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14 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Here is an interesting thread on the ‘shocking’ photos you keep seeing of people breaching social distancing.

Noticed that a lot, telephoto lens shots to make people look closer together in parks and railway platforms, and by the MSM not just internet trolls.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
9 minutes ago, mizfit said:

Need to go to Glasgow for a funeral today. Not looking forward to either the funeral or being so far away from home during this pandemic.

Life has to get back to normal somehow (even a funeral is 'normal'). 

If people don't want to go out the door , then life is truly fucked. 

Don't hug or kiss anyone, try and keep 2 meters away from people, and wash your hands whenever you can.  The virus doesn't have mythical or magical qualities.....take reasonable care and you wan't catch it. 


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15 hours ago, pandarilla said:

It's you being the snowflake if you're so worried about what other folk thought of you.

And i don't think anyone has any issue with despising tories. Wishing them dead was seen as excessive.

But you're perfectly entitled to openly wish folk to be dead. Don't be surprised if folk think you're a c**t though, and call you out on it on the Internet.


15 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Where do I say that I’m worried about what folk think about me?

You’d be better caring about the 40,000 plus folk who have died, many because of this government, than the fat austerity supporting, NHS hating c**t.



14 hours ago, pandarilla said:

You're perfectly entitled to wish folk dead mate, you crack on.

Do you really disagree with what GD wrote.

Don't you think the world would be a better place without some of these c**ts

Whether in heaven, hell, limbo or elsewhere.

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I see Party at the Palace in Linlithgow now cancelled. Not that I had any intention of going, but that's in August. Not sure where, or if, this all stops.

I was considering going to a concert in late August at the O2 academy in Glasgow. Getting my son a season ticket for the football (Dundee United) and a caravan weekend in September. Not sure if any of those will go ahead.

Right now, whilst it's true that the mortality rate is coming down a little, it seems that until a vaccine is found ( next year at earliest) anything that comes under the banner of 'fun' has no hope of going ahead.

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22 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Heard her on the Today programme just before 9, she sounded broken and didn't even attempt to answer questions. Think the interviewer felt sorry for her and ended it.

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1 minute ago, Steven W said:

whilst it's true that the mortality rate is coming down a little, it seems that until a vaccine is found ( next year at earliest) anything that comes under the banner of 'fun' has no hope of going ahead.

It will be interesting to see how opinions shift on banning things considered 'fun' once everyone is back working.

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11 minutes ago, bennett said:


Yet somehow Morgan comes across as the pompous tosser here.



He is a pompous tosser, but he is right to go after, and expose govt ministers as incompetent half-wits. Why do they continue to appear on TV and claim every decision they have taken, has been done in the country's best interest?

Ah well, their leader's back at the helm now. Boris will defeat this enemy -  the invisible mugger, will soon get the message.

There's more on that car crash interview here :



Edited by ICTJohnboy
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Do you really disagree with what GD wrote.
Don't you think the world would be a better place without some of these c**ts
Whether in heaven, hell, limbo or elsewhere.
I don't think i have the right to play some sort of god, and decide who we could do without.

I also think that generally stuff is never as simple, or black and white, as a lot of folk want it to be.

My faither is a card carrying communist. He is adamant that we should have a day every month where we should be encouraged to shoot lawyers for fun. He would very much agree with gd on the issue above.

But he's also a fierce campaigner for local community causes. He's always been involved in local projects that help those most vulnerable in society. In doing this, he had contact with the local mp John Scott (an old wealthy tory). Scott helped my dad's project quite a lot, and the two ended up being fairly friendly (and worked together on a couple of things).

Scott even nominated my dad for a community award of some sort, handed out by the Scottish Parliament. Although he was inclined to politely reject it, I'm glad to say he didn't in the end (him and one other awrdee got to snub the congratulations from the Queen and Prince Philip by sitting in the corner whilst everyone else stood in a line).

Life is complicated. Some good people do horrible things, and vice versa. I believe that some tories are actually good people (although it's unusual). S

So i tend to try to see the good in people, and generally don't dwell on wishing that folk weren't here.
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He is a pompous tosser, but he is right to go after, and expose govt ministers as incompetent half-wits. Why do they continue to appear on TV and claim every decision they have taken, has been done in the country's best interest?
Ah well, their leader's back at the helm now. Boris will defeat this enemy -  the invisible mugger, will soon get the message.
There's more on that car crash interview here :
I'd like to see boris grilled on that clip of him from February boasting about how we could lead the world by not shutting down, like some sort of super hero.

The public sympathy will be short lived i reckon. Unless there's a quick uk turnaround, which doesn't look likely atm, he'll be in deep shit again soon enough.
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11 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Heard her on the Today programme just before 9, she sounded broken and didn't even attempt to answer questions. Think the interviewer felt sorry for her and ended it.


I never listen to the Today programme, in case I encounter the cretin that is Nick Robinson 

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12 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Heard her on the Today programme just before 9, she sounded broken and didn't even attempt to answer questions. Think the interviewer felt sorry for her and ended it.

Their willingness to send out junior ministers to be slaughtered while Boris hides away reminds me of South Park's "Operation Get Behind the Darkies"


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