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League Reconstruction 20/21 season

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38 minutes ago, Tartantony said:


If this £10m somehow comes to fruition then the potential loss in prize money for Rangers if they finish 2nd would be £960k (£1.34m for 1st).

Given the £10m+ losses Rangers are making every season and the continued material uncertainty over their ability to continue as a going concern, i find it quite staggering that you would rather lose £960k rather than pay £5k, purely to spite Dundee Utd.


Yes but wot if this & the SPFL get emptied £955 is less than 960.



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13 minutes ago, 8GamesToGo said:


I absolutely get the 3 promoted clubs fighting their corner as the 3 relegated clubs are but asking the other clubs to line up behind them... what a riddy.

Why is it a riddy? Hearts are challenging the collective will of the SPFL, all those clubs did was have the audacity to be good! They could have voted with Hearts FFS and they would still be on the receiving end here. Unless you think those three clubs have some sort of Lawell-esque mind control over other clubs?

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2 hours ago, 8GamesToGo said:

Is that true? How did clubs in England do it. Did they not use furlough? Genuinely don't know.

Clubs in England all get eleventy hundred million each, they have money. Two they couldn't afford to not play due to the eye watering amounts they would had to have paid back to broadcasters. They are still having to pay back large amounts as it is. We have a new broadcasting contract which meant delaying till the 37th of Novebruly would have cost FAR,FAR MORE than paying back Sky,BT and BBC for stopping season.

That money clubs were begging for. Clubs still seem to be begging, including yours. So where did it go? And it clearly wasn't enough to make a difference. Anyhow, I believe the arbitration will look into whether it's true clubs couldn't have got the money without calling the league. Yes, I know the SPFL have said they couldn't. 

Our club is asking for money due to significant unbudgeted finances for Raith Rovers who have said it could be deadly to them and Cove Rangers as well as us, to help defend a situation that IS completely of Hearts and PT's making. They didn't have to serve us, they could have gone straight to arbitration under the Arbitration Act (Scotland) 2010 as per SPFL/SFA rules right at the start saving a f**k tonne of money for all concerned, and had this sorted one way or another by now. The only people saying they couldn't give money out are Hearts and Rangers. Rangers only because they didn't want their rivals to be champions when they had no way of catching them (realistically before some maths genius comes along) and Hearts because it fits the club's agenda.

We are not struggling yet and unlike you are only at the start of massive overhaul of everything and massive upgrades to stadium and academy that in another 1.5-2 years should see us, unlike you not requiring massive donations to avoid being insolvent.

People need to look up Arbitration Act (Scotland) 2010 to see exactly what it will do. It will only look for any rule breaking and if none were broken, irrespective of anything else, that's it game over.

The games might have been able to have been played in July if a concerted SPFL/Scottish gov effort took place to make it happen. Calling the league happened too early and in a rushed way (even the SPFL admitted that) that led to where we are now. I don't now why you are denying that.

Absolute fantasy. Everytime you are asked how the games could be played, you trot out this line. This line that allows you to pretend to be a politician ie say something but say absolutely nothing of substance.

If the Scottish Government stated in May, and this is a fact, that there would be NO FOOTBALL EVEN IF BEHIND CLOSED DOORS and despite being asked again and again only allowed contact training less than 2 weeks ago, how the f**k could games have been played?  Now unless your are completely stupid, and we are talking dangerously so, you will have formed ideas and looked into strategies and ideas that could in your view have allowed games to be played. I mean properly, not just " I believe they could have played them" especially when facts are put to you that would say they couldn't can you please tell me when they could be played at a time when I could not visit my parents, my son could not visit his grandparents, when people were still being told to shield inside etc etc... then you must have more then " they should have played them". Again for the hundredth million time HOW? WHEN? State your case as to how. It's time to shit or get off the pot!


Edited by Tannadeechee
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15 minutes ago, 8GamesToGo said:


Just gobsmacked that Neil Doncaster and the blazers are now being praised so much - and even more weirdly trusted so much. Doncaster and co went to massive lengths in 2012 to keep Rangers in the league. They came out with all sorts of stuff we knew then wasn't true - armageddon etc - and he was proven wrong. The following year were some of the best for Scottish football. Crowds went up, a bunch of teams won cups, there was a different challenger to Celtic. 

Yet now, he's suddenly this fantastic administrator and we simply must believe what he says about Tv deals and all the rest. Well we're going to court to find out and everyone should be supportive of that as a VERY rare chance to question the blazers' decision-making thought processes. I absolutely get the 3 promoted clubs fighting their corner as the 3 relegated clubs are but asking the other clubs to line up behind them... what a riddy.

And my major issue is Doncaster and the blazers went to huge lengths to do as little damage to Rangers as possible. Rightly, the other clubs led by Hearts and D Utd as I recall had none of it. Now, he's doing the same, but there has been zero similar effort to minimise damage on the relegated teams. In fact, a cynic might say that the decisions to call the league when they did and at the same time insist the SC finishes then somehow make crowds possibly happen just when the OF derby is to be played (conveniently scheduled last just as they asked) benefits the Old Firm clubs again, especially Celtic this time.

I’m so so on Doncaster in truth, but the over the top demonisation of him by a percentage of Hearts fans including accusations of wrong doing with what looks like little or no actual evidence is crazy. Fine if something does come out questions need to be asked but we already have a judge, jury, guilty verdict, and a lynch mob. I can understand a level of mistrust and dislike from Hearts fans but for me it’s all just way over the top. But then so is the attitude towards other clubs who were just doing exactly what Hearts were and looking after number one, that’s how business works.

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I'm impressed that 8GTG is angry at teams for acting in their own interests while simultaneously being gobsmacked by teams not acting in their own interests. 

Or at least, his perception of what their own interests are.

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26 minutes ago, 8GamesToGo said:


Just gobsmacked that Neil Doncaster and the blazers are now being praised so much - and even more weirdly trusted so much. Doncaster and co went to massive lengths in 2012 to keep Rangers in the league. They came out with all sorts of stuff we knew then wasn't true - armageddon etc - and he was proven wrong. The following year were some of the best for Scottish football. Crowds went up, a bunch of teams won cups, there was a different challenger to Celtic. 

Yet now, he's suddenly this fantastic administrator and we simply must believe what he says about Tv deals and all the rest. Well we're going to court to find out and everyone should be supportive of that as a VERY rare chance to question the blazers' decision-making thought processes. I absolutely get the 3 promoted clubs fighting their corner as the 3 relegated clubs are but asking the other clubs to line up behind them... what a riddy.

And my major issue is Doncaster and the blazers went to huge lengths to do as little damage to Rangers as possible. Rightly, the other clubs led by Hearts and D Utd as I recall had none of it. Now, he's doing the same, but there has been zero similar effort to minimise damage on the relegated teams. In fact, a cynic might say that the decisions to call the league when they did and at the same time insist the SC finishes then somehow make crowds possibly happen just when the OF derby is to be played (conveniently scheduled last just as they asked) benefits the Old Firm clubs again, especially Celtic this time.

It is entirely possible to be 100% against the SPL's decisions in 2012 and be supportive of decisions made by SPFL in 2020. 

The 2012 decision were made in secret within the 5 way agreement.

2020's SPFL was made by a resolution put to the clubs for a vote by the board which contained club reps from all 4 leagues.

It doesn't mean that everything is Rosey, nor you are 100% behind everything SPFL has done since they came into being 8 years ago.

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43 minutes ago, Tartantony said:


Rangers current financial position means they absolutely can not afford to be losing out on the best part of £1m regardless of their opinion of the SPFLs governance.

I don’t want to derail the thread and go down the Rangers financial route so I’ll say fair enough if that’s how you see it.


I can guarantee Rangers won’t pay the £5k that the 3 teams are asking for. 
Why can’t Utd pay it? They seem quite flush these days? Or are they?.... 😀

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Guest 8GamesToGo
14 minutes ago, Tannadeechee said:

Absolute fantasy. Everytime you are asked how the games.could be played, you trot out this line. This line that allows you to pretend to be a politician ie say something but say absolutely nothing of substance.

If the Scottish Government stated in May, and this is a fact, that there would be NO FOOTBALL EVEN IF BEHIND CLOSED DOORS and despite being asked again and again only allowed contact training less than 2 weeks ago, how the f**k could games have been played? 

Did the Scottish gov not say schools would reopen part time then changed to a completely different strategy after lobbying? If the SPFL had paused the league instead of calling it so soon MAYBE the gov could have been persuaded to play closed door games starting July. Because the SPFL had already called the league the focus was on a later timeline.

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Guest 8GamesToGo
7 minutes ago, Tannadeechee said:

It is entirely possible to be 100% against the SPL's decisions in 2012 and be supportive of decisions made by SPFL in 2020. 

The 2012 decision were made in secret within the 5 way agreement.

2020's SPFL was made by a resolution put to the clubs for a vote by the board which contained club reps from all 4 leagues.

It doesn't mean that everything is Rosey, nor you are 100% behind everything SPFL has done since they came into being 8 years ago.

A lot seems to have gone on behind the scenes. Or if not why have the SPFL been so scared of an inquiry, documents being released to Hearts and co and a public court hearing?

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3 hours ago, 8GamesToGo said:

Just saying the cup does affect the following season. The cup thing is interesting. The SFA decided from the start that playing to a finish was their preference and have stuck with that despite obvious difficulties and unfairnesses. The SPFL could have taken that approach with the league and given it a bit more time to see if a finish could be possible. I get one is 3 games etc but rushing into that half-arsed decision has created everything that is going on right now.


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33 minutes ago, 8GamesToGo said:

Just gobsmacked that Neil Doncaster and the blazers are now being praised so much - and even more weirdly trusted so much.

Sometimes people are judged by the quality of their enemies, a Sevco acting solely out of bitterness at the success of their rivals, partnered by a mewling Hearts who can't handle being relegated because of being really shit at football.

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Guest 8GamesToGo
1 minute ago, kingjoey said:


OK, you win. There's absolutely no way the SPFL could have made playing to a finish their main aim and planned accordingly with calling the league as the backup option instead of the first option. Far too difficult. 

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Guest 8GamesToGo
1 hour ago, Arch Stanton said:

So the cherry on the icing of this season for Hearts could see them winning the Scottish Cup but there being no place in the Europa League?


I don't think we'd be too distraught about that in the scenario to be fair. But who knows, we are just a bunch of crybabies after all.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Sometimes people are judged by the quality of their enemies, a Sevco acting solely out of bitterness at the success of their rivals, partnered by a mewling Hearts who can't handle being relegated because of being really shit at football.

I don’t think any prominent party in this whole affair has come out smelling of roses if I’m honest.

But if you’re suggesting that the SPFL have done a grand job just because you disagree with the views of Rangers/Hearts then I think that’s quite shortsighted. 

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Did the Scottish gov not say schools would reopen part time then changed to a completely different strategy after lobbying? If the SPFL had paused the league instead of calling it so soon MAYBE the gov could have been persuaded to play closed door games starting July. Because the SPFL had already called the league the focus was on a later timeline.
On what timescale did they change their mind on schools? Was it about what happens in August maybe? Which is when they have allowed football to start. Because transmission of the virus is now mostly under control here.

This is going to be difficult for you, but can you perhaps imagine how every single other industry (which dwarf football in terms of importance to the economy) would have reacted to special exemptions being introduced for football while their businesses go out the box.

BTW, football restarting is one thing. There's zero to say that it won't be put back into lockdown again. This is another reason why they want to start the new season rather than try to finish the last one.
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15 minutes ago, 8GamesToGo said:

Did the Scottish gov not say schools would reopen part time then changed to a completely different strategy after lobbying? If the SPFL had paused the league instead of calling it so soon MAYBE the gov could have been persuaded to play closed door games starting July. Because the SPFL had already called the league the focus was on a later timeline.

I'm fairly sure the government gave a timeline of no football "indefinitely" before the top flight was officially ended.

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1 hour ago, AJF said:

Yep, I appreciate that. I do find it quite mental that 3 clubs have had to incur significant legal fees to defend the SPFL's decision to promote them.

What I find weird is that I don't believe the fundamentals of the case are (or, should be) affected by anything that these clubs have to say. 

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