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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, gc_smfc said:

Tested positive for what I'm assuming is Omni on my return from NY on Sunday. Girlfriend tested negative on return then finally got the same symptoms two days after then finally tested positive. 

Had a cough for a day, and now a runny nose, but feel fine otherwise. Only had two jabs as appointments for the booster only came available when I was away. If it's like this for the vast majority there's no need to panic, a couple of days at home then good to go. 

More frustrated at being stuck in the house than anything, not getting my haircut and getting to see my mate who's back home, but wouldn't be rushing out if I had a cold like this anyway. 

Knew the risk going away, but we'll worth it, hopefully those in power start seeing some sense sooner than later. 

I've had Covid past week and a bit too, lost taste/smell for a few days and had a couple days feeling shitty but apart from that fine. Not sure it was Omnicron tho as my missus and daughter been fine and I'm the only one out the 12 folk i was out with previous weekend who has caught it.

We're booked for NY in March, really hope this shit show doesn't put a pin in it

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1 hour ago, Tynie Heep said:

A young man who is angry and frustrated feels he needs to vent for his own mental health.

Quite ironic you trying to be the supercilious, sanctimonious, patronising git when you have history for challenging another poster to a fight.  



I see myself as a voice of sanity tbh.

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1 hour ago, cdhafc1874 said:

Most decent local councillors - whilst still under a party banner - will build up support for them as a person by doing a good job for & engaging with the folk in the council ward they represent not just riding on the party name.

There are certainly councillors who have a large personal vote unrelated to the party they happen to represent based on what they do for local people on local issues.

It is possible to separate the two.

Then those popular and effective, dreamboat local councillors can choose to formally separate the two - by no longer standing on a national party ticket. Quite what your objection is to voters exercising their own fucking judgment on the information listed on their ballot papers is beyond me. 

Edited by vikingTON
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24 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

WHO releasing a position that ‘the pandemic must end in 2022’, why wait boys?

It will be over next year whether they like it or not as pretty much everyone will have been exposed and/or immunised. They'll claim it's over purely because of vaccination and public health messaging, etc, rather than it simply being the natural course of such an outbreak. Places like East Asia, Australia and New Zealand will still face a lot of challenges, though.

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I’m honestly not sure why Labour haven’t taken this line. It could likely win them a GE.
Winning of that GE would allow Scots a referendum, with the Labour Party pushing the line that they support Indy, but should it come to pass the Scots and English separate Labour parties would totally split, but agree to work together for the greater good.

It really wouldn’t because the problem with Scottish Labour goes far deeper than their line on independence. It also won’t happen because the people who would’ve taken a softer line were soundly defeated in the leadership elections.
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31 minutes ago, Lex said:

I think we all know that a January lockdown is in the post and that decision has already been made by the SG.
The next week or so is going be all about PR and spin to get the message right and get people nice and scared so they accept it.


That's going to be rather difficult without furlough as the sweeties that have been chucked our way will barely cover this current charade beyond three weeks. If England end up deciding against further measures and have subsequently played the devolved administrations for fools, then it will be an untenable situation.

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2,434 new cases of COVID-19 reported*
52,022 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results*
13.0% of these were positive
11 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
40 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
536 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
4,375,588 people have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination, 4,000,171 have received their second dose, and 2,708,761 have received a third dose or booster.


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The responses to this are quite something. It does feel as if the tide is definitely turning. Uncharacteristically tone deaf to post it today too imo.

Go f**k yourself Sturge.
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2,434 new cases of COVID-19 reported*
52,022 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results*
13.0% of these were positive
11 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
40 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
536 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
4,375,588 people have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination, 4,000,171 have received their second dose, and 2,708,761 have received a third dose or booster.


Tsunami! Armageddon!

Also that’s not 13% its nearer 4%

I’m quite sure that’s not everything but still
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Just now, MP_MFC said:

2,434 new cases of COVID-19 reported*
52,022 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results*
13.0% of these were positive

I know the tests to cases percentage doesn't always add up. But I'm extremely confused by this.

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2 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

2,434 new cases of COVID-19 reported*
52,022 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results*
13.0% of these were positive
11 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
40 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
536 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
4,375,588 people have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination, 4,000,171 have received their second dose, and 2,708,761 have received a third dose or booster.


To be fair 2.4k doesn't exactly pass a smell test even under optimistic scenarios. 

How did they get 13% of 52k St 2.4k? Would be 7k under that metric, no?

Edited by renton
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Just now, MP_MFC said:

2,434 new cases of COVID-19 reported*
52,022 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results*
13.0% of these were positive
11 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
40 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
536 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19
4,375,588 people have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination, 4,000,171 have received their second dose, and 2,708,761 have received a third dose or booster.


How can they release those numbers they make no sense. 

13% positivity from 52k tests but only 2434 cases? 

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Granny Danger voted unthinkingly for one party all his life then switched to another to do the same thing and thinks this radical decision gives him a right to lecture everyone else. A waste of time with nothing insightful or original to offer.

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