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Guest Arthur Symington

Re. mental health, not a hope in hell the situation can improve significantly because even without Covid to consider, society thrives on antagonism and people think that words are only that.

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6 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

NS set to pull the trigger on nationwide L4 restrictions, apparently.

To be announced Tuesday, and in place by next weekend.

I thought the rules were if you improve then down a tier or situation  get worse then next level up? The Scottish numbers seem to be steadying or getting better so a strange call from you here  

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I thought the rules were if you improve then down a tier or situation  get worse then next level up? The Scottish numbers seem to be steadying or getting better so a strange call from you here  

If anything I can see a couple of regions move to 3, some move to 1 and possibly Glasgow to 4.
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NS set to pull the trigger on nationwide L4 restrictions, apparently.
To be announced Tuesday, and in place by next weekend.
Nothing much about it on Twitter. If this was 'apparently' happening, I'd have expected at least a few journalists to be on it by now.

Are you making this up, Todd?
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18 hours ago, superbigal said:

Todays figure to 3rd November is 145.7 so unfortunately another small rise for 3rd day in a row.

Most places are dropping.

 Fife 90.8 to 97.7  so 2 days in a row in the chart risers.

Inverclyde 106.7 to 127.2  big rise

Perth & Kinross hits the pop parade 76.3 to 84.2  not too significant

However Stirling 84.9 to 121 is a disturbing rise   They had a total of 68 cases in the previous 7 days to 27th October and now a total of 121in the most recent 7 days to 3rd November recorded.

Fife and Inverclyde are the ones with the worrying trends. Stirling seems to have had one day where the +ve tests (43) was way above the trend. Possible local cluster?

Glasgow just doesn't seem to want to come down at all, although good to see both Lanarkshire areas decreasing steadily now.

Depending on how the Liverpool pilot works out, Glasgow seems like a good place to carry out mass testing and maybe break the curve downwards a bit faster.

Edited by renton
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Nothing much about it on Twitter. If this was 'apparently' happening, I'd have expected at least a few journalists to be on it by now.

Are you making this up, Todd?
File it under 'this is over as a public health crisis' and 'I'm glad the UK government are now following the Swedish model'
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Just found out an old chap I've done work for for about 12 years has taken his own life due to loneliness related to covid restrictions.  He was 90 and lived alone but spent time in the library and met pals before everything closed down. What a tragic end to a long life.

From a human psychology angle it's interesting that people can be conditioned to be so respectful of authority and rules that they'd consider ending their own life before flouting them. I don't know the exact circumstances here of course, but I wonder for example if he could have had a pal round for an occasional chat in the garden or at a bus stop.

There must be hundreds of similar stories. 

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28 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

Just found out an old chap I've done work for for about 12 years has taken his own life due to loneliness related to covid restrictions.  He was 90 and lived alone but spent time in the library and met pals before everything closed down. What a tragic end to a long life.

From a human psychology angle it's interesting that people can be conditioned to be so respectful of authority and rules that they'd consider ending their own life before flouting them. I don't know the exact circumstances here of course, but I wonder for example if he could have had a pal round for an occasional chat in the garden or at a bus stop.

There must be hundreds of similar stories. 

Awful to hear that. As you say, this story will repeat hundreds of times up and down the land

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29 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Sadly there is, as I've mentioned on here numerous times, the lockdown and the media scare stories have increased peoples anxieties ten fold.  Those who were coping with day to day life only just, now need interventions, we now have an explosion of new mental health cases such as  low mood, anxiety.   The service couldn't cope before now it's swamped.

You have all these old people who went to their little day clubs etc which kept them going, now they can't go as they're all off and the lonliness is crippling them.  Or you have people who are terrified to go out due to worries about Covid.   You have people who are living alone not seeing anyone, those working from home, some of them needed the company of colleagues, it's the only interraction they get.

There was someone jumped from Clacks bridge yesterday too, people are desperate and they have nowhere to turn.  Yesterday I had eight mental health calls on my list, before lockdown I would have had one or two on the odd day, now it's incessant and there are no services available.  You can chuck meds at some of them, refer to secondary care where the waiting lists or massive or hope for counselling, all of this takes time.  The fundamentals are the same though we have a mental health catastrophe on our hands and the years of under investment and paying lip service is really biting us on the arse.

It's tragic that we do not have the services to properly support patients with mental health problems and goodness knows how many are strugging on without rearing their head or only being aware of their issues when they try to or unfortunately do take their own lives.  We've lsot a few patients through suicide recenlty and other practices are the same, its dreadful.   Flippant remarks like those that came from Devi Sridhar about all being in it together and its tough are insensitive and belittle the struggles that many people face on a day to day basis just to get through the day and function.

Proper investment in mental health services are needed in this country and tht's not chucking a piddling £15m to 32 local authorities .  The whole aspect of how mental health services are provided in this country needs overhauled urgently as right now its not fit for purpose.  It will take years to rectify, to train proerly qualified staff, to improve results but it needs to happen.


None of the above worthwhile goals will happen whilst we are still chained to the U.K.

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Sadly there is, as I've mentioned on here numerous times, the lockdown and the media scare stories have increased peoples anxieties ten fold.  Those who were coping with day to day life only just, now need interventions, we now have an explosion of new mental health cases such as  low mood, anxiety.   The service couldn't cope before now it's swamped.
You have all these old people who went to their little day clubs etc which kept them going, now they can't go as they're all off and the lonliness is crippling them.  Or you have people who are terrified to go out due to worries about Covid.   You have people who are living alone not seeing anyone, those working from home, some of them needed the company of colleagues, it's the only interraction they get.
There was someone jumped from Clacks bridge yesterday too, people are desperate and they have nowhere to turn.  Yesterday I had eight mental health calls on my list, before lockdown I would have had one or two on the odd day, now it's incessant and there are no services available.  You can chuck meds at some of them, refer to secondary care where the waiting lists or massive or hope for counselling, all of this takes time.  The fundamentals are the same though we have a mental health catastrophe on our hands and the years of under investment and paying lip service is really biting us on the arse.
It's tragic that we do not have the services to properly support patients with mental health problems and goodness knows how many are strugging on without rearing their head or only being aware of their issues when they try to or unfortunately do take their own lives.  We've lsot a few patients through suicide recenlty and other practices are the same, its dreadful.   Flippant remarks like those that came from Devi Sridhar about all being in it together and its tough are insensitive and belittle the struggles that many people face on a day to day basis just to get through the day and function.
Proper investment in mental health services are needed in this country and tht's not chucking a piddling £15m to 32 local authorities .  The whole aspect of how mental health services are provided in this country needs overhauled urgently as right now its not fit for purpose.  It will take years to rectify, to train proerly qualified staff, to improve results but it needs to happen.
Until the causes get addressed, throwing paltry sums of money at the "cures" is going to be diminishing returns, till the point is reached where we might aswell not have a mental health provision.

Modern day causes like, for example.... Ideological austerity, working people into ground, zero hours jobs, a welfare system designed to waterboard the lazy into getting off their arse because of course, anyone who isnt rich, it's just down their own lack of motivation according to Tories, then covid and associated measures.

The ones resulting from work are set to get worse with Brexit of course.

I have said before and I think and hope it will come eventually.... The tories wont fund the neccessary health service, so they will throw someone else under the bus. Hopefully, in this case employers, who will one day have to answer for the health of their employees rather than claiming they are "aware of mental health issues" by throwing the odd leaflet round the works canteen whilst simultaneously running their ship using fear/intimidation/choose your own flavour of employer shithousery here....
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The Orthodox Partriach of Montenegro died last week of Covid whose existence he denied suggesting prayer would cure all ills.

It is customary to kiss the body of the departed at a funeral there. Now the Partriach of Serbia and other mourners have caught pneumonia like illnesses.

Religion eh...

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Nearly 1600 cases today, very strange jump from what we've seen over recent weeks. Anything changed recently for the majority of the central belt?
Think there might have been more tests carried out. Scrolling through the comments on Twitter and saw it mentioned that about 29,000 tests had been done which is higher than normal.
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