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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Dont get me wrong, theres bright side for me today. Kids back to school which they and I need, wife back work fulltime which she and I need. Bairnardo brewing will be able to commence a massive Spring ramp up in production. But....

As I have said before, I wont lose my job because of this, or it's highly unlikely at least, but I generally dont look at this from purely my own point of view. The lack of regard for peoples health and wellbeing aswell as their businesses and jobs is what irks me the most. I dont have any skin in the hospitality game but f**k me, how folk can watch what is happening here and be ok with it is beyond me.
Businesses will be trading again as soon as furlough ends at the latest. It's pretty obvious the SG do not have the funds to continue it unilaterally. Targeted sectors apart Sunak will decide when business unable to trade currently will reopen.
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Always voted SNP, however its hard not to use expletives when describing their performance. 
But honestly it's the tone of NS that is grating. If you are very very good whittle boys and girls and if I'm I'm in a good mood you might get some nearer normality with a stay cation. Patronising waffle. 
There better be objective regional (better not be in tier 4 in the majestic granite city due to Lanarkshire hell holes) measures in the route map. Last time it felt changes happened on a whim. 
The issue being that if the tier system is going to be set at 50/100,000 and below then it's going to take absolutely f**k all for it to flare up above that level. In some mainland council areas, that's 25-50 cases in the area, to get out of tier 4. Tiers 1&2 are looking like being essentially zero new cases.
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1 minute ago, djchapsticks said:

I'd love to know what sort of incentive she now has to stay closed instead of just going 'f**k it' and working on the downlow. Because to be perfectly honest, that's now where we are as I feel we're having 2 fingers stuck up at us every time we ask to be treated on a par with other businesses in her sector. 

Sadly the simple answer is end up getting battered by fines.

I think this shows a real hole that needs addressed in the UC system I don't think grants could be available to anyone without a years trading history due to folk taking the piss but no one should have £0 earnings.

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1 minute ago, 101 said:

When you have Willie Rennie, Dougie Ross and A/N other in the running, sadly yes it is.

No danger I am allowing that clown Willie Rennie to keep his seat here in the glorious North East Fife Riviera.   SNP through gritted teeth.

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10 minutes ago, renton said:

I think she understands that perfectly well. However, case loads are only back roughly where they were in Autumn which was high enough to pretty much put an end to hospitality, hospital capacity is under high high thankfully diminishing pressure. You can't open up while hospital capacity is under that kind of pressure so we are stuck for a while, regardless.

We won't see any impact from vaccines until into March and probably April before it should have stopped most deaths and hospitalisations.

If there is a quicker way out of this, I'm all ears. Hospital numbers and vaccine effect are what needs to be monitored now. 

She didn't say anything of the sort though, did she? I am not advocating for opening up now - with second doses going to those who need them in the coming 2 months, I'm more than happy to hunker down for a little longer. What I would like is some potential for under 60s to get their life back once that is done. Comments such as we hope to have as normal a summer as last year are utterly offensive and if actioned would kill hospitality stone dead. There has been ZERO implication from her that the vaccination programme leads to a normal domestic life. If the roadmap, which is only a week away, doesn't state that then our economy is fucked. 

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There is a way out, it's the vaccines but we are unlikely to be in a position to use that exit until we'll into the Spring.
Genuinely, I wouldnt be anywhere near as angry if the common sense thing you just said was even hinted at by govt. It has never been though.
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10 minutes ago, jessmagic said:

Yes I will still vote SNP for independence but certainly through gritted teeth. I think they have revealed a lot about themselves during Covid which makes it precisely 0% likely that I will vote for them after indy. 


Makes you wonder what else they could f**k up....



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2 minutes ago, Paco said:

Should be said that the poster boys of the thread Israel are opening up to vaccinated/previously infected only, at 30% of the population fully vaccinated (two doses). That needs to go over 50% fully vaccinated before they consider a more general opening up, with social distancing still maintained. Scotland is at about 24% population vaccinated with one dose. In 14-15 weeks we’ll hit that 30% fully vaccinated threshold. End of May/start of June. Well into July at least, maybe August, for 50% fully vaccinated.

Maybe we’re unrealistic with our expectations? Reeled in by the fuckwits of the Tory Party telling us what we want to hear.

Not saying it’s definitely that way, but worth considering. The only people saying something approaching normality any time soon also assure us there is no border in the Irish Sea.

I think this is definitely the case. Add in that it takes a few weeks for the vaccine to work in people, I’m not sure why anyone was expecting to be coming out of this in the next few weeks tbh. 

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1 minute ago, TheScarf said:

You are allowed to say you vote Tory by the way.  Baroness Davidson doing these daily briefings?  Oh ya fucker.

Vote tory? Is that the extent of your argument? Like some kind of snp godwins law? I was a member of the snp throughout uni and post indy ref. Just because I dislike the way the SNP are running things doesnt mean you can throw out the childish ‘oh you disagree with me you must be a tory’ shite. I will never vote tory, same as i’ll not vote for a party now which are only marginally better than the tories. 

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15 minutes ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

Did Aberdeen get to Tier 2 at any point originally? I remember Lanarkshire got tier 3 for about 5 minutes that was nice.

Yeah then it got relegated to Tier 3 a couple of weeks before Christmas IIRC.

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3 minutes ago, 101 said:

Sadly the simple answer is end up getting battered by fines.

I think this shows a real hole that needs addressed in the UC system I don't think grants could be available to anyone without a years trading history due to folk taking the piss but no one should have £0 earnings.

unfortunately an individual can if the household has earnings

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2 minutes ago, 101 said:

Sadly the simple answer is end up getting battered by fines.

I think this shows a real hole that needs addressed in the UC system I don't think grants could be available to anyone without a years trading history due to folk taking the piss but no one should have £0 earnings.

I mean, she works in a salon in our backdoor that we took a loan out to have built in the summer and the back garden is pretty secluded and at the end of a cul-de-sac with no through traffic. 

There are precious few eyes on the place. We agreed she could stay closed though out of respect and on the basis that a bit of help would be coming as she's a sole trader. 

That hope is extinguished though. 


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f**k sake. So incompetence isnt a reason not to vote for a party.
I can't speak for the millions who will. Today we heard exactly what we expected with a faster than expected roadmap announcement and no further extension to lockdown. If anyone expected anything different I suspect they live in a media free igloo. Yes her tone was dreadful but it didn't really make any difference to the core message. We knew schools were getting priority and they are, it was hardly news.
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2 minutes ago, 10menwent2mow said:
10 minutes ago, TheScarf said:
So you'll try and vote another party in to take over and do a, presumably, better job?  Who would that be, out of interest?

Are you an Aberdeen fan thatcwamts McInnes to stay by any chance??

I'm interested to see what party could do better in trying to do what's best for the people who live in Scotland.

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