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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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11 minutes ago, madwullie said:

I mean, the govt actively forcing people to get an injection if they want to partake in certain activities, all verified by a barcode / qr code or some such, containing your personal health data that can be read by anyone with access to the database, or indeed the method to scan the code. That's at the very least impinging on your liberties, and considering most c***s are seemingly quite happy to be jagged, seems particularly unnecessary. 

Pointing that out is hardly tinfoil hat territory - it's what is actually being proposed. 

I'm not at all into the idea of national IDs or any old c**t with a scanner having access to my confidential information - couple that with the blatant corruption, perpetual f**k ups and general headlong careering into authoritarianism we're seeing from WM and I think it's miles beyond fair enough to be concerned about it. 

If I'm required to have a vaccine passport for a pub, restaurant, holiday etc I will get one just so businesses and the population can get back to some sort of normality.

It's a shite state of affairs as you just know that the higher-ups are just going to abuse their power. 

It's a very slippy slope when you've got Boris and his chums in control of Dick Dastardly' bag of tricks. 


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Shame that. I'm sure plenty of folk, myself included, would be happy to attend a vaccination appointment at 2-3 hours notice.
They have to wait until after the last appointments before phoning people as far as I'm aware. Hopefully they're able to implement a better system by the time they go back to 1st doses.
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3 minutes ago, Detournement said:


Anyone who actually supports giving a hard right Tory government (or even the SNP curtain twitchers) a huge digital infrastructure with which to discriminate against any group they choose to harrass is either as equally hard right or thick as mince.

If you think that Apps, QR codes and databases aren't going to be used to control and discipline asylum seekers, benefit claimants, travellers or political activists then you are very naive. We live in a state which sends policemen to rape animal rights activists, created the hostile environment for immigrants and hounded thousands of disabled people to death on the false pretext of caring about the deficit. A good example of immediate overreach is anti terror laws being used to justify councils putting families applying for school places under surveillance. Once these powers are in place they only increase in scope.

I mean even if you are generous towards the govt about it to the extent of being ridiculous, at the bare minimum an entity with a track record of extremely public, stupid f**k ups are taking your personal health data (and no doubt more) and firing it in to some database somewhere. The chances of that remaining confidential (assuming they don't have some nefarious plans in store) are about a nanometer above f**k all. 

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1 minute ago, madwullie said:

I mean even if you are generous towards the govt about it to the extent of being ridiculous, at the bare minimum an entity with a track record of extremely public, stupid f**k ups are taking your personal health data (and no doubt more) and firing it in to some database somewhere. The chances of that remaining confidential (assuming they don't have some nefarious plans in store) are about a nanometer above f**k all. 


It's already been happening for years.

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I've been quite ambivalent to the lockdown and basically have done as I'm told. Could understand and accept the reasons for lockdown in Spring last year and even around Christmas.

Been reading this thread back and forward. Agree with the vaccine, with the vitriol aimed at anti vaxxers and at those who want lockdown to continue but still accepted it. Until today...

We (Italy) are currently in red zone meaning everything shut except pharmacies, kids clothes shops and other random stuff. Take aways and deliveries only. The govt have decreed  a three day complete lockdown from yesterday until tomorrow, the same as we had at Christmas and at New Year. Weather has been amazing and we have to sit in the hoose on Easter Sunday. Suddenly it dawned on me, how dare they tell us we have to stay in! Mrs JB and I have recently had the virus (which wasn't that bad) have isolated until we tested negative so we aren't infected, aren't contagious and can't be infected. Why do we have to stay in? Why do the kids I teach have to stay in their house and see their pals on a screen? Why can't I fly to Manchester and see my boy when it was his birthday yesterday? Why did I have to miss my other boy's 21st last year? Why can't he have his university graduation this year? Why can't I book to come and see all my kids in the summer? I'm 50 in a couple of weeks. Not the big party type but why can't I make that choice?

All this is a bit dramatic, I know and I apologise for it, especially to those who have lost someone in the pandemic but enough now! Consider myself to be in good mental health and a generally balanced individual but climbing the walls today. Decided to vent on Easter Sunday but that's because there's nothing else to do!

Finally, all this is living in the EU where the numbers are horrendous still. Must be so much worse there with the vaccine situation being so advanced. Rant over. 

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16 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

I'm in favour of vaccine passports, as long as I can have the contract to implement them.

Sorry mate.  I’ve been told I’ll have no competition.  I’ll sub the work out to you though seeing as I have no clue how to implement it.  You’ll still make a few bob.

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Just now, Left Back said:

Sorry mate.  I’ve been told I’ll have no competition.  I’ll sub the work out to you though seeing as I have no clue how to implement it.  You’ll still make a few bob.

Thanks. I'll remember you when I'm in the House of Lords.

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It's probably also fair to say that the Government has gotten away with a lot less complaint than it must've imagined. Wailing about people in parks or Bournemouth beach aside, people have accepted the restrictions to a degree that was beyond their wildest expectations. 

A few protests has really been about the extent of the public complaints. Otherwise people have accepted the restrictions and seem very accepting of continued restrictions if the polls are to be believed. Not really surprising that they're trying it on with their vaccine passport in that case. Opinion polls seem to back them up, much to my bewilderment. 

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The govt have played a blinder if they come out of this with one of the worst death tolls in the world and they've significantly strengthened their ability to invade people's lives all the while still comfortably polling 40+%. 

This country's doomed, man.

Edited by NotThePars
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Been wondering with the aforementioned arguments with gammons elsewhere, there is total ambivalence to these passports from huge swathes of the population by the sound of it.

My theory is that the Tories are currently cashing in on a huge increase in votes from non-traditional Tories.... The red wall voters, North East of England etc... These people have been turned onto the Tories by flegs, Spitfires and getting it up the EU. The don't know what it is to be politically conservative and as a result, are cheerleading through one authoritarian bit of bullshit after another

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Vaccine passports are just another needless few billion chucked at sleazy government contracts, and by extension another round of grenades chucked at public services once the inevitable austerity-on-steroids programme comes round. All thanks to a gormless, apathetic public buoyed by Jason, Devi and The Guys.

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Domestic vaccine passports can get tae f**k !!

This is nothing more than an assault on our basic right of free movement and like a lot of you guys hav said is nothing more than a backdoor to interfere with all our lives even more than they do now ........

As mentioned above the apathy from some of our fellow citizens is breathtaking now,its like the Third Reich all over again,do as your leaders say and you'll be spared....

We are sleep walking into a trap,we've all been conditioned now for just over a year thru this with our lives Covid controlled. 

This virus has been devastating no doubt about it,but any joy with the vaccine deployment has been swept away under a barrage of negative news and media ....

Enough is enough when will our lifes be our ours once more !!!

Edited by Whitburn Vale
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27 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Been wondering with the aforementioned arguments with gammons elsewhere, there is total ambivalence to these passports from huge swathes of the population by the sound of it.

My theory is that the Tories are currently cashing in on a huge increase in votes from non-traditional Tories.... The red wall voters, North East of England etc... These people have been turned onto the Tories by flegs, Spitfires and getting it up the EU. The don't know what it is to be politically conservative and as a result, are cheerleading through one authoritarian bit of bullshit after another

It's the usual "if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to hide" type viewpoint re ID cards etc with a slight twist. They can't see how it could possibly cause any hassle to their lives because they are solid gammonatti, the govt's actual base. 

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Nothing pointless about it.
Someone in the establishment will pick up a very nice contract for fucking up the rollout of the system (Serco style).  Someone else will pick up a very nice wage to manage world beating NHS Vaccine Passports (Dildo Harding style).
Plenty of opportunity to divert taxpayers money to private individuals under the banner of NHS/public health.  It’s something we truly lead the way at.
It's Hardon if using Dildo, Dildo Hardon. This post jag red wine induced euphoria is tremendous
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1 minute ago, Arch Stanton said:

I wonder what the government are going to do with the information that I go to the pub 3, 4 sometimes 5 times a week.

Sell it to Tennants who will give you special offers on beer deliveries for the nights you aren’t in the pub.

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1 hour ago, anotherchance said:

Simpleton members of the public on the news there suggesting they’re fine about vaccine passports, adding some trite pish about returning to normality.

An authoritarian government’s wet dream.

Britain is a country of subservient, doff-your-cap-to-your-betters, craven lickspittles. It's in our DNA. If anyone thinks that the majority of folk won't be happy with these they're deluded. They'll be widely popular.

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1 minute ago, Gaz said:

Britain is a country of subservient, doff-your-cap-to-your-betters, craven lickspittles. It's in our DNA. If anyone thinks that the majority of folk won't be happy with these they're deluded. They'll be widely popular.

Yeah, we are. Sorry.

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