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1 minute ago, HibsFan said:

Can anyone hand on heart say that they expect Sturgeon, the SG and their advisors to suddenly have a change of heart at the end of April and suddenly accelerate towards ending any and all restrictions? Even if the data is showing that it would be on balance safe to do so? Nothing about their actions so far, right down to keeping almost all of Scotland in hugely restrictive tiers while cases were marginal, suggests that's going to be the case.

I think we're in for many more months of "we just don't know"ing and "we've got to be cautious"ing, and your best bet if you're Scottish and want to hug your granny again is that Johnson's roadmap pays off.

The main reason I think at the moment, is that we just don’t have enough people vaccinated yet. We are getting through them but the vaccine needs to be in peoples arms before it can actually start working it’s magic. 

If the programme is on course and the data coming back is good then I could see it being quickened up, definitely. 

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3 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
8 minutes ago, Steven W said:


It's not to be level 3 as it was though, a new version to be announced next month. No way we will be confined to own LA when by then the stay at home order will have been removed weeks before that.

Aye the new tier 3 will be so much better than the old one, once they get round to scribbling the details on the back of a fag packet first. 

You are beyond gullible. 

3 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Stop being a drama queen. Busses, trains, ferries etc are on, jump on one have a wee socially distanced day out FFS.

Having a socially distanced day out is subject to fines by the police swarming around two of the three forms of transport you mention (though not the disease-riddled buses that cause the problem).

The idea that we must stay at home by legal requirement until April the fucking fifth is utterly risible. 

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In fairness I’m not too disappointed by that at all.

Stuff beginning to open at the end of April instead of the middle of April like they’ve done in England really doesn’t make too much difference and I can understand keeping us in a wee bit longer until everyone is vaccinated, once we get to that point get them to f**k tho.

Rather she said to us that stuff will start to open from the end of April and say there’ll be more detail about what’s opening when nearer the time, would rather that than be given pie in the sky dates and restrictions easing like they’ve done in England.

The real matter for testing is how they actually manage the easing.

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5 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

Can anyone hand on heart say that they expect Sturgeon, the SG and their advisors to suddenly have a change of heart at the end of April and suddenly accelerate towards ending any and all restrictions? Even if the data is showing that it would be on balance safe to do so? Nothing about their actions so far, right down to keeping almost all of Scotland in hugely restrictive tiers while cases were marginal, suggests that's going to be the case.

I think we're in for many more months of "we just don't know"ing and "we've got to be cautious"ing, and your best bet if you're Scottish and want to hug your granny again is that Johnson's roadmap pays off.

I think today has effectively confirmed that we will pretty much follow England, but a few weeks behind.

Let the English assess the data at their 5 weekly reviews, and use it at our 3 weekly reviews to decide what to do next.

That's not really what I would want my elected Leader to do (it's not really leading), but it's the strategy she has chosen. She's also quipped that people can use the election in May to vote on Pandemic Leadership which, by mid-May,might not be quite the vote winning zinger she thought at the time.

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Do people remember that tier three was utter shite?

Restaurants open until six with no alcohol whatsoever. England won’t be opening up with this pointless move that’s for sure. 

If it is to be a new tier three, then details of what that involves should be published today...

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4 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

Can anyone hand on heart say that they expect Sturgeon, the SG and their advisors to suddenly have a change of heart at the end of April and suddenly accelerate towards ending any and all restrictions? Even if the data is showing that it would be on balance safe to do so? Nothing about their actions so far, right down to keeping almost all of Scotland in hugely restrictive tiers while cases were marginal, suggests that's going to be the case.

I think we're in for many more months of "we just don't know"ing and "we've got to be cautious"ing, and your best bet if you're Scottish and want to hug your granny again is that Johnson's roadmap pays off.

They were willing to move LAs around tiers though. With mixed success. Was it not Midlothian that got up into tier 2 before cases shot up promptly again? 

In late autumn, early winter cases weren't marginal, hospitals were already under pressure and a couple of weeks of Christmas shopping and then Christmas day fired rates through the roof. 

You could argue that certain aspects of the tiers removed what little headroom there was (depending on your position around the impact of schools on R) but what it did suggest either way was that it didn't require a huge increase in activity from that point to get us back into a bad place. So not sure, in retrospect that the restrictive tiers were unnecessary.

It's different this time, and by the end of March the top 4 JCVI groups should be showing good protection and that will be reflected in hospital numbers and deaths. Assuming case numbers drop to some degree over that time there should be optimism for getting more open, sooner.

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3 minutes ago, virginton said:

Aye the new tier 3 will be so much better than the old one, once they get round to scribbling the details on the back of a fag packet first. 

You are beyond gullible. 

Having a socially distanced day out is subject to fines by the police swarming around two of the three forms of transport you mention (though not the disease-riddled buses that cause the problem).

The idea that we must stay at home by legal requirement until April the fucking fifth is utterly risible. 

I've been on the ferries and trains plenty and nobody has batted an eyelid.

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3 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

Do people remember that tier three was utter shite?

Restaurants open until six with no alcohol whatsoever. England won’t be opening up with this pointless move that’s for sure. 

If it is to be a new tier three, then details of what that involves should be published today...

No, they won't be opening up indoor hospitality at all until mid May.

Edited by renton
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17 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

The biggest issue for me is the lack of a clear end point to all of this. I'm not talking about a date, I'm talking about a "at some point in the future we will be lifting these restrictions roughly in this order". The tier system doesn't do that, because even Tier 0 is still full of restrictions. There should be a very clear message that at some point, some time in the future, all of the restrictions will be listed, ideally with at least some indication of what is needed for that to happen.


Absolutely. It is clear they have no idea what the end point of all this is.

It's perfectly understandable saying that they can't give exact dates and the data will guide these dates etc, but all that has to be within the context of an actual plan or vision with a clear end goal. If you have no clear end goal you cannot expect to bring people with you and make these immense sacrifices.

Part of me thinks they are deliberately hanging back behind the rest of the UK to see what happens, if the rest of the UK sails effortlessly out of lockdown then they'll put their foot on the accelerator and say they were just being cautious. If the UK ends up back in lockdown or having to delay their route map then they'll claim they were right to be cautious. But then the other part of me thinks they just have no clue what they are doing.

Edited by Diamonds are Forever
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4 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

Do people remember that tier three was utter shite?

Restaurants open until six with no alcohol whatsoever. England won’t be opening up with this pointless move that’s for sure. 

If it is to be a new tier three, then details of what that involves should be published today...

I don’t know, is allowing beer gardens/outside spaces to open mid-April really much better?

You’ll get more money in from people coming in for food/drink during the day than allowing people to only sit outdoors, especially if it’s shit weather. Better being on Furlough money up to that point. 

Edited by Jambomo
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4 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

I don’t know, is allowing beer gardens/outside spaces to open mid-April really much better?

You’ll get more money in from people coming in for food/drink during the day than allowing people to only sit outdoors, especially if it’s shot weather. Better being on Furlough money up to that point. 

Nobody is putting a gun to their head and demand that they open. If it doesn't make business sense they won't do so. There is absolutely no reason to compel them to stay closed though when deaths will likely be in the single digits. 

Edited by vikingTON
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Might've missed it, but did Nicola say anything about grassroots sport?

In England 'organised outdoor sport' can return from March 29. Be a bit of a farce if Tooting and Mitcham Rovers Amateurs can play down south, but nobody can do anything up here.

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5 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

The biggest issue for me is the lack of a clear end point to all of this. I'm not talking about a date, I'm talking about a "at some point in the future we will be lifting these restrictions roughly in this order". The tier system doesn't do that, because even Tier 0 is still full of restrictions. There should be a very clear message that at some point, some time in the future, all of the restrictions will be listed, ideally with at least some indication of what is needed for that to happen.


4 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Let's be honest, if Johnson hadn't come out yesterday and told everyone they could go to the Maniqui on the 21st June we'd all be sitting here thinking that what she said sounds pretty reasonable.

Agree with both of these. It seems a reasonable timescale to move back to less severe restrictions after all of groups 1-9 are vaccinated although dependent on how the data is looking then after another two months of this I'd hope most areas would be going straight to at least Level 2 if not 1 or 0; bringing back the levels just to arbitrarily pile places into 3 or 4 wouldn't do. Unlike the last time we had geographical levels, be clear about the criteria for each level and actually follow it properly - hopefully March sees that set out clearly.

However, there's been no indication of what comes next. I'm not asking for a precise date in several months time when it doesn't help anyone to make a promise you can't keep and have to row back on dates several times, but there's no indication of what happens after the geographical levels come back. Is the plan to wait until everywhere goes to Level 0, to wait until every adult is vaccinated, or what?

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