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Finding it really hard going to be honest. Been drinking too much, too often and struggling to motivate myself to do anything meaningful. My end of term Uni exams have been cancelled which has come as a huge relief as I don’t think I would have been able to cope. I’m still working but the nature of my job has heightened my anxiety over the virus.

Next week I’m going to try and develop more of a routine which involves moderate exercise and completing more productive tasks.

Thank f**k for forums like this, though.  They really do help. 

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2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’m fine.  Times like these are when being anti-social comes into its own.


I’m missing being critical of Robbie Neilson; mind you five weeks without a point is expected.



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Quite enjoyed it so far - taken all my office stuff home to my dining room and liking not having to commute for 45mins twice a day.


Been busier than ever work wise, but like having the flexibility to finish it when I want - and team communications have been better than when we’re next to each other due to all the WhatApps and Teams stuff.


Live in the country so ensuring I go for a decent walk each day through the forests near here and seldom see a soul - and hoping will be able to cycle instead now that lighter nights and hopefully double figure temperatures are upon us, which should also allow a beer or two outdoors in the garden.


The novelty may wear off, but so far so good.

Biggest risk is my wife getting annoyed at minutiae due to my increased presence in the house.



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8 minutes ago, 2lgm said:

October???? Haven’t seen that. Going ok, bit worried about my parents and how they’ll cope. Both are in their mid 70s and usually active and out and about. Trying to establish a routine while working from home but not as busy as normal. Up early to go for a run, set breakfast, lunch and dinner times and trying not to resort to drinking each night. Other than that the novelty of board games on a Saturday night will wear off soon. Even the wife is wanting the football back so she can get me out the house.

I think the mention of October is more when we'll have it under control, i.e. have it at a level where it is manageable, including new cases. And it is an estimate based on data we have now. Future data can and will change that.

I think restrictions will be lifted, gradually and at different times in different areas, before then.

Edited by DA Baracus
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Not great. 

Not enjoying working from home and it is difficult for us trying to look after our 18 month old daughter whilst working. Yesterday was a disaster, frankly, and neither of us got anything of note accomplished. I also have found the days are starting to merge into one a bit and that the boundary between home and work has become too blurred for my liking. 

Whilst both our employers have been really good and understanding about these less-than-ideal arrangements, I just hope that this stays for the duration of however long this is .

Our daughter has had an on/off temperature since last night and so we are also now both in isolation for the next fortnight. No other symptoms thankfully, but can't take the risk. Outdoor time is very limited anyway currently, but I'd give anything to go out for a 15 minute walk at the moment. 

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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Struggling in some ways. It's certainly taking a toll I didnt expect this soon. I am so gutted for my kids at what they are missing out on already. They are devastated to not be seeing their family and wee pals. I seem to be having moments of being close to tears every day. 

That won't help you, if I live for 10 years I'll have lost 2.5% of that stuck in here myself, so what, if I go out and do more than (40/39) times more when it's over I'll be quids in. 

To your kids, you're Bear Grylls. 

Edited by ayrmad
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6 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

I think the mention of October is more when we'll have it under control, i.e. have it at a level where it is manageable, including new cases.

I think restrictions will be lifted, gradually and at different times in different areas, before then.

I'm banking on going on holiday in September, either in the UK or abroad when it's still warm. Fucking hope so anyway, if we have to wait for a vaccine it will be next year. The risks and precautions most of us have to take should reduce from July onwards I think, maybe June. :unsure2:

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

I'm banking on going on holiday in September, either in the UK or abroad when it's still warm. Fucking hope so anyway, if we have to wait for a vaccine it will be next year. The risks and precautions most of us have to take should reduce from July onwards I think, maybe June. :unsure2:

I think most restrictions will be lifted here by then, although depends on how well folk observe the restrictions. That's just an opinion though.

Also be wary on when other countries lift restrictions. I imagine for incoming flights they'll only do it if the country of origin has met specified standards. Being out of Schengen won't help.

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Still working, as we've been classed as essential workers by the council as we maintain the vehicles for the home care staff as well as cleansing. There was only 7 or 8 of us in last week on the nightshift so plenty of space for us to stay apart. Actually quite glad to be still working as it's keeping a sense of normality. They have reduced our shift a bit and also changed the time so that the nightshift are away home before the day shift come in. Gave us all hand sanitizer, and I always wear gloves at work anyway.

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22 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’m fine.  Times like these are when being anti-social comes into its own.


I’m missing being critical of Robbie Neilson; mind you five weeks without a point is unforgivable.


Great point about being antisocial.

I'm the most antisocial person I know. Happiest either in my own company or with the immediate family. I need to retreat into these areas with which I'm comfortable. I should be able to deal with these times and I think I can. Conversely I work in health and social care on the training side, so I am also comfortable supporting others but need that retreating space. 




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I'm doing pretty well, but I'm used to isolation, as I've noted on here before. It's never been a great thing but at the moment I'm lucky, as I don't have anyone who relies on me, especially kids. Really feel for folk who have to look after them just now. Must be mentally challenging in so many ways. Same with folk who need to look after relatives. Indeed same with folk in a relationship. Tough times.
I'm working from home, and appreciate that I'm lucky to be able to do so and still be paid in full.
In regards to work I'm massively more productive, as I don't need to stretch tasks out to fill the day/week. There are always tasks I need to do ASAP at work, and I've always done so, but there's loads of others that I take ages over usually simply so that it looks like I'm doing something. Since I started my role I've taken on loads of extra stuff just to stay busy, and always help colleagues, to the extent that I could do most of the other roles in the office, but now that I don't have anyone looking over my shoulder I can, and do, finish them right away. 
Getting to sleep more now is great as well, in many ways. It's really helping me. I've started a routine and have been adding to it gradually. Will be ramping it up more next week. Actually finding myself snacking less at the moment too, and spending way less money.
More significantly I've had a massive mental change. I imagine loads of folk, probably most folk, will be saying or thinking similar, but after this I'll be doing a LOT differently.

Good to see you posting again DA- I know it’s been a while.
Really great post, I agree with the last paragraph particularly, it’s not until something like this that you realise maybe how insignificant other problems previously, actually are.
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6 minutes ago, Angusfifer said:

Great point about being antisocial.

I'm the most antisocial person I know. Happiest either in my own company or with the immediate family. I need to retreat into these areas with which I'm comfortable. I should be able to deal with these times and I think I can. Conversely I work in health and social care on the training side, so I am also comfortable supporting others but need that retreating space. 




Yeah I’m only half joking, apart from my immediate family my wife and myself prefer our own company.  As such I’m not finding it a burden despite not having seen either of my sons or our granddaughter for some time.

My lack of sociability is a bit bizarre given that a large part of my job involves interaction with the public with which I’m quite successful.

I’m a bit surprised that so many folk on here seem to be struggling, I don’t mean that in a critical or judgemental way.

Hopefully this thread  is in some way therapeutic.

Edited by Granny Danger
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4 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

Good to see you posting again DA- I know it’s been a while.
Really great post, I agree with the last paragraph particularly, it’s not until something like this that you realise maybe how insignificant other problems previously, actually are.

Aye good shout. Not just that, but it's also snapped me out of certain attitudes that are holding me back and made me more appreciative of things, or more specifically given me a bit of a kick up the arse. Absolutely Birthday Caird Pish,  but no less true for it.

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5 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

I think most restrictions will be lifted here by then, although depends on how well folk observe the restrictions. That's just an opinion though.

Also be wary on when other countries lift restrictions. I imagine for incoming flights they'll only do it if the country of origin has met specified standards. Being out of Schengen won't help.

I've got flights and hotels booked for a Euro 2020 trip booked which I'll obviously have to postpone, even without the football, and a cottage in North Wales in July for a festival in a place I know a lot of people, but will probably have to postpone that too as I'm fairly high risk, even if the festival still happens. Should be safe to drive down to Wales by September though at least.

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