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Losing her funding for LFTs at end of April. Good. GIRFUY and be utterly ashamed of yourself that it took a fucking Tory to stop you shelling Scotlands health budget for 2022 and beyind into the dirt in pursuit of personal crusade. Arsehole

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3 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Was their expectation not to do this today... several weeks ago? What happens if the sneeze tracking figures still aren't favourable?

Even the 'guidance' needs torched. There will be a hangover of a few weeks where certain folk still wear them as businesses want to be seen to be doing the right thing until the point where everyone just forgets then no longer cares.

Probably looking at May/June now before we get to the low levels of mask wearing we see south of the border, and even longer when compared to the near zero compliance in Scandinavia.


Probably The Best Covid Responses In The World in Hong Kong and South Korea must be getting a really leaky supply of masks these days.

I assume you don’t wear a mask, why do you care if others do? 

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Just now, Bairnardo said:

Losing her funding for LFTs at end of April. Good. GIRFUY and be utterly ashamed of yourself that it took a fucking Tory to stop you shelling Scotlands health budget for 2022 and beyind into the dirt in pursuit of personal crusade. Arsehole

Tbh as long as it's required for those working or visiting a hospital or care home it should have been free.

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25 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

So another 2 weeks of this nonsense at least.

All to make wee Jeanie "feel" safer when she's in a shop.

There are really no words left to accurately describe the stupidity of this.

It will have the opposite effect, it’ll make wee Jeanie even more feart to go and get her bread and milk once this charade ends.

It’s all for show and an attempt to cover up another failure of effective public health messaging.


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29 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

FM: "The exception relates to the requirement to wear face coverings on public transport, and in certain indoor settings.

Given the current spike in case numbers, we consider it prudent to retain this requirement in regulation for a further short period."


FM: "We will review it again in two weeks - before Easter recess - and our expectation now is that this regulation will convert to guidance in early April."

Review in 2 weeks means 29th March. What's the betting it'll be announced that the requirement will be lifted on 11th April - giving another 2 weeks for them to backtrack when we enter another inevitable spike.

I'm genuinely angry about this. It's not about the face masks in themselves. It's about the toying with us, announcing things them backtracking with absolutely no evidence for doing so. It's playing fast and loose with people's wellbeing, giving them reasons for optimism them snatching them away again.

There can't be anyone left who genuinely believes this isn't pure politics.

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On masks, there are several issues t play here. The first is the genuine real world evidence that they make no difference. The UK is an excellent example of this - parts dropped their masks (England) and others kept them, and it made no measurable difference to case rates. You might then think that Scotland ditching them would make no difference. 

But then you get the lab experiments. i posted on here a while back about some talking head or other on radio who had read a paper stating that masks cut Covid transmission by something like 83%. In lab conditions i am sure it did - but Scottish cases were not 83% lower than England's.

Away from the science, we have ideological thoughts on the masks. Some say "It's just a mask, what's the fuss?". Others find them dehumanising, and they can cause a range of minor side effects such as skin irritation - especially for workers who wear them all day. The dehumanising issue is the one for me. We have babies and toddlers who have barely seen a human face outside of their immediate family that isn't covered over. How is that leading to a healthy integration into society? It won't. 

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I was pretty much still wearing my mask where required most of the time. But that's it for me now.

Folk can keep wearing their masks wherever they want. But it should be a personal choice by now. 

Mental that I was down south in England in September without one, yet up here they are going to be mandatory until (at least) Easter. Absolute nonsense.

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1 minute ago, ICTChris said:

Is it true that there are no clinics for Long Covid in Scotland?

Given the range of potential/reported symptoms (in the hundreds I believe) I doubt a specific long covid clinic would be much use here. No single clinic can deal with "brain fog" on one patient, blood clots on the next, diarrhea on the next, sight loss on the next, low sperm count on the next, and so on...

Assuming these are all directly caused as a result of infection, of course.  

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14 minutes ago, jamieson87 said:

I assume you don’t wear a mask, why do you care if others do?

At this point all masks are doing is perpetuating memories of the fearful crisis we were in, but which has now long since past. They are a continuing barrier against moving on from this period once and for all and enabling full pre-pandemic normality to return.

They are not 'cost-free', they are problematic.


2 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

This is going to turn into another “circuit breaker” ain’t it 

They'll be absolutely gagging on a new super variant to appear in the next fortnight. Masks till summer next year at the earliest, then.

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1 minute ago, Caledonian1 said:

it's only for public transport and shops and perhaps a further two weeks.

Perhaps aye, perhaps naw. What will the SG do if, in two weeks, case numbers are still very high? Make them mandatory for another fortnight?

Have a fcuking word with yourself man.

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