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The George Galloway "Unity Party" thread


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20 minutes ago, JS_FFC said:

Also I’m not entirely sure I want to google what “rapacious promiscuity” means. 

My first thought was "serial rapist", but that's just not George Galloway at all.

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The scene in Crank where Jason Statham has to shag Amy Smart to keep his heart rate up or he dies, except it's George Galloway and his fedora starts turning pink and glittery if he's not hanging out the back of someone.


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8 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

He was never elected as a Councillor.  His power base was as a full time Party organiser, the only paid post outside Labour Party HQ in Glasgow.

Not particularly liked by some sections of the TU movement but controlled Dundee Labour Party with few dissenters.

It was before I joined the Labour Party so I suspect those that were dissenting when I spoke to them did so long after he was gone.

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3 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

There’s probably a ‘yes I was scared of being gay so that’s why I did that just to make sure I wasn’t’ story somewhere, but it’ll likely never come out because f**k admitting to pumping George. 


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7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

This might go somewhere towards explaining his recent utterances.


Amongst the morass of shite in that interview, a nugget of wisdom from him:


He's talking about Saudi.

Here's a ramble from me on that if anyone is interested:


Mohammed bin Salman has finally now moved away from spreading wahabbism (Saudi version of salafism) around the world. However, enormous damage was done in the roughly 40 years that project lasted and the consequences will continue to be felt for a long while yet.

It's been galling recently hearing US neocons trying to shore up flagging European support for Israel by telling us we must fear "Iranian terrorism". Iran backs parties involved in existing military conflicts and there's much to criticise there but that's a separate discussion. When it comes to "terrorism" in the popular European imagination, we conjure images of public transport and concert venues being bombed or shot up. That had nothing to do with Iran but much to do with Saudi.

Every major west European city centre got a huge Saudi-built mosque in the 1990s. That was the icing on the cake, with the base of the cake - Saudi's footprint in the Global South - having been established prior, in the '70s and '80s. From Boko Haram in Nigeria to the Taliban in Pakistan and later Afghanistan, every salafi jihadist group had began out of Saudi-ran madrasas. Saudi cultural imperialism in Pakistan was a factor in why men of Pakistani heritage, compared to other Muslim backgrounds, were over-represented in UK salafi-jihadism.

Israel is part of this story. It can be read here how the 1973 war they launched destroyed Arab nationalism, paving the path for Saudi salafism: 


Today we still have Biden pushing for closer and more formal ties between Israel and Saudi as a pact against Iran. 

Iran's great sin was they didn't want their natural resources exploited by American capital. The Saudi elite were happy to sell out, though, and they used the profits to export their salafism around the world. Including very violently into New York in 2001, a crime done by Saudis yet blamed on Afghans, Iraqis and whoever else.

Looking forward, Saudi is now on the decline in line with the oil prices it has relied on. Bin Salman knows that so has stopped spunking money on exporting salafism. In that respect, he's better than his predecessors although that's of no comfort to the Yemenis he waged war against.

US policy with Saudi has been conducted in the interests of the oil industry and common folk have paid the price all this time.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Freedom Farter said:

Amongst the morass of shite in that interview, a nugget of wisdom from him:


He's talking about Saudi.

Here's a ramble from me on that if anyone is interested:

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Mohammed bin Salman has finally now moved away from spreading wahabbism (Saudi version of salafism) around the world. However, enormous damage was done in the roughly 40 years that project lasted and the consequences will continue to be felt for a long while yet.

It's been galling recently hearing US neocons trying to shore up flagging European support for Israel by telling us we must fear "Iranian terrorism". Iran backs parties involved in existing military conflicts and there's much to criticise there but that's a separate discussion. When it comes to "terrorism" in the popular European imagination, we conjure images of public transport and concert venues being bombed or shot up. That had nothing to do with Iran but much to do with Saudi.

Every major west European city centre got a huge Saudi-built mosque in the 1990s. That was the icing on the cake, with the base of the cake - Saudi's footprint in the Global South - having been established prior, in the '70s and '80s. From Boko Haram in Nigeria to the Taliban in Pakistan and later Afghanistan, every salafi jihadist group had began out of Saudi-ran madrasas. Saudi cultural imperialism in Pakistan was a factor in why men of Pakistani heritage, compared to other Muslim backgrounds, were over-represented in UK salafi-jihadism.

Israel is part of this story. It can be read here how the 1973 war they launched destroyed Arab nationalism, paving the path for Saudi salafism: 


Today we still have Biden pushing for closer and more formal ties between Israel and Saudi as a pact against Iran. 

Iran's great sin was they didn't want their natural resources exploited by American capital. The Saudi elite were happy to sell out, though, and they used the profits to export their salafism around the world. Including very violently into New York in 2001, a crime done by Saudis yet blamed on Afghans, Iraqis and whoever else.

Looking forward, Saudi is now on the decline in line with the oil prices it has relied on. Bin Salman knows that so has stopped spunking money on exporting salafism. In that respect, he's better than his predecessors although that's of no comfort to the Yemenis he waged war against.

US policy with Saudi has been conducted in the interests of the oil industry and common folk have paid the price all this time.

Totally agree, nowhere near enough has been made of the Saudi family's direct responsibility for the global spread of medieval psychotic Islamic fundimentalism, but I bet George isn't mentioning any of that while he tries to recruit the mainly Sunni Bangladeshi and Pakistani heritage voters of depressed North of England post-industrial towns. It wasn't just mosques, it was primary schools to universities, from cradle to suicide belt.

Edited by welshbairn
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18 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

Monty sounds a little stumped by this political stuff.

he didn't have the googlies for it

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, NorthernLights said:

Where will the king of the grift pop up next?

He's got 5 Independent MPs that stood on the same premise he did to try and  schmooze. Hopefully they tell him to f**k off. 

Wouldn't be surprised to see him turn up on GB News and doing Farage's work on NATO. 

Edited by Michael W
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That would be The Right Honourable, the Lord Kinnock speaking there, former Labour Party leader and fierce critic of the House of Lords  :lol:

The news about Galloway was one of the brief highlights of the night - a genuine wrong 'un getting emptied after a few months alongside an otherwise disappointing array of incompetents and idiots, while most of their more vulpine colleagues remained in office.

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