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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, TheScarf said:

I think that's probably intentional.  When they see the case numbers are dropping they increase testing to get them back up so that they can keep restrictions for longer to look like they care more.

Don't know how you can come to that conclusion when the majoriy of testing is voluntarily done by individuals anyway.  My own experience has been that I have conducted LFT's on a fairly regular basis over the past 5 or 6 weeks because things have opened up  and often some events that I have attended have either asked for proof of a negative test within 24 hours or have recommended one is done.  For example I attended a COP26 related dinner in Glasgow last week and every single attendee was asked to show proof of a negative test. 

I can confirm that I did not get a text from Scottish Gov asking me to do a test as "case numbers are dropping and we need to get them back up"

I will do another test before I go to Glasgow again on Monday for the fitba...if thats ok with you....or should I wait and see how many tests are done over the weekend first?

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Was if just a coincidence that the BBC ran a story yesterday about a nurse who was inconsolable as a result of the pressure she was under and then later in the day Mr Swinney is warning us all of incoming restictions? 

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1 hour ago, GTee said:



Is there anything practical that could be done with schools, maybe during December and January for example, which would help with cases? Not suggesting closing them, but if we are at a precarious point maybe reducing the level of mixing in schools somehow. Wonder if teachers are happy with the case figures in schools at this point. It's a bloomin minefield.

Schools always have and always will be one the biggest spreaders if virus'. Snotty kids, bad had washing etc. I'm not sure what else can be done as we move to endemic. 

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55 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

"No-one is allowed to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Get this childish pish in the sea and jump in after it.

People die.

It's not nice but there it is.

If you can't cope with it, stay at home and give the rest of us peace.

Coupla dozen exclamation marks, that's the sign of an, ahem, adult response.

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22 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

What theory we on about today? The WEF? 5g? Population control? Bill Gates? The great reset?

Sorry, it’s hard to keep up.

They are actually talking about implementing the Great Reset at Cop26. It's not a conspiracy theory. 

The lol was in reference to Javid introducing the idea of people losing vaccine status if they don't take boosters regularly and also the first mention from a British politician of vaccine passports being required to access public transport. 

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2 hours ago, Elixir said:

Questioning authoritarian measures = moonhowling in the world of 'Wee Bully'.


Err, that is disregarding the fact that the UK (England weeks before Scotland and Wales) opened up fully months before continental Europe and subsequently had their exit wave in summer, which is why we are seeing what we are now in the data (UK plummeting, Europe spiking). Just because 'it's winter' does not automatically mean things will naturally get worse because of the immunity that already exists in the UK (certainly English) population. Indeed, cases and deaths are going to be dramatically lower in the next two months than the two preceding it, at least south of the border.

Oh, and if you're shocked at over 1,000 deaths per month from Covid, wait until I tell you that over 1,500 people die of all causes daily in the UK. Indeed, for comparison the last bad influenza outbreak in the UK (2017/18) saw deaths peaking at 400 every single day. Nobody batted an eyelid.


I'm still waiting on an explanation as to why cases in English school kids have already collapsed when they went back weeks after they did up here. We know they have collapsed down south because nearly all of them have now been exposed and/or vaccinated. But this should be true in Scotland as well.


^^^ idiot found



Moonhowler gonna howl. 

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19 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:


Moonhowler gonna howl. 

Wait, just to be clear: you don't think a government implementing measures, on a whim, that dictate how the population go about daily life is authoritarian?

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2 hours ago, Caledonian1 said:

Don't know how you can come to that conclusion when the majoriy of testing is voluntarily done by individuals anyway.  My own experience has been that I have conducted LFT's on a fairly regular basis over the past 5 or 6 weeks because things have opened up  and often some events that I have attended have either asked for proof of a negative test within 24 hours or have recommended one is done.  For example I attended a COP26 related dinner in Glasgow last week and every single attendee was asked to show proof of a negative test. 

I can confirm that I did not get a text from Scottish Gov asking me to do a test as "case numbers are dropping and we need to get them back up"

I will do another test before I go to Glasgow again on Monday for the fitba...if thats ok with you....or should I wait and see how many tests are done over the weekend first?

Well done you on taking all these tests.  None of which are included in the SG numbers anyway as these are for PCR tests only.

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Read this headline from BBC - Of the 18 patients on this Covid ward in Leipzig, 14 were unvaccinated

Authorities want to keep the unvaccinated health workers away from hospitals. You can't get keep your job if you don't take the vaccine. I think this is what they are saying.

If they can go one step further and keep unvaccinated people from entering hospitals then this might help people make up their minds on whether or not to take up the vaccine.

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2 hours ago, scottsdad said:

There has been a fair amount of pointing and snarling here. I will let you all decide if I am a moonhowler. My beliefs at this time are simple.

1. Masks are not effective in reducing case numbers. The biggest experiment on this is right here in the UK. In July England dropped the mask mandate and we kept ours. Until that point Scotland and England had largely the same covid response. We went into lockdown together, came out together and so on. Differences were minor. Having kept masks for the past 4 months what have we seen? Not a drop in case rates in Scotland compared to England that's for sure. And in Europe now cases are surging. 

2. Vaccine passports are also not effective. They target small sections of the population (for now). The hated football fans and young adults mainly. What has been the drop in case rates since these were introduced? Hee haw. As @Todd_is_God has pointed out, school aged kids and, to a lesser extent, the middle aged are driving cases now. Folk in schools and offices.

3. Having backed these measures, the Scottish government cannot back down without losing face. You will not hear Swinney any time soon come out and scrap these measures. All he can do is double down and spin the line that these prevent lockdowns. All he can do is extend them to show folk that they are on top of the virus. False flag. 

4. These restrictions themselves are unhealthy. I cannot imagine wearing a mask all day and feel sorry for folk that have to. 

5. Vaccines work. 

As I said, if this makes me a moonhowler, so be it. 

I'm sorry, you're just a Tory who can't be bothered wearing a mask. 

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3 hours ago, Caledonian1 said:

Don't know how you can come to that conclusion when the majoriy of testing is voluntarily done by individuals anyway.  My own experience has been that I have conducted LFT's on a fairly regular basis over the past 5 or 6 weeks because things have opened up  and often some events that I have attended have either asked for proof of a negative test within 24 hours or have recommended one is done.  For example I attended a COP26 related dinner in Glasgow last week and every single attendee was asked to show proof of a negative test. 

I can confirm that I did not get a text from Scottish Gov asking me to do a test as "case numbers are dropping and we need to get them back up"

I will do another test before I go to Glasgow again on Monday for the fitba...if thats ok with you....or should I wait and see how many tests are done over the weekend first?

🤣It’s for PCR tests.

How the fuck can the SG know how many LFT are being taken each day? Give your head a wobble you daft bastard.

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1 hour ago, TheScarf said:

🤣It’s for PCR tests.

How the f**k can the SG know how many LFT are being taken each day? Give your head a wobble you daft b*****d.

Are you sure that the figures only include PCR tests....i was convinced they also included LFT's (I have reported all of my negative tests so they would be incredibly easy to record)

However. thanks for the nice aggresive response....have a good evening.


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4 minutes ago, supermik said:

I have took loads of LFT in the last few months. All negative. Last 2 though..😟

Anybody a size 9 looking for a pair of hardly worn slippers? 😂

Lol, just as I pressed send on this post, phone beeped to tell me that official test was positive 🤣🤣

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47 minutes ago, Caledonian1 said:

Are you sure that the figures only include PCR tests....i was convinced they also included LFT's (I have reported all of my negative tests so they would be incredibly easy to record)



The stats include results from home test kits, which I think are only LFTs.  Commercial home pcr tests for travel aren't counted, so looks like you were right.


The number of new cases is the number of individuals who have had a new positive test result reported in the previous 24 hours. This refers to the date of the result and not the date of the test.

From 15 June 2020 this number includes people testing positive through the UK Government testing programme (regional testing centres, mobile testing units, care home portal and home kits). Prior to this, the figure only included tests carried out through NHS Scotland labs as the UKG data feed to Public Health Scotland was not yet established.

https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-data-definitions-and-sources/#Published data on COVID-19 cases, deaths and testing

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The home kits they refer to are pcr tests. It’s always only been pcr tests. Not everyone lives near a test centre so they mail out pcr tests to be done and returned.

LFT kits are not recorded this way, never have been because they still need to be confirmed with a pcr.

Nearly two fucking years into this thing and people still don’t have a clue about testing.

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12 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

The home kits they refer to are pcr tests. It’s always only been pcr tests. Not everyone lives near a test centre so they mail out pcr tests to be done and returned.

LFT kits are not recorded this way, never have been because they still need to be confirmed with a pcr.

Nearly two fucking years into this thing and people still don’t have a clue about testing.

Well maybe you could provide us all with a bit of much needed education and provide a link to something defining the process.

Edited by welshbairn
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