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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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34 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

The story about the "outraged nurse" who caught Covid after getting the vaccin as well.

It's disgraceful.


30 minutes ago, Michael W said:

There was another sensationalist one as well about nurses who had had their first dose and got coronavirus. 

Very little said within about the time needed to build up immunity and it also left out the key detail - none of the nurses concerned became seriously ill. 

I'm becoming pretty annoyed with these articles. All they're going to do is encourage refusals. 

There ought to be editorial guidelines brought in for this. Of course legitimate challenge shouldn't be prohibited but when the vaccine has jumped through every hoop to confirm its safety they seem strange articles to write and publish.

Tbh I'm not sure other than issues in the roll out that there are many legitimate concerns anyone could have about the vaccines or why the BBC have chosen to write them.

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1100 sites now in Scotland to get the vaccine 750 are GP practices but good to see a fair chunk of non medical facilities being used. Only just over 3000 staff doing them so hopefully as the number of sites grow staffing them will rise with that.

I think have so many locations is far better than England having something like 6 meaning folk have to travel.

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37 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

I wouldn't be as arsed about clickbait if it was a commercial site like The Sun or Daily Mail who make their money from clicks/ad revenue, but a publicly funded broadcaster pushing this nonsense is ridiculous. 

Looking forward to all of the "it is disgracefully busy with people going to the same place I was going!" posts today.

My favourite over the weekend was a boy from Falkirk complaining people weren't following lockdown by posting a picture of the car park at the wee retail park in Cumbernauld on Saturday afternoon.

The lack of self-awareness of these folk are staggering.

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Nigel Farage says the fact you can't sit on a park bench is "disturbing" and there was me thinking that now he's had his way he would slink off into the sun
Without Brexit to somewhat dilute his views, you have to think he will spectacularly out himself sooner rather than later as the horrendous bigot he undoubtedly is...

What that does for his support levels is sadly debatable.
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7 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Without Brexit to somewhat dilute his views, you have to think he will spectacularly out himself sooner rather than later as the horrendous bigot he undoubtedly is...

What that does for his support levels is sadly debatable.

Well he's rebranded the Brexit Party into the Reform party at at 11 they will be announcing what they will be doing in Scotland for the coming election. But I have to agree the only caveat I would add is who will get less support "Reform UK" or the "Unity Alliance". I think Reform are an anti lockdown party which is interesting.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
55 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

This isn’t a lockdown.  Had to go and pick up medication, the roads are as busy as an normal Monday.


Given that it's reasonably early on a Monday morning, you've got to presume that the traffic on the road is almost exclusively people travelling to work ? 

It's hard to imagine people getting up on a dark, shitty Monday morning and saying 'hey, I fancy a wee jolly in the car. Senga, up ye get...'

Since everyone is adding personal anecdotes, I had to take Mrs Bob along to hospital last week for a check up. I thought the roads were quieter than normal, the vast majority of vehicles being of the white van variety driven by nutters who are always in a hurry to overtake on corners, hills etc. 

It's not quite last March, but it definitely felt quieter than usual. 

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Guest Bob Mahelp
2 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Man driving somewhere complains about other people driving somewhere haha, you're some boy Danger 

I presume yer having laugh ? He said he had to pick up medication. My missus has a broken ankle....she had a hospital appointment. Should I not take her ?

I don't think he was complaining either, merely remarking. 

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Given that it's reasonably early on a Monday morning, you've got to presume that the traffic on the road is almost exclusively people travelling to work ? 
It's hard to imagine people getting up on a dark, shitty Monday morning and saying 'hey, I fancy a wee jolly in the car. Senga, up ye get...'
Since everyone is adding personal anecdotes, I had to take Mrs Bob along to hospital last week for a check up. I thought the roads were quieter than normal, the vast majority of vehicles being of the white van variety driven by nutters who are always in a hurry to overtake on corners, hills etc. 
It's not quite last March, but it definitely felt quieter than usual. 
The roads are definitely miles busier than March. It's not even close to how March was. But if stuff is open, you simply cannot blame people for using it. Nor (and this one is even more obvious) can you blame folk for going to work. The country is clearly full of folk being told they HAVE to go to work. You cant furlough yourself so until the govt compel non essential businesses to close we are stuck in a worst of both worlds shitfest.

I mean, it's all well and good complaining that folk are going to cafes and hanging about outside having a coffee with their pals. Thats not essential, and individuals are obviously pushing the boundaries but ultimately if said cafe is open and doing takeaway then the message is that it's ok to leave the house to go there.

If its busier now it's almost exclusively down to the government fucking up the "lockdown". The same bams who blow the rules clean out the water will do so regardless as they have done all year, but yer park bench, sneaky coffee and a chat with their pals is on the govt IMO. We are effectively being shown that this is ok to do.
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I said earlier, the limited driving I do has seen far quieter roads than I'd normally expect.

Yesterday I had to drive to Portobello and it seemed quieter in town and on the bypass.  It doesn't seem to be as quiet as March, when you could walk down the middle of main roads around where we were livign then but it's down compared to late last year.  I've been into a shop twice since the lockdown and it was very quiet as well.

I posted a tweet earlier in the thread comparing google data for retail and mobility in London and othe rcapitl cities, it looks significantly down on a few weeks ago, albeit not at the level of last March.

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Just now, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

Wow James Melville Twitter wanksocket who has spent ten months downplaying Covid and berating lockdowns as unnecessary has been admitted to hospital.........with Covid.

Probably saw his Twitter followers drop

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Guest Bob Mahelp
3 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Of course you should. Just don't then "remark" about others being on the road too.

As I said, I read it just as an observation, not a complaint. 

Seems fairy nuff to me. 

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I presume yer having laugh ? He said he had to pick up medication. My missus has a broken ankle....she had a hospital appointment. Should I not take her ?
I don't think he was complaining either, merely remarking. 
That's the issue though Bob, you've every right to be on the road but so does everyone else.

it's the classic maw FB status "I was in tesco the other day and couldn't believe how busy it was, this isnt a real lockdown". The irony being (which is completely lost on most) is that they are contributing towards how busy it is.
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7 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

Wow James Melville Twitter wanksocket who has spent ten months downplaying Covid and berating lockdowns as unnecessary has been admitted to hospital.........with Covid.

Quite rare to see one of the #FBPE darlings being a lockdown sceptic. Lock everyone up was the common theme of that particular Twitter subset, with the Brexiters of course pushing the other way. 

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