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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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45 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Wonder how many of the population have gone back for their first day off furlough today. There will obvious be a rough number for this but unsure if its reasily available.

A happy wee landmark in terms of normality. Iv just SELFISHLY PUT OTHERS AT RISK by actually walking into Greggs for a coffee rather than ordering at the door.

Also, its time all these folk cutting in on the shift work racket got back to the day jobs and let me return to handling my business at the quiet times.

Genuinely a covidiot wtf are you doing getting coffee at Greggs

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31 minutes ago, anotherchance said:

Absolutely beelin at restrictions being lifted today so she is.

The comparisons with Brazil and India and kids not having oxygen with our situation are absolutely nonsensical.

So we should now be basing policy decisions on what Devi's mate, the publican, surveys his/her customers about?

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23 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

McKeith wasn’t just a Z-list celebrity, she was a pseudoscience peddler. There is no reason to poke though peoples faeces to diagnose issues with their diet. She also recommends things like detox diets - anything with ‘detox’ in it related to diet is bullshit - and colonic irrigation, none of which have any evidence to back them up.

The far right, New World Order, ZOG type Covid conspiracies are pretty self evident but don’t underestimate the hippy dippy, organic chai seed type conspiracist stuff about vaccines and government control and big food/pharma.


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8 minutes ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

Expected some p&b reaction on here to Boris’ supposed let the bodies pile high quote. Did I miss it or do we just not care?

Politics Forum, if you can bear it! 

Anyway, where's Maradona and his methuselah filled with Devi's tears? 


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1 hour ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

Expected some p&b reaction on here to Boris’ supposed let the bodies pile high quote. Did I miss it or do we just not care?

Why would there be bodies pilled high in the “third wave”? If vaccines do the job they’re showing to do there won’t be excess deaths etc. Yet more scaremongering pish by all involved (BJ and the media) 

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Why would there be bodies pilled high in the “third wave”? If vaccines do the job they’re showing to do there won’t be excess deaths etc. Yet more scaremongering pish by all involved (BJ and the media) 

He is alleged to have said it in October, when there were about 45,000 Covid deaths. There are now 127,000.
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Why would there be bodies pilled high in the “third wave”? If vaccines do the job they’re showing to do there won’t be excess deaths etc. Yet more scaremongering pish by all involved (BJ and the media) 
Boris comment was made befoee the second lockdown I think. He said hed rather see bodies piled high than have another one after that. Pre vaccines.

He is a c**t. Nothing surprising about it. Im more concerned with how the BBC will try to deflect any flak for it.
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Boris comment was made befoee the second lockdown I think. He said hed rather see bodies piled high than have another one after that. Pre vaccines.

He is a c**t. Nothing surprising about it. Im more concerned with how the BBC will try to deflect any flak for it.

He’ll just deny it and I doubt anyone has real evidence so it’ll just be spun as bitter Cummings telling tales
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But Devi Sridhar, public health professor from the University of Edinburgh, disagreed.

She told the programme: "We still have a lot of unvaccinated 40-year-olds, 30-year-olds - these are people who are still at risk of serious illness.

"I find it astonishing that, while there's anti-lockdown protests in Britain, we're seeing across the world absolute carnage in terms of lives being lost outside hospitals because people can't get care."

She added: "People want to go to places and do want to enjoy their lives, but they want to do it safely because I think in general the public understands this is such a serious virus and you don't want to acquire it at any age."


Sridhar moving the goalposts right there

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5 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Why would fit and healthy people in their 30s and 40s be at risk from serious illness?

I know folk who have got it and got it badly despite being fit and healthy.

Quick question also guys. What sorta number are allowed at funerals now? 

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2 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

I know folk who have got it and got it badly despite being fit and healthy.

Quick question also guys. What sorta number are allowed at funerals now? 

Were they at serious risk of being admitted to hospital/ICU/dying?

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Remember guys, there's nothing racist at all about wanting to keep out foreigners, brown people vectors of disease.

Rhetoric the BNP could only have dreamt would become commonplace/acceptable. Guess all it took was the worst global health crisis in a century. Still, no doubt all those #FPBE types will pivot back to pretending to be welcoming to immigrants when this all blows over, and pretend like they didn't want the borders shut to the third world indefinitely.

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On the Indian variant - Sky News published this story late last week. 


Clearly bad news. However then there's the actual figures in the article: 


And a new report from Public Health England (PHE) revealed that of the 132 cases now recorded in the UK, three were among people who were not believed to have contracted it while travelling.

3 cases not linked to travel! 3 out of 132 identified. I get that we want to watch it, but that isn't screaming emergency to me at the moment and the headline is over the top. Also "not believed to have contracted it while tavelling" isn't really good enough. Was it a random in the community that got it, or a friend/family member of someone who came back with it? One of those is much more of a concern than the other. 

It still hasn't been declared a variant of concern either... 

Edited by Michael W
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10 minutes ago, stuart87 said:

Even those who are in their 30s and 40s who are at risk from this virus due to underlying health conditions have been vaccinated. emoji23.png She is an absolute walloper.

And we are about 50% through folk in their 40s. Time for the media companies to stop booking her and move towards economists talking about how to get the economy rebuilt in a sustainable model.

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