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50 minutes ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

When the boomers (old folk) die the millennials (offspring/young folk) get the goodies/houses/money.

Not really relevant to my point. A 25 year old now isn't stopped from having financial concerns by standing to inherit a share of a house in 30 years.

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FFS Eugenics now, let's just go the whole ethnic cleaning while we are at it eh ? Why don't we just concentrate on getting deaths and infections down to a reasonable rate before we let any one group out of lockdown. It's been 5 weeks with furlough schemes in place for another 9 weeks or so. Let's see where we are then.
I'm sorry, but what's eugenics got to do with what he posted?

I think you're getting a bit carried away.
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Thanks [mention=30062]welshbairn[/mention]. Got the same for Scotland only? The 90’s seem to have a lot to answer for; interesting that there is such a drop. We’ve seen a lot more youngsters (in Scotland) get involved in politics since 2012. Hopefully that trend continues .



The 1992 election had very high turnout, nearly 80% if I recall correctly. The 97 vote was seen as kind of predictable after that and there was a big drop in turnout for the 2001 and 2005 elections as no-one thought Labour would lose. I think turnout was below 60% for both of those.


A U.K. General Election hasn’t had turnovers it higher than 70% since 1997. The only votes in the U.K. since then that have met that have been the referendums in Independence and the EU. ETA The referendum on the good Friday agreement in Northern Ireland as well.


A Scottish Parliament vote has never broken 60% turnout.

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2 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

I agree that we're not ready to ease anything yet, and I'll be amazed if that happens in the next week.

But the economy isn't just the spivs in the city of London. It's folks livelihoods as well, and the effects will be felt for a long time.

But are people really going to be packing into shops, theatre, town centres etc when it's clear from the news that its dangerous to do so? It doesn't affect me, but I just can't see people thinking a new telly is worth risking death or serious illness for themselves or a family member. 

Bearing in mind too that shedloads of people have either lost their jobs or are very very skint because of this, meaning they're unlikely to have money to spend on much beyond the essentials 

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1 hour ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

When the boomers (old folk) die the millennials (offspring/young folk) get the goodies/houses/money.

Cool, let me just phone my bank and tell them not to worry about my financial situation right now as I might get half a house in 30 years' time.

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32 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I agree with that. Having said that, it feeds into what I said a few pages back that I think she might be misreading the Scottish people on that one in terms of patience. 

I want a leader who will lead; take decisions based on considered analysis of the scientific data and advice.  Not one looking at the opinion polls and wondering if there might be a public backlash.


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2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I want a leader who will lead; take decisions based on considered analysis of the scientific data and advice.  Not one looking at the opinion polls and wondering if there might be a public backlash.


Its politics. Ultimately that will always come into it.

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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:

So no threat of an U45 infecting a 50 or 60 year old on furlough who isn't required to shield. Think before you type. My household with two 50s and an U45 living in the same house, explain to me how my wife and myself are not at greater risk with my son going about his daily business. It's not about the threat to the U45, it's the threat they would become to any non shielding over 45. What bit don't you grasp ?

Then keep your son under the lockdown as well initially. Not every household is as you describe. The first phase of the easing lockdown does not need to be one size fits all.

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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

The boomers are scared they are going to die. The new future has no place for cowards, reopen and French kiss every old dodderer you see.

Being honest I have no idea what all these terms mean "boomer", "generation X",  "millennials" etc, etc.

It's more Facebook era American pish that nobody had ever heard about up until a couple of years ago and that has somehow crept into our mainstream media in this country as opposed to it being called out for the utter nonsense that it is.

Ironically some of the posters on here who are often horrified and go into meltdown mode over stereotyping and generalising, appear to be the very ones that are heralding these so called surveys and polls.

Let's be honest, You can't throw a blanket over peoples attitudes based on their age or anything else and anyone who try's is just portraying themselves as hypocritical morons.

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29 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

FFS Eugenics now, let's just go the whole ethnic cleaning while we are at it eh ?

I don't think you know what 'eugenics' means tbh.


Why don't we just concentrate on getting deaths and infections down to a reasonable rate before we let any one group out of lockdown.

Well no, why should young and fit people remain in lockdown right now when they are quite clearly not the ones being admitted to hospital or dying from the virus? If the purpose of a lockdown is to reduce the temporary strain of the NHS then you both can and should discriminate according to age in your lockdown measures, based on the overwhelming evidence that we now have.

And the fact that the UK is still seeing high rates of new infections demonstrates that the current lockdown is ineffective anyway, so we're effectively trashing the economy, dismantling civil liberties as well as damaging the mental health of millions of people across the country for little tangible gain. It's the worst possible outcome of applying universal restrictions to your population.


It's been 5 weeks with furlough schemes in place for another 9 weeks or so. Let's see where we are then.

A: With lots of people dead and the economy crippled for another decade as well. Hope you'll be out banging your pots and pans together on Thursday night for that terrific outcome!

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1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

Being honest I have no idea what all these terms mean "boomer", "generation X",  "millennials" etc, etc.

It's more Facebook era American pish that nobody had ever heard about up until a couple of years ago and that has somehow crept into our mainstream media in this country as opposed to it being called out for the utter nonsense that it is.

Ironically some of the posters on here who are often horrified and go into meltdown mode over stereotyping and generalising, appear to be the very ones that are heralding these so called surveys and polls.

Let's be honest, You can't throw a blanket over peoples attitudes based on their age or anything else and anyone who try's is just portraying themselves as hypocritical morons.

Okay boomer.

shut the door gifs | WiffleGif

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1 hour ago, Alan Stubbs said:


Most of these are problems caused by boomers taking every advantage given to them and ripping them up for the next generations. 

Apologies for deleting the rest of your post, but I really want take issue with this point.  It’s one that crops up in the politics threads quite frequently.

It is a precis of an argument that “the Boomers are depriving young people of a future”.  It’s a nonsense and a divisive Tory argument, the object of which is to ensure young people blame older people rather than blaming the austerity policies of the government.

The fact is the State Pension in the U.K. is one of the poorest in Europe.  In France there is massive resistance to pension changes; changes, that if they were to take place, would still leave French pensioners far better off than their British counterparts in terms of when they can retire and the amount they can retire on.  Protection of a decent state pension is something we should be doing for EVERY generation to come.

We can easily meet the economic needs of the old AND the young.  Abandon austerity for a start, this virus has shown that it’s a dogma driven policy rather than an economic imperative.  Scrap Trident, make multi-nationals pay their fair share of taxes, stop running public services for private profit.  Let’s face it when it all goes tits up it’s the public purse that bails out private enterprise anyway.

Once the old and the young realise their interest are aligned rather than buying the lie that it’s us against them maybe the politicians won’t find manipulation quite so easy.


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3 minutes ago, virginton said:

Well no, why should young and fit people remain in lockdown right now when they are quite clearly not the ones being admitted to hospital or dying from the virus?

Because it's unfair on parents who still live with their children, apparantly.

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2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

That's an odd take.

We are paying 80% of everyone furloughed's wages atm, therefore we can afford to continue to do so for those over 45 for much longer should those extremely unlikely to die get back to work.

Those vulnerable would continue to be shielded similar to what they are doing just now.

This would just be so wrong, so ridiculous and so unworkable in so many ways.

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Vote down all my posts if you like VT,  I already have you on ignore as you're a childish waste of space who offers nothing constructive to any discussion.

Ditto "marshy".

Edited by WATTOO
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