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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Under common law if there is a complaint of a disturbance or evidence of a disturbance police officers can enter any property without a warrant. There are a few circumstances where police can enter a house without warrant, such as in hot pursuit of a suspect, suspicion of occurrence of a serious crime or to ‘quell a disturbance which is ongoing’. Under covid regulations police officers have a power of entry to investigate a reported breach of covid regulations. Its quite common for people to have the belief that ‘you cant commit a breach of the peace in your own house’ which is essentially a lot of nonsense.

Exactly, the polis have always had the power to break up a house party if the situation requires it. I’ve been at one where they cone to the door and politely ask us to “ keep it down and don’t be arseholes” - it was quarter past 5 in the morning. And another where a large fight broke out which split off into several others spilling into the street. They turned up with 2 van loads and just came straight into the house without announcing anything
Pre covid obviously!
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42 minutes ago, bendan said:

BBC fear mongering is one of the most ridiculous things about this pandemic. When it's largely over they'll be saying what an important role they played in providing objective reporting.

I remember when the news just reported the news

Rather than the modern fear mongering and agendised version

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3 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:


Exactly, the polis have always had the power to break up a house party if the situation requires it. I’ve been at one where they cone to the door and politely ask us to “ keep it down and don’t be arseholes” - it was quarter past 5 in the morning. And another where a large fight broke out which split off into several others spilling into the street. They turned up with 2 van loads and just came straight into the house without announcing anything
Pre covid obviously!


People have a right to live their lives, but the same extends to people having a right not to get woken up by their neighbours at 4am every weekend!lol. Ive heard from police officers I know that most people are quite reasonable, dont realise due to the drink either how late it is or how loud they are, a quick chap of the door ‘hi could you keep it down guys’ and jobs a good un, but, told occasionally they encounter people who believe it’s their god given right to have a rave in their flat and ‘im in my own house i can do what i want’ or ‘law students’ who obviously dont pay too much attention to their criminal law lectures.  

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I’ve decided to close our businesses until the 1st of February.  We’re restricted in what we can do so it makes more sense.

This ‘lockdown’ is nothing like the March one, it might reduce transmission but I cannot see it being as effective given the number of businesses still operating.

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2 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

The roads are generally quite a good indicator. You're right, during the original lockdown they were absolutely dead. Autumn/Christmas time they were as busy as ever before and I thought they might get quieter with the latest restrictions. Not so.

I've noticed this too but is it possibly due to less car sharing than pre-pandemic?

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9 minutes ago, btb said:

I've noticed this too but is it possibly due to less car sharing than pre-pandemic?

Would also guess a small part of it is people driving to places that they might have walked to in better weather. But mostly I think it is lockdown fatigue.

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3 hours ago, Tynierose said:

In my hours stroll to work today, my fault for living near top of a hill with a car that is pants in snow.  Anyway I digress.

I walked a lot to work during spring lockdown and the roads were empty.  This time though they are packed.  Where are all these people going? I presume a good few of them whose work closed last time but are now playing loose with what constitutes a key worker to keep going.

Incidentally the amount of white van man cash in hand types doing the rounds is incredible.   

Don't pay taxes, boast about their income,now can't get furloughed due to lack of records.  Never mind, we will work on regardless spreading disease as we go.


Surely they'd be getting SSEIS rather than furlough, whilst some will be getting zip due to lack of records a huge chunk will be getting zip as they've not filed 3 full years, imagine the uproar if furlough only applied to those in continuous employment for the previous 3 years, a lot of youngsters would be left with f**k all. 

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I’ve got to be honest, I’ve noticed the roads being very much quieter when I’ve been out.
Not quite as quiet in my experience than late march early April but certainly quieter than from May til Christmas around Motherwell and the M74
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3 hours ago, Steven W said:

Seems to be gaining a bit more publicity today, but this got lost in among the Trump / America stuff yesterday.

Tend to think there will be more good news on this front in the coming months (J&J vaccine for instance)


3 hours ago, Rugster said:

Pfizer saying their vaccine is confirmed as effective against the UK and S African mutated strains


5 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Moderna jab approved.

Wisest words I've ever uttered! On the ball the day ☺️


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17 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

ONS figs for England last week are wild. Estimated that in that week over 1.2m that's 1 in 50 actually were infected. Herd immunity might yet outrun the vaccine.

This raises an interesting point. Would it not be better to avoid 'wasting' a vaccine dose on someone who is known to already have had Covid, meaning we could protect the vulnerable groups in less time?

Edited by Todd_is_God
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3 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

Anyone else seen the videos on twitter of the cops arresting 3 folk in a house in Aberdeen for COVID breaches?

Most of the reports seem to say that a neighbour philpyed them for having too many folk in the house, while they claim they were celebrating the return from hospital of one of their kids. Either way, it has elicited the predictable responses of "Sturgeon has turned Scotland into a police state" and "Police Scotland, more like the Gestapo, amirite?".




3 hours ago, 101 said:

Don't the people complaining understand that it's Iain Livingston who runs the police and the FM can't direct what approach he takes.

ETA just watched the video shoving a polis man out your house doesn't seem like the best idea and both the maw and the polis should have taken a deep breath and calmed down. It's hard to tell what does on in the rammy, I assume they are trying to arrest one of them and the daughter gets caught up in it which is sad.

Indeed. The maw seems very confrontational for some reason. Perhaps angry because she’s being pulled up for breaking the covid rules? The dad seems very sheepish and almost resigned to having been rumbled too. 

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This raises an interesting point. Would it not be better to avoid 'wasting' a vaccine dose on someone who is known to already have had Covid, meaning we could protect the vulnerable groups in less time?
Wouldn't checks like that simply slow the vaccination process down ? Also the ONS stat isn't confirmed cases it's an estimate of the total number of infections within the community. Using confirmed cases the element of herd immunity out running vaccination seems a bit fanciful.

Let's just getting jabbing everyone as planned.
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