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Your best random find when out for a stroll

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I once found a £20 note at the side of the pavement. 

I note some German was able to find a previously undiscovered 10 tonne "object" on Saturday while simply "passing by" 

I have linked the article below.

What is the most interesting or valuable item a P&B member has found while out for a walk ?  And did you keep it ?

I wonder if the RAF would like their object returned ?



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Found £20 on Baron Taylor's Street in Inverness lying on the pavement the other week, coming back from a Clach away game. Briefly looked around for anyone who might have dropped it, and for a micro second thought about handing it in to the police, and stuffed it in my pocket. If any teuchter P+Bers can tell me the serial number I'll gladly return it. :angel

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I found a 1lb steak pie still in it's wrapper the other day, lying on a path up to the railway station. Didn't touch it obviously, but surely to f**k you'd notice if you dropped something that size??

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After Caley played Celtic in the league cup in 2002my mate found a bag of money in an alley in Glasgow city centre. He’d nipped there for a pee and it was lying on the ground, probably £500 in it, all in £10 and £20 notes.

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I remember once finding a pair of shite soiled boxer shorts that were tied to a fence post when I was about 17. It might not sound that extraordinary but why would anyone do that after shitting themselves rather than just dump the boxers? It still baffles me to this day. 

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1 hour ago, throbber said:

I remember once finding a pair of shite soiled boxer shorts that were tied to a fence post when I was about 17. It might not sound that extraordinary but why would anyone do that after shitting themselves rather than just dump the boxers? It still baffles me to this day. 

Few years back I didn't realise I'd taken my jeans and pants off all in a oner the night before, put new pants and the same jeans on the next morning and headed for the station. Old pants fell out the ankle onto the street. Didn't really know what to do, just left them there. Wife (girlfriend then) said she'd gone over to the shop and she'd seen a pair of pants on the street that looked like mine. Confirmed they were. Weren't shitey tho. There's some long winter nights just flown past for everyone. 

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I found a purse when walking in London. Late at night, and a bit cold and hungry, we walked a mile and a bit to the nearest police station only to find it had been closed down. We called the police for advice but they weren't interested. Anyway, on the train journey home I had a closer look at the cards in the purse and managed to get the phone number of the lady in question with the help of her art club. I posted the purse back to the young student and got a nice thankyou letter
in return. Although it's the right thing to do, it did cost me some inconvenience, and the princely some of 3.50 in postage, so I can understand why some people might not be arsed and would just pocket the contents of wallet.

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Colleague at work found several thousand pounds in a box of donations. We'd no idea where it had come from, so we handed it in to the polis, who told us to give the owner 60 days to claim it before coming back. Went back 60 days later, only to be told that, sorry, you should have come back within 60 days to say you wanted it - it's ours now, soz. The High Heid Yins at work have been fighting to get it back for the past year - local MP has been involved, along with some other high-ranking politicos. Polis have admitted they'll have to return it, but keep coming up with excuses as to why it can't quite be returned just yet.

Unofficial policy at work is now that any money found goes into the till.

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A packet of biscuits .....chocolate chip cookies if memory serves.....still in an unopened cellophane wrapper.  I think I put it to the court of P&B for views and comments as to whether I should just eat them.

Think the majority view was that I was a proper jakey mink for even picking them up off the pavement

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