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Conspiracy Theories

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1 hour ago, Lurkst said:

Poorly worded :oops

I was of course referring to those who deny the WTC was hit by hijacked airliners. 

I think they usually believe that it was hit by airliners, but that the gubmint knew the attack was coming and turned a blind eye, so they could rig the buildings with explosives and perform a controlled demolition, blame it on those pesky Muslims, and kick off an undefined war against a general concept that would make them billions. @throbber will be able to explain better.

Also, I never tried one of those Pyramints when they were available, and I really regret making such a poor life decision now.

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13 minutes ago, throbber said:

Some reports are that the towers were hit by military planes based on eye witnesses accounts at the time and the fact when you see the footage the planes look grey with no markings on the side. The pentagon was the most suspicious as it didn’t look like a plane had hit it and there was no markings on the lawn and no released footage of a plane hitting it despite numerous cameras being on the crash point at the time. There is also the theory of controlled demolition from both twin towers and wtc7 which wasn’t even hit by a plane. Personally I don’t have any opinions as to what happened but I enjoy the discussion and the only way you can enter any debate is by going all in IMO.

The towers being hit by military planes would imply the passengers who died weren't actually on board, wouldn't it?

Is this another Sandy Hook thing, with deeply-punchable internet weirdos claiming the bereaved are liars?

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9/11 was missiles. Or lasers. Or empty, decommissioned military planes.
Fun fact: The one person I've seen argue that last one also doesn't think Sandy Hook happened.
Or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees
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1 minute ago, throbber said:

It would Imply there were no hijackings anyway, it basically grows arms and legs from the planes looking grey and the markings not being visible from available footage IMO. Not sure why they’d bother using a military plane and saying it was an American Airlines, doesn’t really add up IMO.

Also relies on the airline being in on it as well, as if not they would instantly say they were not their planes.

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9 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

The towers being hit by military planes would imply the passengers who died weren't actually on board, wouldn't it?

Is this another Sandy Hook thing, with deeply-punchable internet weirdos claiming the bereaved are liars?

The passengers are all being kept sedated under Denver airport, sheeple.

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Just now, welshbairn said:

The passengers are all being kept sedated under Denver airport, sheeple.

A lifetime spent comatose, with nothing of interest going through their minds. And those poor b*****ds held captive underneath it all.

BTW, if there's such a thing as not being battered enough during childhood, I'd suggest that people who pester grieving families with their conspiracy bollocks are firmly in that category.

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15 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Also relies on the airline being in on it as well, as if not they would instantly say they were not their planes.

The conspiracy theories' root cause is how simple and cheap it was for these jihadi nutters to do what they did. People don't like to believe their normal lives are at risk from brainwashed suicidal zealots from the other side of the planet with about 50 grand to spare and some time on flight simulator software. So it must have been some intricate plot by lizards etc.



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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

The conspiracy theories' root cause is how simple and cheap it was for these jihadi nutters to do what they did. People don't like to believe their normal lives are at risk from brainwashed suicidal zealots from the other side of the planet with about 50 grand to spare and some time on flight simulator software. So it must have been some intricate plot by lizards etc.



The maddest/most unbelievable element of the day is the phone calls between the civilian air traffic controllers in Boston and the military. Once the ATC folk realised they had a hijack they rang the air defence folk. Coincidentally they were preparing for some training war games so thought it was some sort of prank/training call. The air traffic control lad says “can you maybe send some planes up as we have a passenger jet closing in on New York at top speed?”. He gets passed round different folk who ask him questions in military speak (totally baffling and flustering him) and don’t believe him. They ring back after a bit and continue to ask all these military jargon questions. Ten minutes of a civilian telling the military they need to “send some f16s or something” before someone in charge reluctantly sends some pilots to “battle stations”.

Edited by Shandon Par
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2 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

9/11 was missiles. Or lasers. Or empty, decommissioned military planes.

Fun fact: The one person I've seen argue that last one also doesn't think Sandy Hook happened.

Sandy Hook is another favourite conspiracy of the globe earth deniers. 


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A lifetime spent comatose, with nothing of interest going through their minds. And those poor b*****ds held captive underneath it all.
BTW, if there's such a thing as not being battered enough during childhood, I'd suggest that people who pester grieving families with their conspiracy bollocks are firmly in that category.
You happy with the official story then, Davey boy?
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2 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:
4 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:
A lifetime spent comatose, with nothing of interest going through their minds. And those poor b*****ds held captive underneath it all.
BTW, if there's such a thing as not being battered enough during childhood, I'd suggest that people who pester grieving families with their conspiracy bollocks are firmly in that category.

You happy with the official story then, Davey boy?

If there's one thing I never thought I'd get picked up on, it would be thinking that harassment of dead people's families is the work of utter scumbags.

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11 hours ago, welshbairn said:

The conspiracy theories' root cause is how simple and cheap it was for these jihadi nutters to do what they did. People don't like to believe their normal lives are at risk from brainwashed suicidal zealots from the other side of the planet with about 50 grand to spare and some time on flight simulator software. So it must have been some intricate plot by lizards etc.


Jack Ruby was no jihadi nutter, Welshy!

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7 hours ago, throbber said:

I don’t think that’s the root cause tbh - almost all people who believe 9/11 was an inside job will also believe the Kennedy assassination  was an inside job and the moon landing was faked etc and there’s different forces at work in all these incidents. There’s a mindset to conspiracy theorists which revolves around them feeling a sense of powerlessness in the world and that they aren’t in full control of their own lives so when something major happens in the world they chose to believe that there are powerful forces at work and there is some sort of master plan at the end of it. The internet has certainly helped stir up people’s insecurities over the last 20 years as well, too much time spent online and researching conspiracy theorists will certainly turn you into a very antisocial and paranoid individual.

Very true - those who subscribe to a belief in one of those fringe theories very rarely subscribe to only the one of them, and concoct a bizarre overarching unified theory that when you break it down is preposterous. There's almost a determination to ignore any evidence to the contrary as well...I remember some clown on Twitter bleating that the Boston marathon bombing was a false flag and photos of it were staged using amputee actors. A friend of one of the injured tweeted straight back saying they'd met one of them that morning and they definitely had two legs then. Didn't stop the theorising though.

Regarding 9/11, I'm willing to believe the fourth plane might have been shot down by the USAF as that scenario isn't beyond the realms of possibility, but some of the truther stuff out there is astonishing....there's actually footage of the two WTC planes crashing and the Pentagon one was a plane too - a mate of mine was working in the embassy in DC at the time, and one of his workmates saw it happen while driving into work, as did hundreds of other motorists who were a few hundred yards away on the interstate at the time.

Most of the time the simplest scenario will be closest to the truth - I remember that Jon Ronson documentary where he interviewed the likes of Alex Jones were frothing at the gash at what went on in the Bilderberg group...Ronson interviewed the guy who organised the meetings who basically said it would be a lot weirder and probably would be more of a story if groups of influential people DIDN'T occasionally get together to discuss problems facing the world and how to tackle them.

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Conspiracy theories are popular because they allow thick people to believe they are smarter than everyone else. It's pretty similar to Dunning-Kruger.

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