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18 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
23 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:
Like literally everyone else then.

Exactly why would they be any different and hence loads of them will want back to school

Why should everyone else live with restrictions longer though, just so that children can get some routine and social interaction?

You're agreeing that the education aspect is not what the majority are missing therefore they can wait and do those other things at the same time as everyone else can.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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29 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:
2 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:
It is a wee bit funny to think ibiza is more likely to be a saga destination this year, but i do feel for your generation missing out on these things, hopefully you’ll be able to get away towards the end of the summer man. 

Generation? Really? We're talking a couple of years' disruption, maybe three. That's a far bigger percentage of what I've got left than your average 18-30 type, but I'm not bleating about things I can't change. Some folk could benefit from a bit of perspective here.

You really that obtuse? Think of all the formative things people in that age group are missing out on at a point whereby they should essentially be enjoying the best years of their life. The massive life events relegated to an online zoom production at best if not cancelled. By the time we reach ‘maybe three’ there will probably be irreparable damage done to the financial, mental and physical welfare of these groups and these are the groups who will probably shoulder much of the long term harm for longer, getting into property ladders, decreased public services and all the other fallout, whereas the younger age groups things may improve by the time they hit the 18-30 age group. 
The relationships they would have formed at say university etc which would have served them throughout their life, the life experiences travelling and everything that comes with being 18-25 etc, all I know is my own experiences had a huge impact on my own growing. But yes you’re right, you’ve probably got less time, but you’ve had the chance to have the experiences the OP i quoted hasnt for the past year and to be fair to him he made a lighthearted post about it, there hasnt been a massive amount of complaining from this age group, maybe that’s your ‘perspective’. 

Edited by Inanimate Carbon Rod
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39 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

"Children are desperate to get back to school"

Utter bollocks 😂😂😂

Literally no child is chomping at the bit to do some more maths instead of playing FIFA.

Thankfully my grandson is champing at the bit to get back to school as he now realises that his teacher is far better at teaching than his mother, he's not liked school for a few years now but this shitshow might just enable him to attain what I know he's capable of attaining. 

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Those six or seven weeks in the summer must be murder for them.  Yet somehow they manage year after year.
A terrible point, considering 6 or 7 weeks at any point of the year under current restrictions is wildly different from any 6 or 7 weeks you care to choose in living memory.
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3 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:

Hotel quarantine: 'It'll cost us thousands and we'll be miles from home' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56070698

Got my tiny violin out for these folk coming back from the UAE.

This was undoubtedly my favourite.

"I think they are overreacting. Putting Chile in the same bracket as Brazil is like putting the UK in the same bracket as Russia. It's a four-hour drive from here to Rio."

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2 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

This was undoubtedly my favourite.

"I think they are overreacting. Putting Chile in the same bracket as Brazil is like putting the UK in the same bracket as Russia. It's a four-hour drive from here to Rio."

I preferred the guy that wanted his kids to quarantine at their boarding school.

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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
26 minutes ago, strichener said:
Those six or seven weeks in the summer must be murder for them.  Yet somehow they manage year after year.

A terrible point, considering 6 or 7 weeks at any point of the year under current restrictions is wildly different from any 6 or 7 weeks you care to choose in living memory.

I am not sure what point you are trying to make considering that I was responding to a claim that kids were missing the routine and interaction of school after a grant sum of 4 weeks of remote learning.

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17 minutes ago, strichener said:

So what is the actual problem? Missing school, having to remote learn (they are not home schooling) or shit weather? 

Some re-adjustment from your original claim that they are missing routine and interaction.

Once more, might it just be possible, that these things can all combine in different permutations for different kids, having different impacts?

Seriously, why this quest for a single simple explanation for things that are clearly complex and nuanced?

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I am not sure what point you are trying to make considering that I was responding to a claim that kids were missing the routine and interaction of school after a grant sum of 4 weeks of remote learning.
Being off school in a normal summer holidays is completely different in every conceivable way to what's happening now, so them "managing it year after year" is completely irrelevant to, well anything really.
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Has it?  What research paper was this as the only thing that I saw was that it had been tested on younger people and did not stop mild symptons.
I'm not sure of the specific research paper but I read about it in a South African newspaper which says it failed to protect against mild to moderate disease.

The point being, variants do have an effect of efficacy so it's not unreasonable for people to entertain the thought that further mutations might result in a strain which ends up causing illness in already vaccinated people.
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2 minutes ago, strichener said:

I am not sure what point you are trying to make considering that I was responding to a claim that kids were missing the routine and interaction of school after a grant sum of 4 weeks of remote learning.

It's five weeks.

As others have pointed out for you, the current situation is very different from a summer holiday.

Even summer holidays are difficult for some kids though.

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14 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:

Hotel quarantine: 'It'll cost us thousands and we'll be miles from home' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56070698

Got my tiny violin out for these folk coming back from the UAE.

This wouldn't be happening if folk didn't just sack off the self-quarantine at home tbf. 

There was an article in the local press last week with a UAE-based businessman moaning that his daughters need to quarantine for 10 days before they can go to their private school should they return to the UK. Surely taking them out the country is a known risk given current circumstances? You were putting yourself at risk from inconvenient arrival processes long before hotel quarantine were being demanded. I get it's highly annoying, but you ought to be aware of the risks you're taking. 

As someone said earlier, the public here really do believe that their lives are so difficult compared with those of everyone else. 

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I'm not sure of the specific research paper but I read about it in a South African newspaper which says it failed to protect against mild to moderate disease.

The point being, variants do have an effect of efficacy so it's not unreasonable for people to entertain the thought that further mutations might result in a strain which ends up causing illness in already vaccinated people.
This was discussed previously. If it still prevents severe illness and death then its doing its job.
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15 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

I'm not sure of the specific research paper but I read about it in a South African newspaper which says it failed to protect against mild to moderate disease.

The point being, variants do have an effect of efficacy so it's not unreasonable for people to entertain the thought that further mutations might result in a strain which ends up causing illness in already vaccinated people.

It's also not unreasonable to entertain the thought that an asteroid might hit the earth. But we don't bang on about it daily. Not because it wouldn't be devastating, but because it isn't very likely.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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I was under the impression most kids were just going about their lives normally these days. I see/hear teams of the wee c***s out together in Dumbarton and they appear to use the trains as some sort of holding pen. Are the majority actually sitting at home on their own rather than being out with their mates?

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