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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Why the f**k would you go into lockdown if the NHS and, more importantly, ICU's, weren't getting stretched?

Because nobody is allowed to get ill from covid 🙄 

What a lie the absolute nonsense of “3 weeks to flatten the curve and prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed” was

Edited by Thereisalight..
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9 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Social distancing... outside... in August... with the whole country vaccinated.

What is Scotland becoming?

Any event being planned well in advance has to be robust to possible legislation so that they can be sure they won't need to cancel it at short notice. Unless the organisers of "Fringe by the Sea" are now responsible for Scotland's response to covid, I don't see why this is worth anyone getting their knickers in a twist about.

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11 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Social distancing... outside... in August... with the whole country vaccinated.

What is Scotland becoming?

Amazing it’s happening actually. I’ve saw so many outdoor things like Airshows and the lowland gathering in Ayrshire being cancelled in the last few days...despite the fact it’s in a massive park, outdoors and only attracted a few hundred people at most 🙄

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2 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

Given by next winter all adults will be double jagged, and potentially the vulnerable getting a booster which also deals with known variants, where would these increased cases come from?

Presumably the vast majority of people who still catch Covid will suffer mild, cold like symptoms and wont go anywhere near a testing centre. Testing centres themselves will have mostly been stood down anyway surely.

Hospital admissions as a result will not test the NHS. Is this just more hyperbole.

It was based on the hypothesis that the vaccines will stop you getting ill but not actually catching and transmitting it.

If that turns out to be the case, given they will still be using test and protect, we will be running the risk of experts like Sridhar advising the SG to take drastic action to halt the spread of a mild / asymptomatic infection.

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I still find it incredibly unsettling that NS doesn't appear to think that reducing hospitalisations and deaths to pretty much zero through an extensive vaccination programme isn't enough, and would still place a huge focus on cases once we get there.
Talk of going back in to lockdown next winter if "cases" go back up is a major red flag IMO.
If every other country gets on with things once their vaccine rollout is done then I can't see that we'll have any choice but to do the same, whether NS likes it or not. I'll be honest, I don't know much about other country's plans and whether anywhere else would consider lockdown based on "cases" once their vaccination program is complete. I find it hard to envisage a scenario where we lockdown the economy (again) while everywhere else carries on.

There's also the fact that any worthwhile lockdown would be largely dependent on furlough. That would only be made available if England also intended to lockdown and the impression I get from the Tories that they have no desire to do so again after this one.
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Serious question: when does the Scottish Government climb down from its insanity when the UK Government phases out furlough? Or does it just add more fuel to the burning of society in the futile battle of 'striving for elimination'?

The sooner the real Jacinda Ardern gets the Kiwi's vaxxed and opens up their borders, as she has said will happen, the sooner our wannabe Poundland version might snap out of this nightmare.

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I don't have the exact quote, but NS saying the vaccines would hopefully help get prevelance down but then not mentioning them at all as part of the solution to the challenge of then keeping them down is also very telling as to how they have no desire to return to normality any time soon.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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13 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Serious question: when does the Scottish Government climb down from its insanity when the UK Government phases out furlough? Or does it just add more fuel to the burning of society in the futile battle of 'striving for elimination'?

I said this yesterday, but I think there a few possible scenarios at play

  1. Furlough will continue as is, and Sturgeon is privy to this and knows she can continue with a protracted release from lockdown. 
  2. Furlough will become more sector specific and our restrictions by that point will reflect it (e.g. applicable to hospitality and events but not an option for non-essential retail).  This is the most likely IMO.
  3. Furlough is finished or scaled back to the extent that wide-spread restrictions result in thousands of job losses.  I see there being two further scenarios if that happens:
    1. Sturgeon forces Sunak's hand - painting the restrictions with the emotional rhetoric of saving lives could mean that public support for restrictions remains high.  If Sunak doesn't extend furlough, it could push support for Indy up further, so WM are backed into a corner.
    2. Sunak doesn't bite, ends furlough in it's current form and restrictions have to be eased.  If cases go up, WM can be blamed for ending furlough prematurely.  If they don't, long lockdown can be heralded as a success as a triumph for our  harsher and longer period of restrictions. .

I think the context for the end of furlough and the Holyrood elections is hugely significant.

Edited by super_carson
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Regarding zero Covid, the time for it was a year ago.  Taiwan, for example, has had fewer cases in the entire pandemic than Scotland had yesterday.  There are huge difficulties with dealing with a seeded respitory virus and trying to eliminate it via the sort of strategy that has worked for countries who have had a level of success with it.  It's too late to do that in Scotland, or the UK.

Regarding the rolling lockdowns, like we se in New Zealand and Australia, I think that works because people there have a degree of confidence that it will be a five day lockdown. People will accept it more because they can have a normal life, generally, apart from international travel.  Also people there haven't spent a year confined so it's easier to accept a week long stay at home order.

THere were about 100 posts in between when I started writing this and when I posted it, apologies if someone has already said this.

Edited by ICTChris
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14 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

It was based on the hypothesis that the vaccines will stop you getting ill but not actually catching and transmitting it.

If that turns out to be the case, given they will still be using test and protect, we will be running the risk of experts like Sridhar advising the SG to take drastic action to halt the spread of a mild / asymptomatic infection.

We already have data suggesting that transmission will be reduced by 50-70% once people are vaccinated.  Beyond a "variant" appearing that completely evades current vaccines then there is no justification for further restrictions in winter, and I very much doubt we'll ever see furlough again after 1st May.

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3 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I don't have the exact quote, but NS saying the vaccines would hopefully help get prevelance down but then not mentioning them at all as part of the solution to the challenge of then keeping them down is also very telling as to how they have no desire to return to normality any time soon.

I still don't see how there can be or will be widespread support for any of this once deaths and hospitalisations return to normal levels post-vaccination.

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Just now, ICTChris said:

Regarding zero Covid, the time for it was a year ago.  Taiwan, for example, has had fewer cases in the entire pandemic than Scotland had yesterday.  There are huge difficulties with dealing with a seeded respitory virus and trying to eliminate it via the sort of strategy that has worked for countries who have had a level of success with it.  It's too late to do that in Scotland, or the UK.

Regarding the rolling lockdowns, like we se in New Zealand and Australia, I think that works because people there have a degree of confidence that it will be a five day lockdown. People will accept it more because they can have a normal life, generally, apart from that and international travel.  Also people there haven't spent a year confined so it's easier to accept a week long stay at home order.

The mention of Taiwan reminds me that while I was working during Lockdown 1(which feels like a decade ago), I would tune in and watch the live streams of Taiwanese baseball which, I think, was the only live sport available anywhere in the world. It was a four team league and fans started getting in around June time so they were very successful doing it.

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3 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

We already have data suggesting that transmission will be reduced by 50-70% once people are vaccinated.  Beyond a "variant" appearing that completely evades current vaccines then there is no justification for further restrictions in winter, and I very much doubt we'll ever see furlough again after 1st May.

I'm not arguing against anything you are saying btw (I agree with you).

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6 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Regarding zero Covid, the time for it was a year ago.  Taiwan, for example, has had fewer cases in the entire pandemic than Scotland had yesterday.  There are huge difficulties with dealing with a seeded respitory virus and trying to eliminate it via the sort of strategy that has worked for countries who have had a level of success with it.  It's too late to do that in Scotland, or the UK.

Regarding the rolling lockdowns, like we se in New Zealand and Australia, I think that works because people there have a degree of confidence that it will be a five day lockdown. People will accept it more because they can have a normal life, generally, apart from international travel.  Also people there haven't spent a year confined so it's easier to accept a week long stay at home order.

THere were about 100 posts in between when I started writing this and when I posted it, apologies if someone has already said this.

Christ, how slow do you type?

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7 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

It was based on the hypothesis that the vaccines will stop you getting ill but not actually catching and transmitting it.

If that turns out to be the case, given they will still be using test and protect, we will be running the risk of experts like Sridhar advising the SG to take drastic action to halt the spread of a mild / asymptomatic infection.

I don't think it's particularly helpful for Sturgeon to he speculating on 'next winter' in any context. 

If we are into the stride of identifying the annual variants and vaccinating as per the annual flu drive then there is no case for any future lockdown since we should be pre-empting any virus mutation that might show immune escape characteristics.

On the other hand, if the vaccination drive gets treated as a one off, and there is less attention paid, then it would be probable that any rise in cases might well be serious since it would have to be a big enough rise to be spotted by a test system far less sensitive than the current one (got to assume large chunks of current capacity will be mothballed, right?)... at which point, you are left with the prospect of restrictions to combat a rise then and there, or waiting to see if there is an attendant rise in hospitalisations which would probably mean you were too late in trying to control it anyway.

In any event, it is all pure speculation. It seems likely at this point that the vaccines will work as advertised. It seems likely that there will he subsequent booster shots and rejigged vaccines for identified mutations, and it seems likely that there will be further advances in medicines aimed at keeping any covid cases mild and out of hospital.

It just remains the point that there is a non zero chance of further serious outbreaks with an endemic disease. Sturgeon is certainly placing too much emphasis on possible negative outcomes And her more positive demeanour today might reflect the despairing reaction from her Tuesday briefing.

I do think that we are likely going to have to have some variation of public health control protocols ready to roll out, as the Far Eastern nations did after SARS. I don't think this is the last one of these zoonotic viruses we are going to have to deal with in the West.

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8 minutes ago, super_carson said:

I said this yesterday, but I think there a few possible scenarios at play

  1. Furlough will continue as is, and Sturgeon is privy to this and knows she can continue with a protracted release from lockdown. 
  2. Furlough will become more sector specific and our restrictions by that point will reflect it (e.g. applicable to hospitality and events but not an option for non-essential retail).  This is the most likely IMO.
  3. Furlough is finished or scaled back to the extent that wide-spread restrictions result in thousands of job losses.  I see there being two further scenarios if that happens:
    1. Sturgeon forces Sunak's hand - painting the restrictions with the emotional rhetoric of saving lives could mean that public support for restrictions remains high.  If Sunak doesn't extend furlough, it could push support for Indy up further, so WM are backed into a corner.
    2. Sunak doesn't bite, ends furlough in it's current form and restrictions have to be eased.  If cases go up, WM can be blamed for ending furlough prematurely.  If they don't, long lockdown can be heralded as a success as a triumph for our  harsher and longer period of restrictions. .

I think the context for the end of furlough and the Holyrood elections is hugely significant.

theres a simple fact that we can't keep burning money forever. I think you are right in that politics and the election being  in play for both the SNP and the torys . Since the start of the pandemic with health bein devolved Scotland has been acting like a de-facto independent state.  the snp want to be able to be seen as the ones who care and paint the torys as the ones who will throw you to the wolves in order to save 10 bob . which to be fair is usually true .



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