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Painted bits of the fence and installed Ubuntu so I can practice Linux again to stop brain turning to mush.
Worked out every day for last two weeks or so and struggled today, getting a bit steckie so left it tomorrow.
Only jobs left now is painting part of the shed then it’s just garden maintenance. Another month of getting really fit and chilling out to come.
Big fan of people installing me tbh
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Finally bought bird feeders for my back garden.  One is a seed cage thing that accommodates the wee fellaes only - job done.  The second is an open cage thing for the wee fatball spheres - sparrows and robins and tits getting their share, but the magpies and hooded crows (?) seem to be chasing them off now and again.  So glad i also bought the blowpipe (found on DundeEbay) to dissuade the uninvited bigger f*ckers.

Tomorrow i enjoy the hedge sparrows and robins feasting sans greedy bassas.

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22 minutes ago, GNU_Linux said:
1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:
Painted bits of the fence and installed Ubuntu so I can practice Linux again to stop brain turning to mush.
Worked out every day for last two weeks or so and struggled today, getting a bit steckie so left it tomorrow.
Only jobs left now is painting part of the shed then it’s just garden maintenance. Another month of getting really fit and chilling out to come.

Big fan of people installing me tbh

You were so cheap and easy.

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4 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

Getting the wife to understand why I'm getting a PS4 again without asking (because that's pathetic) and without causing a horrible scene by just buying it without her knowledge (because right now we need to save for our wedding). 

Had the same battle my friend took a while to source one though 

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Finally resolved the oven issue. Top element went a few weeks ago so ordered a new one, fitted it and it still didn't work. Bugger. Taking an age to heat up and stuff coming out partially cooked. Found a local Repair Man who came out, took one look and said "That's a digital one mate, can't fix it. You need a new card from Hotpoint - that's £140 then you need the guy from Hotpoint to come out and re-programme it". He checked the top element that I'd taken out and it was fine. All in all looking at about £250 to fix a £300 oven. 


So we bought a simple, non-digital oven for £130 and that's the problem fixed. 

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16 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

Meant to be in June over in Hungary. Is in some doubt whether it's moved back to September though.

The PS4 will bring years of contentment. A big wedding day is an horrific waste of money. Get married over Zoom, tell Mrs to buy herself something nice.

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Me and my pals done "Eurovision"

We had 24 of us so we all got given two countries and we could pick a song from one and then they sent me the youtube video of that song and I made a playlist. Once everyone had sent their video in I shared the playlist with everyone else and they all chose their favourites. On Saturday night we all got together for a Zoom bevvy and each person gave us their scores. Some folk got right into it: dressing up as their allotted country or giving the scores in the native language. Everyone got pished

Iceland won. I came 14th with Wales.

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1 hour ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Me and my pals done "Eurovision"

We had 24 of us so we all got given two countries and we could pick a song from one and then they sent me the youtube video of that song and I made a playlist. Once everyone had sent their video in I shared the playlist with everyone else and they all chose their favourites. On Saturday night we all got together for a Zoom bevvy and each person gave us their scores. Some folk got right into it: dressing up as their allotted country or giving the scores in the native language. Everyone got pished

Iceland won. I came 14th with Wales.

When I read posts like that it makes me glad I am an anti-social c**t with no friends.

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It introduced me to Dadi Freyer who, it turns out, are fucking awesome. So was well worth having to put up with shite Spanish ska and terrible Irish hip hop

Also the video for Manhattan by Rossz Vagyok is possibly the most unintentionally hilarious music video I've ever seen

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An hour and a half cleaning my keyboard. "Why so long?" I hear you ask? Well 10 minutes to take every key off. 5 minutes to brush and hoover out the board. 5 minutes on the phone to my boss.  1 hr 20 minutes to reassemble the board after the bloody cat jumped up to play with the pieces, scattering them everywhere!

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2 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

Meant to be in June over in Hungary. Is in some doubt whether it's moved back to September though.

KLM have cancelled my flight from Inverness to Amsterdam in June, but not the connecting flight to Budapest, if that gives you any hope.

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9 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

KLM have cancelled my flight from Inverness to Amsterdam in June, but not the connecting flight to Budapest, if that gives you any hope.

Well, there will be plenty booze that I'm paying for and if there's no one else to drink it...

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