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VE Day celebrations.

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5 minutes ago, Detournement said:

They made a deal where they secured their own interests in an attempt to avert war.

Invasion of Poland is a war. Its ludicrous to claim anything else. It was an alliance for war. 


They had the choice of invading those areas or letting the Nazis invade and having them on their doorstep.

The Nazis were going to invade Romania? Your lies never end. 


The buffer plan didn't work but it was still sensible. And the governments they knocked over were bourgeoisie fascists anyway. 

Anyway. So the Nazi invasion of Poland was OK because they were bourgeois fascists anyway? And Latvia, that huge threat to the USSR?



I've not seen the claim about the oil and France before. 

Because you get your history from innumerate buffoons who arse lick scum like Stalin. 


Edited: Done with this, the left are total whores for Marxist dictators. Cant be helped. 

Edited by dorlomin
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They wouldn't have had to invaded Romania as they were well down the fascist path regardless.

From the USSR perspective Poland was finished. They had the option of doing nothing or taking the Eastern marches and protecting the Ukranians and Belorussians there. Correct choice imo. 

The two main histories on Stalin I've read are by Stephen Kotkin and Isaac Deutscher neither of whom could be described as pro Stalin. 

Edited by Detournement
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9 hours ago, 101 said:

Was there a celebration like this for the 50th anniversary?

It also seems a bit strange for the chancellor to suggest people are "addicted" to govt paying their wages and saying we cant afford it to then fly a whole load of aircraft over cities in an entirely pointless exercise.

There was a celebration but IIRC it was more dignified. Probably because there were still lots of veterans still around then who would have made a fuss if it had been handled badly- for example Ted Heath, who'd been an officer during the War, was still an MP.

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23 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Time stamps between posts on this thread are just on the border between knew the stuff already/frantically looked it up on Wikipedia.

I handily reread the Deutscher chapters on WW2 yesterday for this very reason. 

I'm browsing through a Robert Service book I found on my shelves right now but the only mention he makes of oil going from USSR to Germany is post the French capitulation.

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I handily reread the Deutscher chapters on WW2 yesterday for this very reason. 
I'm browsing through a Robert Service book I found on my shelves right now but the only mention he makes of oil going from USSR to Germany is post the French capitulation.
Saddest post ever?

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On 06/05/2020 at 20:18, GordonS said:

To an extent, yeah. Even without the Western and Italian Fronts, the Soviet Union would have defeated Germany. After Kursk the Germans were never able to launch a strategic offensive on the Eastern Front. It was just a matter of time.

Obviously the other fronts significantly hastened Germany's demise, but they weren't the cause. The Axis could have held the Gustav Line a lot longer, possibly permanently, if they didn't have to deal with the Eastern Front. The German defenders at Operation Overlord were disproportionately old men and young boys, lacking in armour, because the best troops and tanks were still in the East.

Once the Western Allies were past the Ruhr they didn't head for Berlin, they swept down into Bavaria and Austria. The primary objective by this point was to avoid the Red Army going beyond the territory they were to administer under the Yalta agreement.

The fact this isn't common knowledge in the UK speaks volumes about the myths we tell ourselves.

This is a weird post to red dot, @dorlomin. If you want to take issue with anything in it then go ahead, but if you're going to argue against reality then don't bother.

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There was a celebration but IIRC it was more dignified. Probably because there were still lots of veterans still around then who would have made a fuss if it had been handled badly- for example Ted Heath, who'd been an officer during the War, was still an MP.
Aye, in other words the cockpieces running around dressed up as Spitfires generally aren't the folk who actually had to fight in the fkin thing.
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9 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

So we were the Daleks and Hitler was Dr Who all along.




I guess if they make enough Dr Whos all major historical possibilities will be covered...



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Flaky dictator Lukashenko went ahead and held VE Day parade in Belarus. The Belarussian Women's Balloon Observation Corp just make me think unkindly of the Roly-Polys on Les Dawson's old show.


At least Putin and Luka still hold those good old parades of military hardware so the people can see where their taxes go. Can you imagine the British Army equivalent...


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13 hours ago, Detournement said:

They made a deal where they secured their own interests in an attempt to avert war. They had the choice of invading those areas or letting the Nazis invade and having them on their doorstep. The buffer plan didn't work but it was still sensible. And the governments they knocked over were bourgeoisie fascists anyway. 

The UK and the USSR would invade Iran for defensive reasons, the UK also invaded Iraq and Egypt on top of it's Empire and the US would occupy loads of strategic islands in it's war in the pacific as well as it's colonial holdings like the Philippines. I can't think why that would be different in your mind though.....!

I've not seen the claim about the oil and France before. 


That's allright, then. I'm sure the relatives of those massacred at Katyn are greatly comforted by the fact the Soviets knocked over a "bourgeoisie fascist" government.

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14 hours ago, Detournement said:

I handily reread the Deutscher chapters on WW2 yesterday for this very reason. 

I'm browsing through a Robert Service book I found on my shelves right now but the only mention he makes of oil going from USSR to Germany is post the French capitulation.

You know how to live.

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12 hours ago, tamthebam said:


Flaky dictator Lukashenko went ahead and held VE Day parade in Belarus. The Belarussian Women's Balloon Observation Corp just make me think unkindly of the Roly-Polys on Les Dawson's old show.


At least Putin and Luka still hold those good old parades of military hardware so the people can see where their taxes go. Can you imagine the British Army equivalent...


I’ve never thought about it before, but now I want to see a tank parade. A few planes flying over is so passé. Can our soldiers even goose step? I want to know.

As long as they don’t fracture all the gas, water and sewage pipelines in the roads.

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22 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

My village has went full metal jacket. 

Wifie dressed up ww2 style walking about getting clapped by neighbours


Younger family dressed up like the one you mentioned


People playing music and meeting up in the streets then posting it on facebook telling each other well done


Union jacks all over the shop


Genuinely scared to go out for a walk now because added to this weve got around 20-30 people dressed up as superheroes going round and getting photos taken with households. I thought the police would put a stop to it but no they joined in. Police encouraging non social distancing.






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12 hours ago, tamthebam said:


Flaky dictator Lukashenko went ahead and held VE Day parade in Belarus. The Belarussian Women's Balloon Observation Corp just make me think unkindly of the Roly-Polys on Les Dawson's old show.


At least Putin and Luka still hold those good old parades of military hardware so the people can see where their taxes go. Can you imagine the British Army equivalent...


The death rate from COVID-19 in Belarus could be astronomical and we will never know.

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