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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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5 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
14 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:
No, but I would prefer that to the futile vaccine certificates 

They are simply proposing two versions of the same scheme. Why anyone would want to stick swabs up their nose and down their throat to gain access to a venue when a simple proof of vaccine would suffice is beyond me but each to their own I suppose.

I would prefer neither. But, like I said above, if getting people vaccinated is the aim, then only one would encourage that. If it doesn't have the desired effect right away, it will be extended to all hospitality venues alongside the test and quarantine free travel to non-red list countries.

People who say it's not about the virus anymore are right, just not for the reason they make out.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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46 minutes ago, Steven W said:

I'll rephrase - I'm 'not against' it. 

I know you're against it - you've certainly mentioned it often enough.

I'd have thought the only people with anything to lose would be the unvaccinated (I expect you'll tell me different). The vast majority of those who are not vaccinated are so because of some utter shite they read on Facebook.

The reason I'm not against it would be we currently have infection rates at their highest in Scotland since March '20, and yet here I am having been at several football games in the past month, a gig, seen my parents, my son at school and his football etc etc - When you consider none of this was possible only a few months ago, and is now possible owing principally to the vaccines,.

That you don't see the contradiction on your word is astonishing.  We don't have Covid passports and yet you have managed to attend all these events.  

Why would you need a Covid passport to continue doing these things?  What evidence is there that allowing vaccinated people to attend events will restrict the spread?

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32 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Not hard once you've got a vaccine passport in place, I imagine. 



I wonder where the limit lies in terms of personal choices folk are willing to give up in order to help the Tories accelerate their asset strip and eventual emptying of their failing business that is ARE BRAVE NHS!!! 

Flu vaccines will be this winters "SeLfIsH iF u DoN't GeT iT" poster child no doubt 

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2 hours ago, WATTOO said:

They're all the same whether deemed to be socialist, communist, capitalist or downright fascist.

I spent some time in the USSR and other former soviet bloc countries back in the 80's and your politburo and their mates were the only ones permitted to use the dollar shops which were out of bounds for the general population. So if you were looking for a "luxury" item such as a stick of Toblerone, a pair of Wrangler jeans or a bottle of Johnny Walker then you had to be at the top of the tree or a trusted party member.

The bottom line is that power corrupts whether it be at the local Golf club committee level or running a country and anyone who thinks differently is rather naive I'm afraid.

They're quite clearly not 'all the same', unless you think that Angela Merkel and Adolf Hitler are identical iterations of a German Chancellor. 

Your edgy, fouth year Modern Studies/forty years of the University of Life hot take can be filed in the bin where it belongs then. 

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8 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:



I wonder where the limit lies in terms of personal choices folk are willing to give up in order to help the Tories accelerate their asset strip and eventual emptying of their failing business that is ARE BRAVE NHS!!! 

Flu vaccines will be this winters "SeLfIsH iF u DoN't GeT iT" poster child no doubt 

Exactly this. I wont be getting any flu jag or boosters. I'm done with it now 

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Almost 68k tests conducted yesterday, WTF?

Scottish numbers: 9 September 2021


  • 6,836 new cases of COVID-19 reported
  • 67,701 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results
    • 10.8% of these were positive
  • 12 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
  • 87 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
  • 928 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
  • 4,133,606 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 3,757,337 have received their second dose
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8 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

Almost 68k tests conducted yesterday, WTF?

Scottish numbers: 9 September 2021


  • 6,836 new cases of COVID-19 reported
  • 67,701 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results
    • 10.8% of these were positive
  • 12 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
  • 87 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
  • 928 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
  • 4,133,606 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 3,757,337 have received their second dose

A new record number of tests. 

Are students being encouraged or mandated to test regularly, if so we might reach 100k a day. 



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1 hour ago, TheBruce said:

Matters little. Only one loser in that and it will be the ordinary person. Look at France, Canada, the USA, all implementing draconian restrictions and this will spread across the western world, because under the cover of Covid, governments can control populations and Covid the excuse for it, to cloak the real problems and corruption within our systems.

The virus is now cover for much that was already wrong in public services. We continue with austerity at UK level and that is passed on to Scotland. The money isn't there. The UK as a whole is pratted. 2 trillion plus of sovereign debt, continuance of QE and money printing is unsustainable, albeit the money that is available is also grossly mismanaged. Also notice that no one is highlighting the soaring inflation, as the cost of goods in shops soar. Ah but it's Covid, being the lifeline for failed government policies and downright neglect.

So it's create new draconian laws, sully the populous and nothing we can or will do about any of it.

A fine example of social engineering right in front of our eyes and that will be our future. 4IR well under way and Covid the booster it needed.

You make some reasonable points but I don’t see how you can say that we are experiencing austerity when public spending as a proportion of GDP must be near an all time high.You talk about money printing and debt rising which, of course,is all going on public spending.

In my book that is not austerity.

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1 minute ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

I don’t get the flu jab every year but maybe I’m an outlier. To be honest I thought it was only really 70+ people that bothered with it. 

And asthmatics and people that work in hospitals.

I've never had a flu vaccine and I've never had reason for one.

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2 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

I don’t get the flu jab every year but maybe I’m an outlier. To be honest I thought it was only really 70+ people that bothered with it. 

I thought the same tbh - old folk or folk with long term conditions. I haven't had it before either

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