality snd prior immunity. Restrictions made no difference. 

We reached herd immunity threshold before lockdown started.

All the restrictions have done is cause 40k collateral deaths in the U.K., millions worldwide and destroy the world economy. 



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30 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

@Britney Spears  I liked your initial contribution but I see you’ve been lurking for most of the day without making much more of a contribution. 

Dont be shy hen, come join in. What’s your view on the debate today? 

I skipped a bunch of pages when I was catching up earlier and missed that. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

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I found out yesterday that the partner of a friend of mine who lives down near Derby, is now in ICU with Covid. He isn’t on a ventilator but is on more oxygen because he can’t breath unaided. I also found out today that a woman I went swimming with has died of it.

Covid is fucking shit. 

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

Herd immunity isn't sunk. They have found that antibodies decay but it's still likely that the immune system will be able to produce more if it's exposed to the virus again.

True, but that won't shut people up about Sweden, so isn't the preferred narrative for the UK's political elite right now, who very much need the plebs to keep believing that their lockdowns have made a crucial difference in the larger scheme of things for career longevity reasons.



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