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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 minutes ago, virginton said:

The true test of 'return to normal' will be when ScotRail revokes their 'temporary' alcohol ban 'because of Covid', rather than trying to sneak in another disgraceful infringement for good. 

walk out the off license onto the street where you can't drink, into the station where you can't drink, get blootered on the train then off the other end to the street where you can't drink, into the fitbaw grund where you can't drink, pop into the bookies where you can't drink.  decide your hungry and need a substantial meal?  

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1 minute ago, craigkillie said:

You are conflating two separate things here, probably deliberately to make your very odd point. The discussion about things being back to normal was specifically related to the ongoing public proclamations about retaining some of the covid restrictions. The sort of social changes you would like to make, many of which I agree with by the way, are completely independent of this discussion. I am not sure what role you think "the workers" have in the relaxation of covid restrictions, that is not something that is in their power. Social change comes through electing the right people and forming the right sort of social movements, it's not going to arrive any faster as a result of slow (or fast) relaxation of the covid restrictions.

What you are saying here is the equivalent of removing all the tables from a restaurant, and then when the diners ask for them back the owner says "but sometimes the waiter stubbed his toe on the corner of them".


Anyone who is correlating people saying 'back to normal' as them saying 'exactly how we were in 2019 to the letter' is being deliberately obtuse.

All massive world events leave a 'new normal' in their wake and this will be no different. Pushing forward and making something better out of a fucking garbage situation. Before this, I'd probably say the biggest single shifting event in most of our lifetimes was 9/11. That most certainly pushed forward a swathe of societal and security based changes that we now live with on a daily basis. The rise of the internet has also completely revolutionised 'normality' but in a much more gradual way. 

Of course covid will do the same in its own wake but years of ongoing, never-ending restrictions should not even be on the table as something that humanity has to accept. There are no positives to be taken from locking down populations indefinitely, killing economies stone dead and denying them the chance to ever recover. So why would it become normal?

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4 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

They should also have thought about not being absolutely fucking useless for, *check's notes*, my entire lifetime.

The same applies to the mainstream vision of an independent and social democratic Scotland though. While we still should absolutely be breaking away from this failed state, the scope of what can be done differently in the next decade or two is going to be hugely curtailed by the past twelve months.

It is absolutely mind-boggling that lockdown discussion divided largely along left-right lines, when the left stands to lose much more in the long term from current policies than the right. In an alternative universe, we could have used the last twelve months to set up a version of UBI fit for the current disruption as well as the wider redundancy of work in the 21st century, but instead we have a short term furlough that will be brushed aside and we're currently haggling over whether people should get an extra £20 in Universal Credit for a few more months. That's the limit of our ambition before the bill gets called on this farce. It's utterly pathetic.

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9 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Who would you say has been the top 5 best posters on this thread and who are the 5 worst?

I can't really say, I just pop into the thread to occasionally post pertinent things.  I don't follow the back and forth of it.  


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I think there's a fashionable miserablism sometimes in modern life.  I am lucky in that I like the people I work with, I enjoy my job.  I used to quite like going into the office, for both work and social reasons, quite a few of my colleagues in the past have become my good friends.  To read some people you'd think that going into an office to work is a massive punishment.  

Can I just say that the term fashionable miserablism is tremendous. Well played sir [emoji106].
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22 minutes ago, virginton said:

The true test of 'return to normal' will be when ScotRail revokes their 'temporary' alcohol ban 'because of Covid', rather than trying to sneak in another disgraceful infringement for good. 

Typical Greenockian jakeball response.

Musical Youth should have brought a version of their song just for you lot with the lyrics changed to

“Pass the Buckie down the left hand side”.

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24 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I've also just realised that tomorrow it will be one year since I started this thread.

What a year it's been.  From being a semi-humourous league table among P&Bs sex tourists South East Asian residents we've moved onto be probably the worlds foremost forum for epidemiological debate and discussion.  We've had Granny Danger arguing about bottles of Chateux du Shitefaced with his wife, philpy grassing everyone he sees up, Todd going from forum NPC to the principle arbiter of public health crises in Western Europe.  What a year.

How very dare you.  There was nothing semi about those league tables.  They/we only stopped publishing them when the West started to take it serious/realise they were involved , now look where you are now.

I'll tell you

Asia total deaths - 360,698 pop - 4.463 billion

UK - 93,290 pop - 68 million

That can't be acceptable, can it?

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1 hour ago, SlipperyP said:

Not all 'wet markets' have rare animals, not all 'wet markets even kill animal on site.  My source of meat is a wet market, it only has live fish.  Your Wikipedia link explains this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet_market

Got to remember we don't all live with a Sainsbury's or ASDA on our doorstep.   Different culture, I daily shop (most do here) as I'm always going past the market, everything is fresh unlike the Tesco supermarket which is 20 miles away and is more expensive.

BTW Tesco are closing business in Thailand, they don't have the market 😉

Same here, Slippery.  Our wet market is more like the old arcades that could be found in UK cities moons ago where individual stalls would sell meat, fish, bread, flowers etc amongst other stuff.  Ours are outdoor, of course, but nothing like the image many have of what a wet market is.  It was the same in Hong Kong with the exception that chickens would be killed on site as folk there like to choose their chicken fresh.

Close down our wet markets and you're effectively cutting off the food supply to huge parts of the population.  

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15 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I can't really say, I just pop into the thread to occasionally post pertinent things.  I don't follow the back and forth of it.  


JTS998 called it with great accuracy only a few pages in,  the long incubation period was the elephant in the room this time last year, checking temperatures on folks foreheads was and still is like trying to put a fire out with a water pistol

Edited by effeffsee_the2nd
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20 minutes ago, virginton said:


It is absolutely mind-boggling that lockdown discussion divided largely along left-right lines, when the left stands to lose much more in the long term from current policies than the right. In an alternative universe, we could have used the last twelve months to set up a version of UBI fit for the current disruption as well as the wider redundancy of work in the 21st century, but instead we have a short term furlough that will be brushed aside and we're currently haggling over whether people should get an extra £20 in Universal Credit for a few more months. That's the limit of our ambition before the bill gets called on this farce. It's utterly pathetic.

There was a guy who might have tried to do that but you didn't seem to like him very much. 

We'll be waiting a long time before we get the chance to vote for a left wing PM again. 

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Missed this first time around but got round to watching it on iPlayer last

Totally Under Control: Trump and Covid-19: www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000p36r via @bbciplayer

Documentary comparing the Covid response of South Korea to that of America although you could replace America with pretty much any country in Europe. In fact it's shocking just how similar America's response was to the UK.

Always thought the way Covid played out was some how inevitable and there was little that Govertments could do to prevent the shitshow once it got going. Watching this had me fucking seething!

We had plenty of warning, we knew what should have been done to limit the spread but for mostly political/economic reasons didn't do them. In short a complete and utter failure of government.

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2 minutes ago, Detournement said:

There was a guy who might have tried to do that but you didn't seem to like him very much. 

We'll be waiting a long time before we get the chance to vote for a left wing PM again. 

I must have missed UBI being top of Corbyn's policy list.

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1 minute ago, MuckleMoo said:

Missed this first time around but got round to watching it on iPlayer last night.

Totally Under Control: Trump and Covid-19: www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000p36r via @bbciplayer

Documentary comparing the Covid response of South Korea to that of America although you could replace America with pretty much any country in Europe. In fact it's shocking just how similar America's response was to the UK.

Always thought the way Covid played out was some how inevitable and there was little that Govertments could do to prevent the shitshow once it got going. Watching this had me fucking seething!

We had plenty of warning, we new what should have been done to limit the spread but for mostly political/economic reasons didn't do them. In short a complete and utter failure of government.

Aye. The problem being that policy makers, particularly in treasuries baulk at lockdowns because of the economic impact, then that delay means they end up imposing far longer lockdowns than if they had just done so in the first place. Over reaction is far safer than 'wait and see' in this context.

There was obviously a lot of naivety about this in the West, vs. Asia where they have dealt with SARS and then Bird Flu and have standing policies for how to deal with public health emergencies. 

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

Get yourself to f**k. The onus is not on the general public to sit under a glorified house arrest for years because it just so happens to help a climate change agenda. 

No surprise to see a Malthusian lust for population die-off rearing its ugly head again in the green movement though: it's been their answer to every problem since the 1960s.

Get yourself to f**k. I never once suggested that lockdown or house-arrest as you call it is the way forward. 

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