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Conspiracy Theories

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7 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:

I don't think it's the most ludicrous conspiracy theory that governments support and encourage dissenters in enemy states.

I'm bringing down the UK public sector from the inside but so far North Korea have been late with the payments... 

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11 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:

I don't think it's the most ludicrous conspiracy theory that governments support and encourage dissenters in enemy states.

It's also not ludicrous that people just oppose their politicians supporting genocide

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30 minutes ago, Cappiecat1.2 said:

That bbc article is from May 2017.

Aye, but the podcast is just out, there’s a few other links to the original theory 

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6 hours ago, tamthebam said:

I'm bringing down the UK public sector from the inside but so far North Korea have been late with the payments... 

Not a problem.  The UK has a reciprocity agreement with North Korea.  Just go along to the MI5 building in London and explain your case and they will pay you on behalf of North Korea.  It is all so quick and easy.

Don't forget to bring timesheets.  They absolutely insist on those.

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5 hours ago, stanton said:

The Avril Lavigne conspiracy theory returns https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-39921209

 There’s a new podcast available on BBC Sounds and other platforms by Joanne McNally about this I’ve tried to post a link but I won’t let me


My question would be, why was she allowed to carry on? She was relatively successful as a singer, but you could argue that people like Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse died without a “double” replacing them.

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3 hours ago, buchan30 said:

My question would be, why was she allowed to carry on? She was relatively successful as a singer, but you could argue that people like Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse died without a “double” replacing them.

Cobain would've required the rest of the band to go along with it, like the Beatles, and Courtney Love is hardly a reliable accomplice. Winehouse was such an infamous mess that the press probably knew she'd died before the medics arrived.

Lavigne was probably murdered because she was about to tell everyone what she knew about the Moon Landings.

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On 26/04/2024 at 16:57, DiegoDiego said:

I don't think it's the most ludicrous conspiracy theory that governments support and encourage dissenters in enemy states.

Sure, I certainly agree on that but I don't think in this specific case the suggestions are credible.

The Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis suggestion can be very easily dismissed. These groups don't have English language media output and even their Arabic media efforts are limited.

With Russia, they achieved their greatest penetration in eastern Ukraine among Russian speakers. Kremlin narratives flooded the airwaves there right up until 2022.

Russia's anglosphere penetration has had some success. You've likely seen this before: "Gaddafi was toppled by Nato because he was on the verge of rolling out a pan-African currency to challenge dollar hegemony on the continent". That was a fabrication by the Russian outlet Sputnik and I remember seeing it linked to once (the actual Sputnik original) by an opinion column in the Guardian.

Russia's attempts at influencing 2016 US election voters was extensive. It especially targeted Black people, probably owing to racist Russian perceptions about who would be most susceptible. The aim was to suppress Black votes and it didn't seem to work. White voters in mid-Western swing states were instead who lost it for Clinton.

Something consistent to the Russian attempts at influencing US voters is they look to target folk from lower economic and less educated backgrounds. So-called "low information" voters. These current US demonstrations are being manned by students and professors at elite universities. They're the highest of "high information" voters, therefore the opposite to the demographics Russia has targeted in the past. If we're to believe Nancy Pelosi, Russia are spunking a load of money trying to influence folk who its the hardest to influence. Seems unlikely.

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George Monbiot argues that fictional conspiracies divert us from the real ones, a bit like how the US Airforce encouraged talk of UFO sightings around Area 51 to cover their testing of new military technology (my analogy, don't blame George)


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11 hours ago, welshbairn said:

George Monbiot argues that fictional conspiracies divert us from the real ones, a bit like how the US Airforce encouraged talk of UFO sightings around Area 51 to cover their testing of new military technology (my analogy, don't blame George)


Does that mean all those Bonnybridge UFO sightings were to deflect from the fact Falkirk were shite? 

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On 26/04/2024 at 16:57, DiegoDiego said:

I don't think it's the most ludicrous conspiracy theory that governments support and encourage dissenters in enemy states.

This is one of the major sources of conspiracy theories. Because we know a government or organisation has done a type of thing in the past, we guess that they're involved in anything of its type for ever more. One example is the assumption that the CIA was involved in the Euromaidan protests because they've regularly supported movements like that in the past, but people who would know have said they had nothing to do with it.

Most commonly that kind of conspiracy theory is just an attempt to smear opponents.

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I have one. Johann Hari has some sort of stash of secret info on all major publishing and journalism executives, that means he keeps on getting published. The man has been found to have committed multiple acts of plagiarism and very poor use of evidence in his books, yet he keeps on getting massive deals. He’s been lying about Jay Rayner in his latest 


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The guy who attacked Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer got 30 years in prison. He seems to have been a QAnon guy. I recall at the time many people hoofing out conspiracies that he was having gay sex with Pelosi’s husband. 


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9 hours ago, ICTChris said:

The guy who attacked Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer got 30 years in prison. He seems to have been a QAnon guy. I recall at the time many people hoofing out conspiracies that he was having gay sex with Pelosi’s husband. 


They've probably banged him up for so long to keep him quiet, is what the moonhowlers will say.

He'll probably die in jail in twenty-odd years' time and that'll be evidence that he was offed by the Democrat Pizzagate mafia, or some such.

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11 hours ago, ICTChris said:

The guy who attacked Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer got 30 years in.

I recall at the time many people hoofing out conspiracies that he was having gay sex with Pelosi’s husband. 


Not sure I fancy that, each to their own though.

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