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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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33 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Walking about naked on a hot day is illegal too, but it doesn't feel like my freedom has been stolen.

Because clearly not wearing a mask is basically the same thing as walking about naked.

4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

The international consensus was that the strategy of opening up during a surge was incredibly reckless.

The ‘consensus’ among independent sage types and zero covid nutters was that opening up once the vulnerable have all been double dosed months ago was reckless you mean? 

Edited by PedroMoutinho
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3 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

ecause clearly not wearing a mask is basically the same thing as walking about naked.

Quite. Who really cares about wearing a face covering in shops and public transport for a while longer?

BUt ThEyVe TakEN mY FreEDom AwAy!

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8 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

The ‘consensus’ among independent sage types and zero covid nutters was that opening up once the vulnerable have all been double dosed months ago was reckless you mean? 

WHO warns of ‘epidemiological stupidity’ of early Covid reopening

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4 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Walking about naked should NOT be illegal.

Honestly, what are we humans like for our pointless bloody rules.

I demand that everyone goes through a voting structure* before being allowed. 



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47 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Walking about naked on a hot day is illegal too, but it doesn't feel like my freedom has been stolen.

This is a silly argument seeing as there clearly needs to be a line drawn as to what the state dictates as being appropriate levels of garments to wear. 

“don’t walk about with your tadger out” seems fairly light touch in comparison to something that is uncomfortable, particularly on hot days, impacts day to day communication with people and more. 

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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

I hope if so and that is taken on board with football clubs. Plus binning the other restrictions.


The frustrating thing is it's different at every ground.  I've only been to 2 out of our 5 games but at TCS you had to wear a mask but it wasn't being enforced.  At Cove some bald, geriatric steward was walking round nudging folk who weren't wearing them saying 'mask' to them.

Yesterday at Fir Park looked like pre-Covid.

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1 hour ago, PedroMoutinho said:

I suspect they will be binned in hospitality but kept for public transport and shops.

Same, tbh. Got to keep some comfort blankets in place for the Scottish Government's core bed wetters.


13 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Yet in hindsight it was 'epidemiological stupidity' and alarmist nonsense from the WHO as cases have since plummeted. Their credibility and predictions are in tatters... again. They are fucking useless clowns that would eat themselves if given the chance.

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21 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Quite. Who really cares about wearing a face covering in shops and public transport for a while longer?

BUt ThEyVe TakEN mY FreEDom AwAy!

Is that reason enough to keep them? "Ach, who really cares about it"?

Masks have served their purpose. Vaccines have overridden them. Legal requirement for wearing them should therefore be removed. 

Edited by The Moonster
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1 minute ago, The Moonster said:

Is that reason enough to keep them? "Ach, who really cares about it"?

Masks have served their purpose. Vaccines have overridden them. Legal requirement for keeping should therefore be removed. 

Yes, the legal requirement should be removed as in England.

If businesses insist on them,then that’s between the individual and the business.

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Is that reason enough to keep them? "Ach, who really cares about it"?
Masks have served their purpose. Vaccines have overridden them. Legal requirement for wearing them should therefore be removed. 
With personal choice affording anyone who wants to wear them the freedom to continue.

The worst part of the remains of this pandemic is the shrugging of shoulders at the continued application of emergency laws because the person in questions doesnt think they are all that bad. Mind blowing that the distinction isnt made in the minds of some that there is no need for this to be law.
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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

We'll find out this week, disappointed if it still remains in place.

I suspect we are going similar to England with this.


I haven't been on PT since the latest relaxation, but mask-wearing in shops is still very much the done thing. I would say from 90-95% masked to about 75-80%. The difference is, the couple of times I've forgotten my own and just gone in, got my milk/bread/bits, self-scanned and left, no-one was giving the stink-eye. It also allows fuckwits like DPB who equate a precautionary health measure with Jim Crow to get on with their lives - while removing their opportunity to pretend, like Oaksoft, that they're some kind of moral rebel rather than just selfish cúnts.

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13 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Is that reason enough to keep them? "Ach, who really cares about it"?

Masks have served their purpose. Vaccines have overridden them. Legal requirement for keeping should therefore be removed. 

There are still vulnerable people about who can't take the vaccine and need to use public transport. It's not a big burden on the rest of us to wear them a bit longer, until the daily case rate has dropped right down to say under 50/100,000 and nearly everyone has been vaccinated.

Edited by welshbairn
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1 hour ago, The Moonster said:

Thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Broadwood at the weekend. Few cans on the train, few pints in the pub (with excellent table service), into the ground via a pay gate and sat wherever we liked. I wore a mask until I got to my seat then took it off, no complaints from anyone, good bit of a banter with the stewards and a 3-0 trouncing of Clyde into the bargain. Not once was I asked for my name, home address or phone number. Felt pretty close to a normal day at the football, hopefully a sign of things to come. 

.. and a 3-0 slamming for Clyde is good news in anybody's book. 

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Scottish numbers: 2 August 2021


799 new cases of COVID-19 reported

13,807 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results

6.5% of these were positive

1 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive (noting that Register Offices are now generally closed at weekends)

60 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19

407 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19

4,012,496 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 3,214,801 have received their second dose

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26 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:


In England, it's obvious that most retail companies have given their staff the option, and plenty are still wearing them. I would say a slim majority. Strangely*, customers appear more reluctant to bin the face coverings. 

*Well, not that strange, when you consider the difference between twenty minutes shopping and eight hours plus grafting, I suppose. 

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

There are still vulnerable people about who can't take the vaccine and need to use public transport. It's not a big burden on the rest of us to wear them a bit longer, until the daily case rate has dropped right down to say under 50 and nearly everyone has been vaccinated.

If there are vulnerable people who can't take the vaccine now then there will be vulnerable people who can't take the vaccine forever. What level of vaccination are you looking for before masks are dropped? 

Out of interest, how many people are we talking about here who fall into this category?

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