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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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6 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

The British media are a shambles with the written press an embarrassing joke.

Click bait style headlines to direct traffic to their failing publications.    

You'd find higher quality writing from a primary school publication.

I've always found it strange that most people here recognise that Fox News is insane, while calmly accepting that our press will happily exaggerate, misrepresent and lie to millions of people on a daily basis with absolutely no consequences.

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Singapore strategy for allowing business travellers in. Segregated at airport, shipped to secure facilities where they can communicate with local businesses and staff via air tight glass walls. Food and drink will be brought to them.

That's one way round it. Maybe all tourists coming into Scotland can be shipped around in modified pope mobiles.

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2 minutes ago, renton said:


Singapore strategy for allowing business travellers in. Segregated at airport, shipped to secure facilities where they can communicate with local businesses and staff via air tight glass walls. Food and drink will be brought to them.

That's one way round it. Maybe all tourists coming into Scotland can be shipped around in modified pope mobiles.

So long as they don't intend on visiting larkhall denny or fallin I can't see any issue

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7 minutes ago, Mallo_Madrid said:

What's the rationale behind 5 days?

If they must relax the rules,  Christmas Day along with either Christmas Eve or Boxing day would have been plenty to appease most normal folk but not the Facebook mum brigade surely.


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10 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

Looks like the Moderna vaccine is also close to being licensed by FDA.

Moderna Vaccine


I doubt we'll get any of it for a while, it's only manufactured in the US and I think Trump put an export block until they've had all they need.

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8 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

Can someone on SAGE explain to that gormless c**t Hancock what exponential means?

There was always moans from science types down south back in the day about the split in the English education system between arts and science subjects. Pupils would either tend to do only arts for their A levels or only science subjects. The Scottish system was a bit better in that my HIghers are a mixture of science and arts. 

I don't know if things are better now but there is a general ignorance of science matters. I wouldn't say I was the best informed in regard to science but I do have a basic working knowledge of it and what words like "exponential" mean.  

I suspect precious few of UK Government ministers (and the Scottish parliament for that matter) have a science background and Margaret Thatcher stands out in terms of Prime Ministers in regard that she was a trained chemist and was able to understand science advisors even if she did not take their advice. 

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19 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

Can someone on SAGE explain to that gormless c**t Hancock what exponential means?

As an aside, it does my head in that pretty much all the graphs are on a Linear-Linear axes. Log on the Y axis would actually be far more informative.

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14 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

There was always moans from science types down south back in the day about the split in the English education system between arts and science subjects. Pupils would either tend to do only arts for their A levels or only science subjects. The Scottish system was a bit better in that my HIghers are a mixture of science and arts. 

I don't know if things are better now but there is a general ignorance of science matters. I wouldn't say I was the best informed in regard to science but I do have a basic working knowledge of it and what words like "exponential" mean.  

I suspect precious few of UK Government ministers (and the Scottish parliament for that matter) have a science background and Margaret Thatcher stands out in terms of Prime Ministers in regard that she was a trained chemist and was able to understand science advisors even if she did not take their advice. 

There is absolutely a really widespread statistical illiteracy in the UK even amongst otherwise educated people. An example is the number of people who can't seem to get their head around distributions and don't understand that not everyone is at the mean of a distribution.

The sort of idiot who'd reply to the statement "men are generally heavier than women" with "but my mum's heavier than my dad"...


frustration gif - Google Search | This or that questions, Emotional stages,  Giphy


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28 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

When Hancock first came out with it yesterday my first thoughts were that this will never end. A bit of reading would suggest that mutation is normal and it's nothing to be concerned about, albeit scientists will obviously keep an eye on it. The Metro's front page today of "MUTANT COVID" was ridiculous. The media as much as politicians need scrutinised when this is all over but I severely doubt that will happen.

The more I think about it the more I feel that Hancock's comments yesterday were to try and scare people into not meeting up over Christmas rather than having to tell the public that restrictions remain in place.

Its fucking mental. If anything, this goes to show how powerless we are to pursue any sort of zero covid fantasy, and by extension, that we need to have a think about what "living with covid" means. When there was literally nothing available to combat it fair enough, but now there are several vaccines and more on the way, and we are still fixating on cases and deaths from a single cause. I appreciate the vaccine takes time but any bounce in morale from the vaccine starting seems to have been butchered already. The Christmas thing was/is complete stutpidity, but looking longer term than that... Honestly man, I know its a bit ranty but i'm sick to the back fucking teeth of it all. I think hindsight might pick holes in strategies etc over the last year, but its looking more and more like 2021 is a wipeout too, and to me with a vaccine avaialbel that's not acceptable

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1 hour ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

I teach in a primary school bordering Greenwich and we've had to close this week after 10 positive tests among children, 8 among staff (with 1 hospitalised) and a further 17 staff and 120 children self isolating.

The kids doing remote learning this week will actually receive more lesson time than they would have in school as there are no Christmas parties/Christmas assemblies/nativity plays clogging up the timetable.

All the children have received individual feedback on their work, and I've spoken to every parent and child by phone in the last 2 days.

Forcing everyone to pile back into schools for the sake of 4 days serves no benefit to anyone and is the behaviour of a sociopath.

Only design behind this is to keep the parents out at work

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3 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

Correct. My mother has been saying since March that no one will take her Xmas away from her. I don't have the heart to tell her the disdain I hold for this point of view.

Similar. My dad lives on his own and it'll be an absolute miracle if he sees Xmas 2121. Pretty much all that's keeping him going atm is the thought of Xmas day with his two grandkids (who spend 6 hours a day in a covid factory™) and my wife's (works in a hospital) cooking. 

He's already said he'd rather risk catching covid than sit up at his on his own, but that's extremely easy to say when you're not gasping your last with a f**k off tube down your throat in an icu. 

Edited by madwullie
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13 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Its fucking mental. If anything, this goes to show how powerless we are to pursue any sort of zero covid fantasy, and by extension, that we need to have a think about what "living with covid" means. When there was literally nothing available to combat it fair enough, but now there are several vaccines and more on the way, and we are still fixating on cases and deaths from a single cause. I appreciate the vaccine takes time but any bounce in morale from the vaccine starting seems to have been butchered already. The Christmas thing was/is complete stutpidity, but looking longer term than that... Honestly man, I know its a bit ranty but i'm sick to the back fucking teeth of it all. I think hindsight might pick holes in strategies etc over the last year, but its looking more and more like 2021 is a wipeout too, and to me with a vaccine avaialbel that's not acceptable

That was why the SG aim of zero covid being driven by fantasist Devi in the summer was utter nonsense.

Unless you planned to ban movement out and in  of Scotland perpetually it was never going to work.

All that strategy did was f**k the economy, damage people's mental health and do put the NHS miles behind schedule.

You cannot keep bouncing between lockdown, mini lockdown etc as its quite simply here to stay.  

You adapt, hygiene, distancing, masks, test and get on with actually living life.

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