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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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5 minutes ago, Aufc said:

I might be missing something but I was considering not going for my booster which was earlier tonight. When I mentioned to two people that I was thinking this, they both said “you need to get it to help other people”. Still trying to work out why this is the case? I have had covid and had no symptoms (I’m an athlete) so I know I won’t be affected should I get it again. Why would me not getting the booster make a difference to anyone else? I can still get it and pass it on even without the booster

Because simps.

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Ok, just back from a family funeral, so didn't see the announcement or experience the "joys" of watching this thread develop since. 

If the rest of it are anything like the first few post-announcement pages, I'm reminded of three things. 

1) why many football fans are held in such utter contempt by wide sections of the population,

2) why, on public health matters, I'm glad that politicians seek guidance from folk like health professionals and not from what pass for sentient beings on a football forum and

3) why, when folk like us have health concerns, we go to doctors and don't instead phone Radio Scotland's Sportsound or Radio effin Clyde.

I'll leave you to have a good seethe and instead of witnessing any more stupidity in print I'll go and open the bottle of malt which was the last present I received from the dearly departed. 


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Ok, just back from a family funeral, so didn't see the announcement or experience the "joys" of watching this thread develop since. 
If the rest of it are anything like the first few post-announcement pages, I'm reminded of three things. 
1) why many football fans are held in such utter contempt by wide sections of the population,
2) why, on public health matters, I'm glad that politicians seek guidance from folk like health professionals and not from what pass for sentient beings on a football forum and
3) why, when folk like us have health concerns, we go to doctors and don't instead phone Radio Scotland's Sportsound or Radio effin Clyde.
I'll leave you to have a good seethe and instead of witnessing any more stupidity in print I'll go and open the bottle of malt which was the last present I received from the dearly departed. 

State of this c**t.

HaHaHa tHe SeEthE haAhaAh
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It also show that eventually we're going to have to drop the testing obsession so people carrying it, but don't know as no symptoms, can go about their lives - and so can those with the sniffles if they choose to, just like with any other respiratory illness.

There will be a role for testing in key sectors like health and social care for some time to come.

I'm not particularly concerned about testing itself but the obsession with the numbers testing positive. If you are doing testing then it should be the positivity rate that is part of the decision-making process not overall numbers. Even then it should only be seen as one metric not the main metric.

For me the real figures that matter are those being admitted into hospital/ICU because of Covid (not with Covid) and deaths due to Covid (not with Covid).

The figures that the Scottish Government won't publish.

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5 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Ok, just back from a family funeral, so didn't see the announcement or experience the "joys" of watching this thread develop since. 

If the rest of it are anything like the first few post-announcement pages, I'm reminded of three things. 

1) why many football fans are held in such utter contempt by wide sections of the population,

2) why, on public health matters, I'm glad that politicians seek guidance from folk like health professionals and not from what pass for sentient beings on a football forum and

3) why, when folk like us have health concerns, we go to doctors and don't instead phone Radio Scotland's Sportsound or Radio effin Clyde.

I'll leave you to have a good seethe and instead of witnessing any more stupidity in print I'll go and open the bottle of malt which was the last present I received from the dearly departed. 


there is just no talking to the bell ends on here, its staggering just how strong their ''we know what's best'' stance is.

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38 minutes ago, G51 said:

I had a Pfizer booster Sunday, my side-effects were pretty much the same as the second dose. 

Absolutely knackered for a couple of hours, sore limbs and a stinking sore head the day after.

Would be interesting to know how many people had the same side effects for their booster as they had for their second dose.

Felt weird and light headed the day after my first dose but no reaction at all after my second.

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16 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Ok, just back from a family funeral, so didn't see the announcement or experience the "joys" of watching this thread develop since. 

If the rest of it are anything like the first few post-announcement pages, I'm reminded of three things. 

1) why many football fans are held in such utter contempt by wide sections of the population,

2) why, on public health matters, I'm glad that politicians seek guidance from folk like health professionals and not from what pass for sentient beings on a football forum and

3) why, when folk like us have health concerns, we go to doctors and don't instead phone Radio Scotland's Sportsound or Radio effin Clyde.

I'll leave you to have a good seethe and instead of witnessing any more stupidity in print I'll go and open the bottle of malt which was the last present I received from the dearly departed. 


1) Many football fans are held in contempt by wide sections of the population? The middle and upper classes hold football fans in contempt, that's for sure. That statement maybe reflects what circles you mix in more than anything else. 

2) Politicians seek guidance from health professionals, sure. That doesn't mean they follow it though. And in a highly uncertain and unprecedented situation, health professionals are not infallible.

3) How incredible condescending - people are upset because the Scottish Government promised that getting vaccinated would give people their social life back. They've welched on that deal. How can you possibly be surprised that people are upset??

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How in fucks name did we end up relying on the Brexit gammons just to be allowed to enjoy thee most basic of enjoyments like going for a walk in a neighboring county and stop of for a bite to eat on the way hame? if it were up to those on the left, we'd have kept restrictions all summer and autumn and been back in full lockdown by now

the worlds gawn faackin mad innit 

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Omicron most likely came from an immuno-compromised patient in South Africa, likely an HIV infected person. The combination of the suppression of immunity and the virus mutates to give us omicron.
The covid 19 conspiracy that no-one even mentions now is the Alpha variant, called the Kent variant at the time, likely came into existence due to experimental treatments on a Covid patient in a UK hospital, specifically some types of blood treatment. I read a really good Twitter thread about it a while back, and it’s never mentioned. Surprising considering the Alpha variant killed tens of thousands of people a year ago. 
Has Detournment hacked your account ???
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5 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

So we can’t criticise Sturgeon now :lol: 

Protect the NHS that's been under the governing party's control since 2007, with the current FM actually being in charge of it for the first five years of SNP governance. 

It appears Lauren is a party lackie, so stepping back here and taking a proper look at why this might piss people off is strictly verboten. 

Ano once again, criticism of Sturgeon does not a Johnson fan make. He's an arsehole. 

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Well done to all those who resigned from the SNP, I did so this summer.  
However, I suspect that they stopped caring about resignations a while ago.  Hubris has taken over completely.  Sneering condescension is generally the reaction from the, ever-dwindling, band of Sturgeon sycophants, who see it as their duty to defend her brand of woke authoritarianism, abysmal lack of achievement as FM and, nonexistent, attempts to secure independence.  
Meanwhile, the ones who are elected representatives see being part of the Westminster system, and Holyrood too, as a means to gain wealth and prestige, lending tenuous credibility to the very regime that the SNP, supposedly, existed to sever ties with.  

To those who say there is no pro-independence alternative, I'd say, help to create the new one.

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Popped in to my local tonight for a quick one (Station Hotel). It was dead. Barmaid said her shifts have been cut to the quick, and it would be better all round for the pub if they just shut the whole lot down and brought furlough back.

What a sad state to be in 2 years and 3 vaccines in.

I do hope the virtue signallers of the thread explain to people like this barmaid how selfish they are being when they are worrying about their livelihoods.

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46 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:



Nae need for a fuckin booster then boys! I'm already super immune.

Since we're 'following the science', I'm sure this will be taken into consideration and widely publicised.


38 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Ok, just back from a family funeral, so didn't see the announcement or experience the "joys" of watching this thread develop since. 

If the rest of it are anything like the first few post-announcement pages, I'm reminded of three things. 

1) why many football fans are held in such utter contempt by wide sections of the population,

2) why, on public health matters, I'm glad that politicians seek guidance from folk like health professionals and not from what pass for sentient beings on a football forum and

3) why, when folk like us have health concerns, we go to doctors and don't instead phone Radio Scotland's Sportsound or Radio effin Clyde.

I'll leave you to have a good seethe and instead of witnessing any more stupidity in print I'll go and open the bottle of malt which was the last present I received from the dearly departed. 

Are we supposed to care or be impressed that some anonymous person died of natural causes, and you were at the funeral?

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17 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

How in fucks name did we end up relying on the Brexit gammons just to be allowed to enjoy thee most basic of enjoyments like going for a walk in a neighboring county and stop of for a bite to eat on the way hame? if it were up to those on the left, we'd have kept restrictions all summer and autumn and been back in full lockdown by now

the worlds gawn faackin mad innit 

That's because British liberals are almost exclusively middle-class and restrictions don't really affect them. There are no restrictions preventing you from having a wine, cheese and Harry Potter night with the girls as far as I know. 

Btw, liberals != "the left". The left has virtually no power anywhere in the UK right now.

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