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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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My other half is going to see her elderly mum this weekend. 
Her mum lives by herself therefore she can still do that as it's a bubble. 
My interpretation anyway. 
I think the rule is that's fine, but only your other half can do it (or you, assuming you live with your other half and are therefore part of the bubble).

If your other half has, for example, siblings they're not supposed to also visit their old dear indoors as you can't be part of more than one bubble.
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Just now, ICTChris said:

Us gym-goers can simply smash f**k out of the virus because we are all so #swole.

I've been back 3 weeks and it's fucking keeping me relatively sane.

Only thing that's #swole in last 6 months is my waistline.

Right back on the road to getting cut as f**k though. :D

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The most pertinent question in my mind that has to be asked is 'What is the end game with this?'
There seems to be a feeling that most, if not all eggs are being placed in the vaccine basket with even the previous biggest sceptic of the viability of a Vaccine, Neil Whitty now seemingly changing his tune and softening to one being made available in the relatively near future.....but what if this is not viable? What if a vaccine never comes to fruition?
There's not a lot being said or done to reassure folk that in the event of a vaccine failing, we can live and function with the virus in society and this, to me, is a massive question....probably the biggest one that has to be addressed.
Loosening and tightening of restrictions cannot, should not and will not go on forever. In 12-18 months time folk are going to largely ignore advice and live their lives around it like all manner of other infectious diseases they may catch in their everyday lives, as government advice without an actual exit strategy will more and more just be a case of keeping the wolf from the door rather than proactively getting rid of the problem.
Testing is the way forward imo.

Vaccine, yes keepngoing with it but have a wider approach.
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9 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

Go on, I'll add to the confusion: the boy is 20 and currently down south on a training course. When at home he lives back and forth between his maw's house and here depending on his mood and who he is/is not talking to.

So when he comes back up at the road this weekend, he'll have to pick only one house that'll have to commit to for the forseeable?

Can't see anyone being happy abut that one! 😂

I think that's covered by the extended family rules.

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1 minute ago, D.A.F.C said:

Testing is the way forward imo.

Vaccine, yes keepngoing with it but have a wider approach.


This doesn't seem to be the focus just now though. Very much get the feeling that 'well, until there's a vaccine, this is just what we need to do'.

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3 minutes ago, Blootoon87 said:
44 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:
Does this mean I can still get my Nat King?

I don't know. Could you before?

Reminds me of an absolutely yer da thing my, erm, da told me to say when I was getting my BCG immunisation jag at school:

Me: "Will I be able to play the piano after this?"

Nurse: "Of course".

Me: "That's amazing because I can't play it just now".

3 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:

I've been still playing for 4 weeks. Friday will be week 5. Its the hope. 

Any tidy finishes past his own keeper from Mullarkey to report?

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Just now, Dee Man said:

Reminds me of an absolutely yer da thing my, erm, da told me to say when I was getting my BCG immunisation jag at school:

Me: "Will I be able to play the piano after this?"

Nurse: "Of course".

Me: "That's amazing because I can't play it just now".

Any tidy finishes past his own keeper from Mullarkey to report?

Nut. Did score a few half volleys. Sadly the cameras dinna work ( new company but no set up yet, the c***s)

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2 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:

Surely he just bides at one? If that was case people would chop n change who is in there bubble 

That's my take on it - he's over 18 and in full time work so not a child for the purposes extended family definition


ETA and we've already got the MiL as our extended bubble so he can't join that gig.

Edited by alta-pete
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17 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

Go on, I'll add to the confusion: the boy is 20 and currently down south on a training course. When at home he lives back and forth between his maw's house and here depending on his mood and who he is/is not talking to.

So when he comes back up at the road this weekend, he'll have to pick only one house that'll have to commit to for the forseeable?

Can't see anyone being happy abut that one! 😂

If you and/or your ex are single you could form an extended household and he could go between two.

Otherwise he would have to choose.


Just seen your other post. Aye he will need to stay put.

Edited by invergowrie arab
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5 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

That's my take on it - he's over 18 and in full time work so not a child for the purposes extended family definition,

Depends whether either you or his  mum are living alone I think. It's all a bit theoretical anyway, nobody's going to stop you if you're not daft about it.



Extended households
People who live in different places can form an “extended household” in some circumstances.

People who live alone
If you are an adult and you live alone, or if all the others in your household are under 18, you, any children who live with you, and the members of one other household (of any size) can agree to form an 'extended household'. 

Everyone in the extended household will be able to act, and will be treated, as if they live in one household - meaning they can spend time together inside each other’s homes and do not need to stay at least 2 metres apart.

This will allow people who live alone (or those living only with children under the age of 18) to be considered part of another household in order to reduce loneliness, isolation and to provide mutual social support.

However, we know that if one member of a household gets coronavirus, there is a strong likelihood that other members of that household will also catch it. For this reason, there are some important rules which extended households should follow to remain as safe as possible:

one of the households must be a person who lives alone (or who lives only with children under 18 years old)
a household should not form an extended household with more than one other household
households can end the arrangement at any time, but should not then form an extended household with a new household
this means that all the adults living in both households should agree to form the extended household. We would also encourage parents or guardians to discuss this with any children in their household. This is an important decision that should be properly discussed and agreed beforehand


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13 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

The reason pubs,cafes and other regulated indoor spaces are relatively  fine compared to homes is they should have sanitation stations, rules on masks, track and trace, social distancing, ventilation etc 

From personal experience, people will genuinely socially distance better when other eyes are on them (i.e. in pubs / restaurants).  As soon as they go to somebody's house then they'll find themselves squished up against each other on the couch which most wouldn't dare do at the pub.  Basically, rules are conveniently forgotten amongst friends as soon as there's nobody there to go full Lee Wallace.

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Me n current Mrs a-p are one house, a-p Jnr occasionally sharing. Mrs a-p (being an only child) has her muther as our extended household bubble.

The former Mrs a-p lives alone with a-p Jnr occasionally sharing

I think, as was so eloquently put earlier, he'll just need to pick ane.

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