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Hes now come out saying the vaccine is purely for reducing the risk of serious illness and not to prevent spread as the only thing that reduces the spread is restrictions so why are we considering vaccinating children?

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1 minute ago, Empty It said:

Hes now come out saying the vaccine is purely for reducing the risk of serious illness and not to prevent spread as the only thing that reduces the spread is restrictions so why are we considering vaccinating children?

And why do we have a vaccine passport? Another cringing, facepalm heavy interview from Swinney by the sounds of it.



Edited by Bairnardo
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13 hours ago, DMCs said:

It isn't because your source is something a random guy on twitter very clearly made up. Hope this helps

Oh look it does appear to be true after all

Thin skinned Sevconians just can’t help themselves jumping in head first though 

I’ll take my apology gift wrapped


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If you believe the reasoning is ‘you need more policemen at football matches than in churches or theatres’ then you’re a mug.
He’s correct in what he says, but that’s not why they’ve done it. 
Even if that was the reason.... On what fucking planet is Police availability an acceptable determining factor in to what extent we are allowed to live as normal [emoji23]

Plot. Lost
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Just now, Bairnardo said:

Even if that was the reason.... On what fucking planet is Police availability an acceptable determining factor in to what extent we are allowed to live as normal emoji23.png

Plot. Lost

That was my point, it's a cop out, if you pardon the pun.

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If Swinney is now saying the Scottish Government will consider changes to self isolation period, it’s safe to assume that himself and Sturgeon will probably increase the term to 14 days, just to be on the safe side lol. 

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13 minutes ago, Empty It said:

Hes now come out saying the vaccine is purely for reducing the risk of serious illness and not to prevent spread as the only thing that reduces the spread is restrictions so why are we considering vaccinating children?

So what’s the point of say a healthy 20 year old getting their booster then?

They’re not at risk of serious illness and the SG have made it clear that restrictions on activities they enjoy like football and nightclubs will still happen (and would probably have shut the whole lot if they got the chance).

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3 minutes ago, mizfit said:


Surely this is a question that needs pushed to the Scottish Government; if the risk is so severe and the escalation of infection numbers and transmission are causing the need for further restrictions, why wait until next week? Surely there was 2 matches last weekend with 50k+ crowds in Glasgow and there will be a full house in Paisley tonight as well as a large crowd at Easter Road with a sizeable travelling support?

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6 minutes ago, mizfit said:


Nope, one of the consequences of yesterday pish is that today/tonight is the only chance I’ll have to get a good session with the boys this side of the winter break.

Already had some social interactions forcibly cut by his mob, so they’ll have to suck this one up I’m afraid 

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21 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

I’ve slept on it, and I’m still seething about yesterday. 

I wonder if it will be leitch, swinney or both wheeled out today to tell us these restrictions ‘may not go far enough…’

I think I'm angrier now than I was yesterday. Yesterday's anger was a kneejerk "WTAF" reaction. This morning, I've thought about it more clearly, and I just can't see the justification for what they are doing.

I've been broadly in support of what has happened up until now, if not necessarily in full agreement, because the majority evidence and data seemed to support the actions to an extent. This time, every shred of evidence on the Omicron variant (it's a variant, despite the media dropping the term variant in a bizarre attempt to seemingly promote it as something new altogether) shows that these measures/restrictions/whatever stupid fucking buzzword they are using this week are a total overreaction. I could almost just about grudgingly accept the idea of "We still need to be careful" if we only had the South African data, but there is data from the largest city on our island, which also happens to be one of the areas with the lowest vaccine uptake, that shows the "threat" is significantly lower than expected, and yet we are still imposing more restrictions. It just doesn't make sense, and flies in the face of their "following the science, following the data" mantra that they have been banging on about for the last 20 months.

If, and it is now a huge if, there is something they have that actually shows that this could be a shitstorm, it needs to be published. Show us all the data, show us all the models, and actually justify why you are using the worst case scenario. I know they are absolutely shitting themselves about getting it wrong again after what happened at the start of the pandemic, that is totally understandable, but they are swinging towards getting it wrong at the other end of the scale, fucking over everyone's lives and jobs.

And as other people have mentioned, it's utterly laughable that I could get married on 2nd January at 3pm in the centre circle at Tannadice, and have as many people as I like in attendance, all getting shitfaced, singing and dancing the night away, yet only 500 will be allowed into the derby 100 yards down the road for an event that lasts less than 2 hours.

TLDR - seriously, SG, WTF are you doing?

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14 minutes ago, mizfit said:


If Swinney is happy for the Scottish Government to compensate the club's hosting games tonight accordingly I'm sure they'd be fine with telling their fans to stay away.

But this tactic of guilt tripping folk, which started with hospitality, whilst giving a sector no financial support is woeful and pathetic. And it needs to stop.

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32 minutes ago, renton said:

Notice Finland and Sweden are now adding restrictions to hospitality. Portugal yesterday. Germany introducing similar restrictions on clubs, spectator's football and restrictions on private gatherings (although more than us); Netherlands back into a more formal lockdown.

Maybe Boris is playing 4D chess vs. Sturgeon, but its striking that these other countries are going down the same route. Everyone is spooked, everyone is herding together in terms of actions. Everyone, presumably has their own version of Whitty, Ferguson and Leitch.

Yes this is a good point. I despise Sturgeon and the SNP as much as anyone at this point, and am absolutely not defending any of the utter shite they’ve come out with yesterday… but there are quite a few European nations shitting the bed worse than us currently. Why is everyone ignoring the blatantly positive data about Omicron and focusing purely on worst case scenarios?

I’m not a conspiracy theorist at all, but either governments across Europe are absolutely paralysed by fear (and therefore not fit to run a country) or something else is going on. It feels like a social experiment at this point. It’s the most confused I’ve been yet at the decision making so far.

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27 minutes ago, Empty It said:

Hes now come out saying the vaccine is purely for reducing the risk of serious illness and not to prevent spread as the only thing that reduces the spread is restrictions so why are we considering vaccinating children?

It's no wonder people accuse them of playing politics to look like they care more when they hit out with stuff like this.

The one thing that is absolutely clear is that they lack a clear, thought out plan.

In the space of 24 hours they've undermined the vaccines and admitted that vaccine passports don't work (at least not how they claimed when they were introduced).

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2 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Yes this is a good point. I despise Sturgeon and the SNP as much as anyone at this point, and am absolutely not defending any of the utter shite they’ve come out with yesterday… but there are quite a few European nations shitting the bed worse than us currently. Why is everyone ignoring the blatantly positive data about Omicron and focusing purely on worst case scenarios?

I’m not a conspiracy theorist at all, but either governments across Europe are absolutely paralysed by fear (and therefore not fit to run a country) or something else is going on. It feels like a social experiment at this point. It’s the most confused I’ve been yet at the decision making so far.

Do they think they can be sued by the families of people who have died from Covid or something?  This is what I'm wondering about the SG.

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